CATCOS Aerosol: Technical Information
General Information CATCOS Aerosol Measurements: CATCOS_Aerosol_Instrumentation_20120606.pdf
Website Flyer: CATCOS_Flyer_PSI_Website.doc
Website Flyer: CATCOS_Flyer_PSI_Website.doc
Technical Contacts
- Nephelometer and Aethalometer: Nicolas Bukowiecki, Günther Wehrle
- Aerosol Rack Hardware: Günther Wehrle
- Software and Website: Nicolas Bukowiecki
- The CATCOS data aquisition software is an adapted version of the NOAA data aquisition package LiveCPD/AER_VM
- Data Chain Overview:
Checklists for station operators
- Operation Check List BKT (Bukit Kototabang, Indonesia): CATCOS_Checklist_BKT_V1.3.doc (Oct 4, 2012)
- Operation Check List TLL (El Tololo, Chile): CATCOS_Checklist_TLL_V1.4.doc (Apr 29, 2013)
- Data Processing Check List: CATCOS Aerosol Processing Checklist_Jan2014.pdf (Feb 12, 2014)
- Nephelometer Manual: MAN_0058_Aurora_3000_User_Manual_1.3.pdf
- Aethalometer Manual: Aethalometer_book_2005.07.02.pdf
- Aethalometer: Latest hardware configuration: AE-SETUP_BKT.TXT (Oct 4 2012), AE-SETUP_TLL.TXT (Apr 16 2013)
- Latest CR1000 configuration file: aerosol-standard-20120904.CR1 (Oct 4 2012)
Data Aquisition: CPD2 LiveDVD Ubuntu 12.04
- Current LiveDVD download. Contact Nicolas Bukowiecki
- CATCOS LiveDVD Software Manual: CATCOS_LiveCD_Documentation_V1.1.doc (Aug 22 2012)
- System installation instructions:CPD_Installation_Ubuntu11.10.odt (Aug 22 2012)
- Latest config file versions: cpd.bkt.conf BKT (Oct 4 2012), cpx2.bkt.xml BKT (Oct 4 2012), aggregate.c_bkt.txt BKT (Oct 4 2012), crontab_LiveDVD_BKT.txt (Oct 4 2012), cpd.tll.conf TLL (Apr 18 2013), cpx2.tll.xml TLL (Apr 18 2013), aggregate.c_tll.txt TLL (Apr 18 2013)
- Latest driver file versions: neph_aurora3000.c (Aug 22 2012), neph_aurora3000.h (Aug 22 2012), (Aug 22 2012)
Data Viewing and Flagging: AER_VM Ubuntu 12.04
- NOAA CPX2 user manual from NOAA website. Please note that the CATCOS setup is partially different, so not everything in the NOAA manual applies for CATCOS.
- Current AER_VM download: Contact Nicolas Bukowiecki
- System installation instructions: AER_VM_Ubuntu1204_Setup.odt (Aug 22 2012)
- Newest config file versions: cpx2.bkt.xml BKT (Aug 22 2012), crontab AER_VM BKT (Aug 22 2012)
- Current issues