New TOMCAT paper: The GigaFRoST camera and readout system

The PSI in-house developed GigaFRoST high-speed camera and readout system is available for fast imaging experiments at the TOMCAT beamline, opening up exciting new possibilities for the observation of fast dynamic phenomena with X-ray tomography.

The system is described in detail in a new article in the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation:

Mokso R, Schlepütz CM, Theidel G, Billich H, Schmid E, Celcer T, et al.
GigaFRoST: The gigabit fast readout system for tomography
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2017; 24(6): 1250-1259.
DOI: 10.1107/S1600577517013522

Contact person at TOMCAT: Dr. Christian Schlepütz