Spallation Sources Operation Group

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The spallation sources operation group operates presently the world's highest continous flux accelerator-based neutron source SINQ and the world's most intense large scale ultra-cold neutron source UCN.

Our goal is to produce maximum neutron flux to our users with minimum radiation dose to people.

Staff and function

Bertrand BlauGroup leader, Cold Moderators
Bastiaan BiesheuvelCooling and Auxiliary Systems, Process Control System
Pascal GerberPlant Operator
Sven GrünbergerPlant Operator
Jörg Welte
Dominic Schori 
Planning, Documentation and Quality Management
August KaltDesign Engineer
Michael Schaaf Cold Moderator Systems
Pascal ErismannCold Moderator Systems

Operational history

Spallation Sources Operation Group 
Laboratory for Scientific Developments and Novel Materials 
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI 
CH-5232 Villigen PSI 