Improved Reconstruction of Periodic Distributions in 4D CT

Reconstructing fast dynamic phenomena captured in micro-CT scans presents a significant challenge. Fortunately, many biomedical structures, such as the lungs, heart, and auditory system, exhibit periodic motion patterns, making them well-suited for observation using 4D CT. To address this, 2D projections can be grouped according to their respective motion phases, and reconstruction can be performed for each group using conventional algorithms, treating each as though it originated from a static object. This approach, known as gating-based methodology, is the standard for periodic reconstruction, as exemplified in ECG-gated cardiac CT [1], and has been extensively developed at the TOMCAT beamline for high-frequency biomechanical systems at microtomographic spatial resolution [2].

Four-dimensional gated tomography using synchrotron radiation enables the visualization of periodically deforming objects with high temporal and spatial resolutions. However, 4D experiments on biological samples require short exposure times and low radiation doses to minimize motion artifacts and prevent sample damage. These limitations reduce the number of photons detected, thereby compromising image quality. In response to this challenge, we present an improved analytical reconstruction method based on lock-in amplification (LIA) theory [3]. Validated with experimental data from sound-stimulated fish auditory structures [4] at the TOMCAT beamline, our method effectively reduces random noise in the reconstructed images without diminishing the sharpness of the observed features.

Figure 1 Reconstruction quality comparison of reconstructed slices. The 3D reconstructed volume is composed of a stack of 2D reconstructed slices. The figure compares reconstructed slices by our LIA-based method (in the first row) and the standard gating-based method (in the second row). In these images, the crescent-moon-like structure is the scaphium of the fish, which forms part of the hearing structures. It is expected to be moving in response to the stimulating sound wave, while the other bones are expected to be static but indeed slightly vibrated with the whole fish during the experiment. The intensity differences between the images in first and second rows are demonstrated in the third row. The images in the first and third columns are the blow-ups of the regions marked by the red boxes in the second and fourth columns. The noise is sampled from the regions marked with blue boxes in the figure.
  1. Desjardins, B. and Kazerooni, E.A., Am. J. Roentgenol. 182(4), 993-1010 (2004).
  2. Mokso, R. et al., Sci. Rep. 5, 8727 (2015).
  3. Scofield, J.H., Am. J. Phys. 62(2), 129-133 (1994).
  4. Maiditsch, I.P. et al., J. Exp. Biol. 225(1), jeb243614 (2022).

This work is part of a larger project jointly funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) through a bi-national Weave proposal. We acknowledge our German collaboration partners at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich

  • Dr. Isabelle Maiditsch
  • Dr. Tanja Schulz-Mirbach
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Hess 
Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF (Grant# 310030E_205380)
Qianwei Qu,
Christian M. Schlepütz,