Cristallina beamline

The Cristallina beamline delivers the X-ray beam generated by the hard X-ray ARAMIS beamline to the Cristallina experimental hutch, serving either one of the Cristallina-MX or Cristallina-Q experimental stations. The beamline has been optimized for pink beam and for the energy range 2.7 - 14.5 keV, with horizontal beam at the sample position with adjustable beam size down to 1 um. Optionally, the bandwidth can be reduced inserting a four-bounce Si(111) monochromator.

The straight X-ray beam from the ARAMIS undulator line is directed onto the Cristallina branch by a system of horizontal offset mirrors.

The beamline components components include optics and diagnostics components.

The beam size at the sample position can be tuned by means of a horizontal and a vertical bendable KB mirror down to a size of about 1 um (focused beam).