John D'Alessandri

Short description
Technician HF
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

About me

As an experienced scientific collaborator with over 10 years in the chemical industry, I am into R&D and laboratory management. My expertise includes heterogeneous catalysis, project management, and analytical method development. I have demonstrated proficiency in people management, scientific advising, and laboratory operations, including gas chromatography and catalyst benchmarking. I am skilled in advancing digitalization, sustainability, and automation within chemical engineering sectors. My goal is to promote research and innovation, aligning industrial progress with environmental responsibility.

I am currently working in the Applied Catalysis and Spectroscopy Group, part of the Laboratory for Sustainable Energy Carriers and Processes (LEP) at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), where I contribute to applied research in the field of catalysis and spectroscopy, with the aim of promoting innovations in the field of sustainable energy and chemical processes.

Parallel to my main professional activity, I have 7 years of experience as an expert examiner for chemistry technicians in Ticino. This role is crucial in guaranteeing the continuity of professionals in the chemical sector in Ticino, maintaining high standards and fostering growth in the industry.

Work Experience

  • Jan. 2022 - Dec. 2022 - Laboratory Manager, R&D Division, CASALE SA, Switzerland
  • Feb. 2020 - Jan. 2022 - Laboratory Coordinator, R&D Division, CASALE SA, Switzerland
  • Sep. 2014 - Feb.2020 - Laboratory Technician, R&D Division, CASALE SA, Switzerland

Other Functions 


  • 2022 - Pharmaceutical Chemical Engineering Degree, Professional College, Lugano-Switzerland
  • 2014 - Chemistry Laboratory Technician, Centro Professionale Tecnico, Lugano-Switzerland


  • 2021 Sandmeyer Award in Chemistry – Swiss Chemical Society 

Publication before PSI

  • J.D’Alessandri, E.Filippi, S.Panza, M.Estenfelder, S.Reitmeier, A.Reitzmann, P. Biasi, R.Eckert, "The Evolution of the Ammonia Synthesis Catalyst AmoMax®-Casale", Chimia 2022, 76, 635

Publication at PSI

  • D.Cano Blanco, M.Elsener, J.D'Alessandri, D.Peitz, D.Ferri, O.Kröcher, "Critical Aspects in the Catalytic Emission Control of Exhaust Gases Containing NH3, NOx and N2O", The Journal of Ammonia Energy 2024