CNM - Publication Highlights

Bulk superconductivity in undoped T'-La1.9Y0.1CuO4 probed by muon spin rotation

The Meissner effect has been directly demonstrated by depth-resolved muon spin rotation measurements in high-quality thin films of the T'-structured cup rate, T'-La1.9Y0.1CuO4, to confirm bulk superconductivity (Tc ≈ 21 K) in its undoped state. The gradual expelling of an external magnetic field is observed over a depth range of ∼ 100 nm in films with a thickness of 275(15) nm, from which the penetration depth is deduced to be 466(22) nm. Based on this result, we argue that the true ground state of the “parent” compound of the n-type cuprates is not a Mott insulator but a strongly correlated metal with colossal sensitivity to apical oxygen impurities.