Teaching and Education


The PSI Center for Neutron and Muon Sciences is deeply involved in the organization of several schools on different levels of education, e.g.:

CNM provides various practical training courses and "hands on sessions" at SINQ and SμS in collaboration with ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne, University of Basel, Copenhagen University and Danish Technical University. For further information please contact us regarding SINQ courses or SμS courses

Particle Physics Practical Course: Thanks to the collaboration with PSI, it is possible to offer students of the University Zürich, ETH Zürich and the University of Heidelberg the unique opportunity to experiment with real beams (primarily pions and muons) using the world's most intense proton beam. The students learn how to build a small, real experiment, including apparatus design, construction as well as data-taking and the final statistical analysis.

The various CNM laboratories do offer several options for student practical internships. These internships are tailored towards undergraduate students and are designed to give students an opportunity to work on topical research projects that are integrated in the research activities in CNM. This will allow successful candidates to hone their research skills even before starting the endeavor of graduate school and to gain experience with  experimental techniques and scientific work early on.

The PSI Center for Neutron and Muon Sciences offers students the possibility to do their educational research at our facilities. For current open positions targeted at Bachelor or Master students please consult the webpages of the different CNM laboratories

The PSI Center for Neutron and Muon Sciences  offers numerous positions for PhD students in the various laboratories and divisions. Please have a look at the current job openings. CNM-related positions start with a "3" as first digit of the index number. For further information, please contact us.

The seminars organized by CNM can be found in the PSI event calendar. In addition the CNM and the SYN division organize the dedicated condensed matter colloquium.

Several of our staff members give lectures at various universities, as summarized here:

CNM unitNameTitle of the lectureInstitution
 CNM and PSD staffPSI Master Schoollink
LTPA. AntogniniLow energy particle physicsETH Zurich
LTPG. Bison, W. ErdmannElectronics for Physicists IETH Zurich
LTPK. KirchPhysics IETH Zurich
LTPK. KirchNuclear and Particle Physics with ApplicationsETH Zurich
LTPU. Langenegger, T. SchietingerExperimental Methods and Instruments of Particle PhysicsETHZ and Univ. Zurich
LTPA. PapaPhysics Lab I - 1st year course at the Department of PhysicsUniv. Pisa
LTPA. PapaPhysics II - 2nd year course at the Department of Engineering (Energy and Mechanics)Univ. Pisa
LTPA. SignerMathematical Methods of Physics IUniv. Zurich
LTPA. SignerMathematical Methods of Physics IIUniv. Zurich
LTPA. SignerQuantum Mechanics IUniv. Zurich
LTPA. SignerQuantum Mechanics IIUniv. Zurich and ETH Zurich
LTPA. SignerAdvanced Field TheoryUniv. Zurich and ETH Zurich
LTPA. Soter, A. AntogniniParticle Physics at PSIETH Zurich
LTPA. Soter, P. Schmidt-WellenburgLow energy particle physicsETH Zurich
LTPM. SpiraColloquia in Elementary Particle PhysicsPSI
LTPP. StofferEffective Field Theories for Particle PhysicsUniv. Zurich and ETH Zurich
LINM. JanoschekPhysics of Condensed Matter - PHY401Univ. Zurich
LINM. JanoschekOxford School on Neutron ScatteringOxford University
LMUA. Amato, H. LuetkensPhysics with Muons: From Atomic Physics to Solid State PhysicsUniv. Zurich
LMUA. SuterAnalysis I+IIZHAW School of Engineering
LNSM. Kenzelmann, F. Nolting (SYN)Advanced materials and their applicationsUniversity of Basel
LNSO. ZaharkoNeutron ScatteringErasmus Mundus Master School - MaMaSELF
LMXA. Hrabec, V. Scagnoli, D. Gawryluk, E. MuellerMaterials Characterisation MethodsETH Zurich
LMXC. Schneider, T. LippertInorganic Thin Films Processing, Properties and ApplicationsETH Zurich, spring semester
LMXT. LippertLaser for Micro- and NanostructuringETH Zurich, fall semester
LMXT. LippertInorganic and organometallic chemistryETH Zurich, fall semester