You want to perform an internship, design project (EPFL students only) or master thesis in our resaerch group at PSI or EPFL?
In case you are an EPFL student please contact the responsible project leader or pass by at the EPFL office of Prof. Ludwig on Wednesday at 17:30.
In case you are performing your studies outside of EPFL, please contact our secretary Gisela Herlein to arrange a call or meeting with Prof. Ludwig:
Group Head, Chemical Processes and Materials
You want to perform a master thesis, internship, or part of your PhD thesis on Nanomaterials Synthesis at PSI?
Please contact Dr. Andrea Testino:
Available Master projects topics:
- Synthesis and characterization of metallic nanoparticles for catalysis and medical applications
- Investigation on calcium aluminate sulfate formation and the influence of polymeric additives
- Synthesis and characterization of new materials for Na-batteries
Senior Scientist Chemical Processes and Materials