Volodymyr M. Korkhov (left) and Richard Kammerer of the Center for Life Sciences at PSI have made important advances towards understanding how botulinum neurotoxin, botox for short, enters our nerve cells.
Volodymyr M. Korkhov (left) and Richard Kammerer of the Center for Life Sciences at PSI have made important advances towards understanding how botulinum neurotoxin, botox for short, enters our nerve cells. © Paul Scherrer Institute PSI/Mahir Dzambegovic

PSI Center for Life Sciences

Tracing the secrets of life: The PSI Center for Life Sciences is pursuing research in the areas of structural biology, bioimaging and radiopharmacy.

Dr. Chiara Favaretto has been honored with the Alavi-Mandell Award

Dr. Chiara Favaretto has been honored with the Alavi-Mandell Award 2024

We congratulate Dr. Chiara Favaretto for the excellent research work she did during her time at the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences.