X-ray Tomography Group


Prof. Stampanoni heads a group of over 20 people, including four beamline scientists, one industrial liaison scientist, one technician, several scientists, many postdocs, PhD students, master students, and bachelor students. The team focuses on the development of tools, both instrumentation and algorithms, for tomographic X-ray imaging, exploiting synchrotron and laboratory sources. The group is engaged in the design and construction of ultra-fast data acquisition systems (stroboscopic coherent X-ray radiology and tomography) to provide dynamic investigation of rapidly evolving systems. The group also intensively develops optimized applications for fast, concurrent post-processing of tomographic data starting from simple normalization corrections to ad-hoc reconstruction and artifact reductions algorithms. Finally, the group investigates, creates and optimizes novel imaging modalities based on the coherent properties of synchrotron radiation and works on the translation of such work to conventional X-ray sources.

Associated Beamline: TOMCAT (TOmographic Microscopy and Coherent rAdiology experimenTs)