SwissFEL Cristallina Endstation
Cristallina is the third endstation of the SwissFEL ARAMIS hard X-ray beamline. It serves both quantum science (Cristallina-Q) and structural biology (Cristallina-MX), enabling the imaging of quantum many-body states under extreme conditions and serial femtosecond protein crystallography, respectively.
The Cristallina-MX experimental stations are designed for serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX), and operated by the Cristallina-MX team with the support of the Macromolecular Crystallography Group. The SwissMX fixed-target SFX experimental station is in user operations since January 2024. Experimental stations for different means of sample delivery are in conception.
The Cristallina-Q experimental stations provides unique high-field and low-temperature capabilities, and are operated by the Cristallina-Q team within the Quantum Photon Science Group and in collaboration with the Laboratory for Quantum Matter Research of Prof. Johan Chang at the University of Zurich (UZH). Cristallina-Q has been partially funded by UZH, SNSF and PSI via the R’Equip scheme. The experimental stations include the Ultralow-T Vectormagnet, which will be offered to users in 2025, and the Pulsed Magnet, which is currently under commissioning. Both experimental stations rely on heavy-load diffractometers to orient the sample in the beam.
The overall Cristallina endstation layout allows for reshuffling of the experimental stations between the X-ray beam experiment position and dedicated preparation areas by sliding the setups over a granite floor by means of airpads. The Cristallina beamline is designed to operate with both pink and monochromatic beam, and to provide a variable beam size at the sample position down to smaller than 2 µm using bendable KB mirrors. The beamline is operational in pink beam mode, and will be upgraded with a monochromator in January 2025 to enable experiments requiring reduced bandwidths.
Cristallina News and Scientific Highlights
SwissFEL leuchtet für industrielle Anwender
Dank Hochdurchsatzexperimenten können neue Nutzergruppen aus der Strukturbiologie vom XFEL-Licht profitieren.
SwissFEL #LightSourceSelfie of Maël Clémence
Check out Maël Clémence's #LightSourceSelfie about his PhD project on quantum properties of magnetic materials at the Cristallina-Q endstation of SwissFEL.
Congratulations to Melissa Carrillo for winning the 2023 Margaret Etter Student Lecturer Award at the ACA in the Light Sources Category
Melissa Carrillo is a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Celestino Padeste from the Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology at PSI. Through a collaboration with the Laboratory for X-ray Nanoscience and Technologies, they are responsible for the design and production of the polymer fixed-targets used by the SwissMX endstation at Cristallina. We whole hearted congratulate Melissa for her receipt of a 2023 Margaret Etter Student Lecturer Award at the recent American Crystallography Association Meeting for her work on these polymer supports!
Gotthard G, Flores-Ibarra A, Carrillo M, Kepa MW, Mason TJ, Stegmann DP, et al.
Fixed-target pump–probe SFX: eliminating the scourge of light contamination
IUCrJ. 2024; 11(5): 1-13.
Carrillo M, Mason TJ, Karpik A, Martiel I, Kepa MW, McAuley KE, et al.
Micro-structured polymer fixed targets for serial crystallography at synchrotrons and XFELs
IUCrJ. 2023; 10(6): 678-693.
Krempaský J, Vonka J, Pedrini B, Steppke A, Flechsig U, Follath R, et al.
SwissFEL KB-optics at-wavelength wavefront characterisation
In: Tschentscher T, Patthey L, Tiedtke K, Zangrando M, eds. Proceedings of X-Ray free-electron lasers: advances in source development and instrumentation VI. Vol. 12581. Proceedings of SPIE. Bellingham: SPIE; 2023:125810A (8 pp.).