Observed live with x-ray laser: Electricity controls magnetism

Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and ETH Zurich have now changed the magnetic arrangement in a material much faster than is possible with today’s hard drives. The researchers used a new technique where an electric field triggers these changes, in contrast to the magnetic fields commonly used in consumer devices. This method uses a new kind of material where the magnetic and electric properties are coupled. Applied in future devices, this kind of strong interaction between magnetic and electric properties can have numerous advantages. For instance, an electrical field can be generated more easily in a device than a magnetic one. In the experiment, the changes in magnetic arrangement took place within a picosecond (a trillionth of a second) and could be observed with x-ray flashes at the American x-ray laser LCLS.

Original Publication
Large-Amplitude Spin Dynamics Driven by a THz Pulse in Resonance with an Electromagnon
T. Kubacka1,*, J. A. Johnson2, M. C. Hoffmann3, C. Vicario4, S. de Jong3, P. Beaud2, S. Grübel2, S.-W. Huang2, L. Huber1, L. Patthey4, Y.-D. Chuang5, J. J. Turner3, G. L. Dakovski3, W.-S. Lee3, M. P. Minitti3, W. Schlotter3, R. G. Moore6, C. P. Hauri4,7, S. M. Koohpayeh8, V. Scagnoli2, G. Ingold2, S. L. Johnson1,†, U. Staub2,†
Science, 21 March 2014
DOI: 10.1126/science.1242862

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