Competencies our partner companies are looking for

How can you prepare for your next career step already during your PhD or postdoc time? Which skills are necessary and sought-after, and can you increase your chances by signing up for a relevant course? We asked the partner companies and collaborators of the PSI Career Center and the CONNECT program what they are looking for – and wrote this compilation based on inputs by ABB, APP, Axpo, Bain, cross-ING, Dectris, DETEC, Hilti, McKinsey, Sensirion, VDL and ZEISS.

Technical background and interests: While a PhD in a relevant area and additional expertise in specific methods or technologies are mentioned, your interest in and curiosity about the industry sector in question are mentioned just as often. Programming languages are useful. Academic excellence and achievement are mentioned as showing leadership potential or as an indicator for the ability to learn something new. Your willingness to travel can be a plus. Finally, the ability to look beyond the boundaries of your own professional field is valued. 

Personal competencies: The top three personal competencies our partner companies are looking for are (1) your excitement about challenging complex problems and ability to solve them, (2) your adaptability and flexibility in dynamic and fast-paced environments, related with an ability to learn and develop, and (3) creativity and innovative/entrepreneurial thinking that allow you to push the limits of what is possible. Other competencies that are often mentioned are analytical, strategic and critical thinking, being passionate, engaged and driven to achieve goals, and willing to take responsibility and ownership. Further, being organized and able to multi-task, being motivated and able to motivate others are valued by our partners. 

Teamwork and communication: Wanting to be part of something bigger and thriving in a team, collaboration and effective communication skills are all important. Interdisciplinary and cross-department collaboration are mentioned specifically, and so is a client-focused mindset, anticipating their needs and building long-term relationships. Finally, the ability to give and take feedback and deal with conflicts are viewed positive.

Leadership: Leadership potential, or a demonstrated ability to lead, e.g. through extracurricular activities or academic achievement, as well as project management experience or knowledge about project management tools are beneficial.  

Work experience: First practical experience in the form of internships or previous work experience in industry is valued, though most companies do not mention any such requirements, and some state explicitly that potential and a good fit in terms of personality are more important than experience.

Languages: Most companies state that excellent spoken and written English is a must while a good command of German is a plus, and French may be an additional advantage. DETEC requires at least one of the Swiss national languages at B2 level. 

Which of these skills are you already using in your daily life as an early career scientist or in other activities? Which of them do you want to develop further and what are your next steps to do so?