A strong commitment for science communication

CRS from BIO and the Laboratory of Radiochemistry, Nuclear Energy and Safety Division (NES) are strongly engaged at the “Scientifica”, a large Science Days event for the interested public organised by the ETH Zürich and the University of Zürich. Scientifica takes place on September 4 and 5 at the two campuses. Roger Schibli will hold a lecture on September 4 at 16:00 on the use of radioisotopes for cancer treatment  and Patrick Steinegger will talk on September 5 at 12:00 about radiochemical research at PSI and ETH Zürich. Both laboratories have a joint booth on the Hönggerberg campus, where members of both labs will present their research.


Prof. Roger Schibli, Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, Division of Biology and Chemistry

E-mail: roger.schibli@psi.ch

Prof. Patrick Steinegger,  Laboratory of Radiochemistry, Nuclear Energy and Safety Division

E-mail: patrick.steinegger@psi.ch 

Paul Scherrer Institut
Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland