Hard X-ray Photon Single-Shot Spectrometer of SwissFEL successfully delivered and installed

principle of PSSS @ SwissFEL

Not a joke: on 1st of April 2016 the Photon Single-Shot Spectrometer (PSSS) got delivered fully assembled and installed already to the front end of SwissFEL. It will measure the photon spectral information in every single shot for the Aramis beamline not only for the users, but also as a direct feedback to the machine during formation of the lasing process. The working principle of PSSS is shown in figure 1. The SwissFEL-beam will pass through a transmission grating, where we obtain the +1st as well as the -1st diffraction orders. The 0th order (direct beam) will be transmitted through to the experiments, the +1st order will be sent on a bent Si-crystal, which results the spectral information via diffraction. The -1st order will be send to a YAG-screen, where we can measure the intensity pattern of the beam, which will be convolved with the spectrum to result an intensity corrected spectrum of the generated XFEL shot.

The PSSS-team acknowledges our production and assembly partners, especially the Heinz Baumgartner AG in Tegerfelden, Switzerland, for the very fruitful and straightforward cooperation on this project. We succeeded to be ready with the project very well in time. The last alignment and measurements are currently ongoing in the tunnel. The spectrometer will be ready to be used with SwissFEL radiation soon.

Facility: SwissFEL
References: Jens Rehanek; jens.rehanek@psi.ch; Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland