STARS aims at nuclear reactor modelling and simulations with focus on
- Safety assessments for the current generation (GII) of Light-Water-Reactors (LWRs) in general and for the Swiss operating LWRs in particular
- Safety evaluations for next-generation LWRs (GIII/GIII+)
- The keywords of STARS are LWR nuclear engineering, science and technology.
Technical Areas
STARS is constituted by the three LWR modelling-related research groups of the LRS and the main technical areas of expertise are therefore
"Turbine-to-Pellet" modeling capability for integral safety assessments of nuclear reactors.
- Plant Behaviour
(system thermal-hydraulics and fluid dynamics) - Core Physics
(neutronics/radiation transport, reactor physics, and coupled core statics/dynamics) - Fuel Modelling
(fuel thermo-mechanics and material behaviour)
"Turbine-to-Pellet" modeling capability for integral safety assessments of nuclear reactors.
Range of Application
The STARS modelling and simulation activities are currently aimed at covering the following range of applications
- Steady-State Normal Reactor Operation
- Transients and Dynamical Events
- Design-Basis-Accidents
- Beyond-Design-Basis-Accidents
(excluding core melt and severe accidents) - Out-of-Core Applications
(Fluence, Activation, Shielding, Spent Fuel Characterization, Criticality Safety w/o Burnup Credit)
General Contact
Research Division
Nuclear Energy and Safety (NES)
Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics (LRT)
Paul Scherrer Institute
5232 Villigen PSI
Hakim Ferroukhi
Head of the Laboratory
Office: OHSA/C10
Telephone: +41 56 310 4062
Petra Kull
Administration and Assistance
Office: OHSA/C18
Telephone: + 41 56 310 2685
Quality Management
NES Open positions
Current job openings in the Research Division for Nuclear Energy and Safety