Career Events

The monthly career events last 60-90 min, and after a short introduction by the Career Center, you are free to structure your program. We provide the space and advertise the event at PSI. Topics that are likely to generate interest include:

  • How science skills can be applied in industry
  • Success stories of scientists describing their career path
  • Insights into and advice on the recruiting and hiring process, or salary structure/negotiations
  • What to be careful about during the first months in the new job
  • How to deal with rejections in the application process
  • Support and possibilities for development in your company 
  • Myths and prejudices of those entering your company vs reality

Get in touch with us at careercenter(at) for more information, available dates, prices, and to discuss additional ideas. Feel free to bring flyers and giveaways. Aperos can be organized at OASE, the staff restaurant at PSI, across the street.