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Here you find current and previous news from the PSI Center for Neutron and Muon Sciences. 

Laser spectroscopy of muonic deuterium

The deuteron is the simplest compound nucleus, composed of one proton and one neutron. Deuteron properties such as the root-mean-square charge radius rd and the polarizability serve as important benchmarks for understanding the nuclear forces and structure. Muonic deuterium μd is the exotic atom formed by a deuteron and a negative muon μ-.

Search for the lepton flavour violating decay μ+→e+γ with the full dataset of the MEG experiment

The final results of the search for the lepton flavour violating decay μ+→e+γ based on the full dataset collected by the MEG experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institut in the period 2009–2013 and totalling 7.5×1014 stopped muons on target are presented.

Sketch of a ferroic triangle showing the relation and techniques with which the ferroic orders, FM, AFM, and FE, and their mutual coupling have been established. The experimental techniques written in black letters (polarized neutron reflectometry, PNR; resonant soft x-ray diffraction, SXRD; x-ray diffraction, XRD) to identify ferroic properties have been reported elsewhere [22, 24]. Magnetization, susceptibility, μSR, neutron diffraction, and electrical polarization are reported.

Coexisting multiple order parameters in single-layer LuMnO3 films

Magnetoelectric multiferroics hold great promise for electrical control of magnetism or magnetic control of ferroelectricity. However, single phase ferroelectric materials with a sizeable ferromagnetic magnetization are rare. Here, we demonstrate that a single-phase orthorhombic LuMnO3 thin film features coexisting magnetic and ferroelectric orders.

Volume-wise destruction of the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state through quantum tuning

RENiO3 (RE=rare-earth element) and V2O3 are archetypal Mott insulator systems. When tuned by chemical substitution (RENiO3) or pressure (V2O3), they exhibit a quantum phase transition (QPT) between an antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state and a paramagnetic metallic state. Because novel physics often appears near a Mott QPT, the details of this transition, such as whether it is first or second order, are important.

On the Interaction between Digitonin and Cholesterol in Langmuir Monolayers

In this article, we describe the effect of a highly hemolytic saponin, digitonin, on model lipids cholesterol and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) using a combination of tensiometric (surface pressure and dilatational surface elasticity), spectroscopic (infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy, IRRAS), microscopic (fluorescence microscopy), and scattering techniques (neutron reflectivity, NR, and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, GIXD).

Phononic Structure Engineering: the Realization of Einstein Rattling in Calcium Cobaltate for the Suppression of Thermal Conductivity

Phonons in condensed matter materials transmit energy through atomic lattices as coherent vibrational waves. Like electronic and photonic properties, an improved understanding of phononic properties is essential for the development of functional materials, including thermoelectric materials. Recently, an Einstein rattling mode was found in thermoelectric material Na0.8CoO2, due to the large displacement of Na between the [CoO2] layers.

Physical realization of a quantum spin liquid based on a complex frustration mechanism

Unlike conventional magnets where the magnetic moments are partially or completely static in the ground state, in a quantum spin liquid they remain in collective motion down to the lowest temperatures. The importance of this state is that it is coherent and highly entangled without breaking local symmetries.

Iridates from the molecular side

New exotic phenomena have recently been discovered in oxides of paramagnetic Ir4+ ions, widely known as ‘iridates’. Their remarkable properties originate from concerted effects of the crystal field, magnetic interactions and strong spin-orbit coupling, characteristic of 5d metal ions.

POLAR detector developed at the PSI flies into orbit with a Chinese space mission

Researchers working with Wojciech Hajdas at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have developed a detector called POLAR. This instrument is expected to search out and investigate so-called gamma ray bursts coming from the depths of the universe. Gamma ray bursts are eruptions of high-energy light that despite being extremely strong remain, up to now, only poorly understood.

Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point Avoided by the Appearance of Another Magnetic Phase in LaCrGe3 under Pressure

The temperature-pressure phase diagram of the ferromagnet LaCrGe3 is determined for the first time from a combination of magnetization, muon-spin-rotation, and electrical resistivity measurements. The ferromagnetic phase is suppressed near 2.1 GPa, but quantum criticality is avoided by the appearance of a magnetic phase, likely modulated, AFMQ.

Muon polarization in the MEG experiment: predictions and measurements

The MEG experiment makes use of one of the world’s most intense low energy muon beams, in order to search for the lepton flavour violating process μ+→e+γ . We determined the residual beam polarization at the thin stopping target, by measuring the asymmetry of the angular distribution of Michel decay positrons as a function of energy. The initial muon beam polarization at the production is predicted to be Pμ=−1Pμ=−1 by the Standard Model (SM) with massless neutrinos.

Momentum-Resolved Electronic Structure of the High-Tc Superconductor Parent Compound BaBiO3

We investigate the band structure of BaBiO3, an insulating parent compound of doped high-Tc superconductors, using in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on thin films. The data compare favorably overall with density functional theory calculations within the local density approximation, demonstrating that electron correlations are weak. The bands exhibit Brillouin zone folding consistent with known BiO6 breathing distortions.

Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Dipolar Antiferromagnets

We report ac susceptibility, specific heat, and neutron scattering measurements on a dipolar-coupled antiferromagnet LiYbF4. For the thermal transition, the order-parameter critical exponent is found to be 0.20(1) and the specific-heat critical exponent −0.25(1). The exponents agree with the 2D XY/h4 universality class despite the lack of apparent two-dimensionality in the structure.

Robust Magnetic Properties of a Sublimable Single Molecule Magnet

The organization of single-molecule magnets (SMMs) on surfaces via thermal sublimation is a prerequisite for the development of future devices for spintronics exploiting the richness of properties offered by these magnetic molecules. However, a change in the SMM properties due to the interaction with specific surfaces is usually observed.

The role of ions in the self-healing behavior of soft particle suspensions

Understanding when a material crystallizes is of fundamental importance in condensed matter. In many materials, the presence of point defects suppresses crystallization. Surprisingly, colloidal hydrogels can overcome this limitation: A small number of large microgels can spontaneously deswell to fit in the crystal lattice of smaller microgels, thus avoiding the occurrence of point defects.

Viscoelasticity Enhancement of Surfactant Solutions Depends on Molecular Conformation: Influence of Surfactant Headgroup Structure and Its Counterion

During the anisotropic growth from globular to wormlike micelles, the basic interactions among distinct parts of the surfactant monomer, its counterion, and additives are fundamental to tune molecular self-assembly. We investigate the addition of sodium salicylate (NaSal) to hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride and bromide (CTAC and CTAB), 1-hexadecylpyridinium chloride and bromide (CPyCl and CPyBr), and benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride (BDMC), which have the same hydrophobic tail.

Observation of Weyl nodes and Fermi arcs in tantalum phosphide

A Weyl semimetal possesses spin-polarized band-crossings, called Weyl nodes, connected by topological surface arcs. The low-energy excitations near the crossing points behave the same as massless Weyl fermions, leading to exotic properties like chiral anomaly. To have the transport properties dominated by Weyl fermions, Weyl nodes need to locate nearly at the chemical potential and enclosed by pairs of individual Fermi surfaces with non-zero Fermi Chern numbers.

Semifluorinated Alkanes at the Air–Water Interface: Tailoring Structure and Rheology at the Molecular Scale

Semifluorinated alkanes form monolayers with interesting properties at the air–water interface due to their pronounced amphi-solvophobic nature and the stiffness of the fluorocarbons. In the present work, using a combination of structural and dynamic probes, we investigated how small molecular changes can be used to control the properties of such an interface, in particular its organization, rheology, and reversibility during compression–expansion cycles.

Spin Liquid State in the 3D Frustrated Antiferromagnet PbCuTe2O6: NMR and Muon Spin Relaxation Studies

PbCuTe2O6 is a rare example of a spin liquid candidate featuring a three-dimensional magnetic lattice. Strong geometric frustration arises from the dominant antiferromagnetic interaction that generates a hyperkagome network of Cu2+ ions although additional interactions enhance the magnetic lattice connectivity.

Spin excitations in copper selenate, a skyrmion host material

G.S. Tucker et al., Physical Review B 93, 054401 (2016). Inelastic neutron scattering measurements performed at EIGER and TASP have mapped the magnetic excitation spectrum along high-symmetry directions of the first Brillouin zone for the magnetic skyrmion host copper selenate, Cu2OSeO3.

Giant Controllable Magnetization Changes Induced by Structural Phase Transitions in a Metamagnetic Artificial Multiferroic

The realization of a controllable metamagnetic transition from AFM to FM ordering would open the door to a plethora of new spintronics based devices that, rather than reorienting spins in a ferromagnet, harness direct control of a materials intrinsic magnetic ordering. In this study FeRh films with drastically reduced transition temperatures and a large magneto-thermal hysteresis were produced for magnetocaloric and spintronics applications.

Stratified Micellar Multilayers - Toward Nanostructured Photoreactors

Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) with stratification of the internal structure were assembled from statistical amphiphilic copolyelectrolytes of opposite charges. These polyelectrolytes organize in aqueous solutions into micellar structures with fluoroalkyl and aromatic nanodomains, respectively, that were also preserved after deposition as thin films via layer-by-layer (LbL) electrostatic self-assembly.

Origin of the Spin-Orbital Liquid State in a Nearly J=0 Iridate Ba3ZnIr2O9

We show using detailed magnetic and thermodynamic studies and theoretical calculations that the ground state of Ba3ZnIr2O9 is a realization of a novel spin-orbital liquid state. Our results reveal that Ba3ZnIr2O9 with Ir5+ (5d4) ions and strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) arrives very close to the elusive J 1⁄4 0 state but each Ir ion still possesses a weak moment.

Quasiparticle-continuum level repulsion in a quantum magnet

When the energy eigenvalues of two coupled quantum states approach each other in a certain parameter space, their energy levels repel each other and level crossing is avoided. Such level repulsion, or avoided level crossing, is commonly used to describe the dispersion relation of quasiparticles in solids.

Working principle of the multi-beam optical stress sensor (MOSS): 10 × 10 mm2 MgO substrate on the sample holder of the PLD system equipped with MOSS and RHEED. A 3 × 3 array of parallel laser beams (visible as bright spots on the substrate surface) is reflected by the substrate towards a CCD camera that records the relative distance between the laser spots. The paths of two laser beams of the MOSS and of the electron beam of the RHEED are sketched. The growth of a strained layer induces a change of curvat…

In situ stress observation in oxide films and how tensile stress influences oxygen ion conduction

Many properties of materials can be changed by varying the interatomic distances in the crystal lattice by applying stress. Ideal model systems for investigations are heteroepitaxial thin films where lattice distortions can be induced by the crystallographic mismatch with the substrate. Here we describe an in situ simultaneous diagnostic of growth mode and stress during pulsed laser deposition of oxide thin films.

Dramatic pressure-driven enhancement of bulk skyrmion stability

The recent discovery of magnetic skyrmion lattices initiated a surge of interest in the scientic community. Several novel phenomena have been shown to emerge from the interaction of conducting electrons with the skyrmion lattice, such as a topological Hall-effect and a spin-transfer torque at ultra-low current densities.

Coexistence of low-moment magnetism and superconductivity in tetragonal FeS and suppression of Tc under pressure

The family of iron-based superconductors has recently acquired a new member material, FeS. Theoretically, this compound has been shown to have electronic structure similar to that of the superconducting FeSe. However, contradictory ground states have been predicted for FeS. In this work, a collaboration of authors from Switzerland and Germany use muon spin rotation and relaxation to show that weak-moment magnetism microscopically coexists with bulk superconductivity.

Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Interplay of Attractive and Repulsive Interactions in Nanoparticle-Polymer System

The phase behavior of nanoparticle (silica)−polymer (polyethylene glycol) system without and with an electrolyte (NaCl) has been studied. It is observed that nanoparticle−polymer system behaves very differently in the presence of electrolyte. In the absence of electrolyte, the nanoparticle−polymer system remains in one-phase even at very high polymer concentrations.

Mechanically Enhanced Liquid Interfaces at Human Body Temperature Using Thermosensitive Methylated Nanocrystalline Cellulose

The mechanical performance of materials at oil/water interfaces after consumption is a key factor affecting hydrophobic drug release. In this study, we methylated the surface of nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) by mercerization and dimethyl sulfate exposure to produce thermosensitive biopolymers. These methylated NCC (metNCC) were used to investigate interfacial thermogelation at air/water and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT)/water interfaces at body temperature.

Self-Diffusion in Amorphous Silicon

The present Letter reports on self-diffusion in amorphous silicon. Experiments were done on 29Si/natSi heterostructures using neutron reflectometry and secondary ion mass spectrometry. The diffusivities follow the Arrhenius law in the temperature range between 550 and 700°C with an activation energy of (4.4 ± 0.3) eV.