Your contribution to the Career Guide consists of 2 pages (A5, portrait orientation), for example with one page being an advertisement that links to your career page, and the second introducting a PSI alumni now working in your company. This interview can include answers to the following questions:
- How did you find your job?
- Why did you choose [company]?
- What does your typical workday at [company] look like?
- What do you like particularly about your job at [company]?
- How did you manage the transition into your new role? What was different, what was similar, what may have surprised you?
- Which of the skills learned at PSI helps you in your new role?
- What did you learn after moving from PSI to [company]?
- Is there anything you miss now that you are no longer at PSI?
- What advice do you have for your younger colleagues wanting to move to [company]?
In addition to the Career Guide, the alumni interview will be made available on our career blog under the PSI Alumni Careers series.
Get in touch with careercenter(at) for more information, prices, and to set up your contribution to the Career Guide.