Patents (1)
K. Mikityuk, A. Chenu, K. Sun."A wrapper tube for a fuel subassembly of a nuclear reactor core and method for protecting fuel against overheating in case of coolant boiling", Patent WO 2013098079 A1, July 2013
PhD theses (6)
J. Bodi.
"Assessment of safety measures for European Sodium Fast Reactor"
K. Sun.
"Analysis of Advanced Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Core Designs with Improved Safety Characteristics"
A. Chenu.
"Single- and Two-Phase Flow Modelling for Coupled Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics Transient Analysis of Advanced Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors"
A. Epiney.
"Improvement of the Inherent and Passive Safety Characteristics of Generation IV Gas-cooled Fast Reactor"
G. Girardin.
"Development of the Control Assembly Pattern and Dynamic Analysis of the Generation IV Large Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR)"
P. Petkevich.
"Development and Application of an Advanced Fuel Model for the Safety Analysis of the Generation IV Gas-cooled Fast Reactor"
MS theses (29)
2023 (1)
F. Borys
"Identification and evaluation of transmutation criteria for selected reactors"
2022 (2)
D. Laks
"Development of 3D neutron kinetics in the ROOSTER code"
J. Santora
"Two-fluid Breed & Burn MCFR parametric study"
2020 (2)
J. Dietz
"Chemical-Thermodynamic Simulation of the MSR-Related Systems during Normal and Accident Conditions"
Đ. Petrović
"Coupled Neutronic/Thermal-Hydraulic Simulation of Unprotected Loss of Flow Test at Fast Flux Test Facility"
2019 (1)
V. Raffuzzi
"Modelling of batch-wise operation of European Sodium Fast Reactor and Breed&Burn Molten Salt Reactor"
2018 (2)
S. Mambelli
"Analytical and experimental study of chugging boiling instability: the CHUG project"
M. Di Filippo
"Development of a Dedicated Burnup Tool for Molten Salt Fast Reactor"
2017 (3)
J. Bodi
"Development of a CAD model for the European Sodium Fast Reactor in view of using the thermal hydraulics code TRACE"
E. Beltjens
"Modelling of the low-void SFR core during ULOF with spatial kinetics"
F. Vitullo
"Statistical burnup distribution of moving pebbles in HTR-PM reactor"
Co-supervision: Dr. J.Kalilainen
2016 (2)
E. Pettersen
"Coupled multi-physics simulations of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor using coarse-mesh thermal-hydraulics and spatial neutronics"
J. Bao
"Development of the model for the multiphysics analysis of Molten Salt Reactor Experiment using GeN-Foam code"
2015 (4)
J. Nebes
"CFD simulations of sodium two-phase flows"
Co-supervision: Dr. N. Alpy (CEA)
H. Kim
"Static and transient analysis of Molten Salt Reactor Experiment using SERPENT-2/TRACE/PARCS codes"
J. Choe
"Empirical Decay Heat Correlations and Fission Products Behavior in MSRs"
B. Soubelet
"Time efficient fluid dynamics analysis of sodium fast reactor wire wrapped rod bundles"
2014 (3)
A.-L. Panadero
"Static neutronic, thermal-hydraulic and fuel performance analysis of the ASTRID Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor core"
V. Ariu
"Heat exchanger analysis for innovative molten salt fast reactor"
M. Bonet
"Thermal-hydraulics verification of a coarse-mesh OpenFOAM-based solver for a Sodium Fast Reactor" (in cooperation with Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
2013 (2)
B. Hombourger
"Parametric Lattice Study for Conception of a Molten Salt Reactor in Closed Thorium Fuel Cycle"
I. Samaropoulos
"Development of SERPENT based equilibrium fuel cycle procedure EQL0D"
2012 (3)
L. Ghasabyan
"Use of Serpent Monte-Carlo code for development of 3D full-core models of Gen-IV fast-spectrum reactors and preparation of group constants for transiet analyses with PARCS/TRACE coupled system"
D. Hermann
"Development of a new method for dynamic reactivity decomposition"
V. Brankov
"Approaching the equilibrium closed fuel cycle in advanced fast reactors"
2011 (2)
M. Alonso
"Development of a full-core ERANOS Model and neutronic analysis of the BN-600 Fast Reactor Core Mock-up at the BFS-2 zero-power facility"
Co-supervision: Dr. G. Girardin (EPFL)
J. Saliba
"Comparative decomposition analysis of reactivity effects for the main Gen-IV fast reactors"
2010 (3)
R. Adams
"Coupled Neutronic/Thermal-hydraulic Simulation of Selected PHENIX End-of-life Tests"
A. Pont Ribas
"Simulation of CABRI loss-of-flow experiments with the TRACE/FRED codes"
C. Klauser
"Neutronic Analysis of the European Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Demonstrator ALLEGRO and its Validation via Monte Carlo TRIPOLI Calculations"
Co-supervision: Dr. G. Girardin (EPFL) and Dr. V. Brun-Magaud (CEA)
Peer-reviewed journals (109)
2023 (1)
K. Mikityuk, M. Ferreira, B. Hatala, J.-L. Kloosterman, M. Sipova
Review of Euratom projects on design, safety assessment, R&D and licensing for ESNII/Gen-IV reactor systems
EPJ Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, 9, 18 (2023)
2022 (20)
S. Pelloni, D. Rochman
Adjustment of JEFF-3.3 data for U-235 and Pu-239 in the fast, non-resonant energy range
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 177 (2022)
K. Mikityuk
Word from the Horizon-2020 EU ESFR-SMART Project Coordinator
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
J. Guidez, J. Bodi, K. Mikityuk, E. Girardi
New Reactor Safety Measures for the European Sodium Fast Reactor—Part I: Conceptual Design
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
J. Guidez, J. Bodi, K. Mikityuk, E. Girardi, J. Bittan, A. Grah, H. Tsige-Tamirat, P. Romojaro, F. Álvarez-Velarde, B. Carluec
New Reactor Safety Measures for the European Sodium Fast Reactor—Part II: Preliminary Assessment
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
A. Rineiski, C. Mériot, M. Marchetti, J. Krepel, C. Coquelet-Pascal, H. Tsige-Tamirat, F. Álvarez-Velarde, E. Girardi, K. Mikityuk
ESFR-SMART Core Safety Measures and Their Preliminary Assessment
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
E. Fridman, F. Álvarez Velarde, P. Romojaro Otero, H. Tsige-Tamirat, A. Jiménez Carrascosa, N. García Herranz, F. Bernard, R. Gregg, U. Davies, J. Krepel, S. Massara, S. Poumerouly, E. Girardi, K. Mikityuk
Neutronic Analysis of the European Sodium Fast Reactor: Part I—Fresh Core Results
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
E. Fridman, F. Álvarez Velarde, P. Romojaro Otero, H. Tsige -Tamirat, A. Jiménez Carrascosa, N. García Herranz, F. Bernard, R. Gregg, U. Davies, J. Krepel, B. Lindley, S. Massara, S. Poumerouly, E. Girardi, K. Mikityuk
Neutronic Analysis of the European Sodium Fast Reactor: Part II—Burnup Results
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
J. Lavarenne, E. Bubelis, U. Davies, S. Gianfelici, S. Gicquel, J. Krepel, M. Lainet, B. Lindley, K. Mikityuk, C. Murphy, B. Perrin, W. Pfrang, A. Ponomarev, A. Schubert, E. Shwageraus, P. Van Uffelen
Burn-Up Dependent Modeling of Fuel-to-Clad Gap Conductance and Temperature Predictions for Mixed-Oxide Fuel in the ESFR-SMART Core
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
J. Bodi, A. Ponomarev, K. Mikityuk
Coupled Neutronics–Mechanics Analysis Method for Evaluation of Reactivity Change Due to Core Distortion in Sodium Fast Reactor
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
U. Baker, M. Margulis, E. Shwageraus, E. Fridman, A. Jiménez Carrascosa, N. García Herranz, O. Cabellos, R. Gregg, J. Krepel
Evaluation of the ESFR End of Equilibrium Cycle State: Spatial Distributions of Reactivity Coefficients
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
A. Jiménez-Carrascosa, N. García-Herranz, J. Krepel, M. Margulis, U. Baker, E. Shwageraus, E. Fridman, R. Gregg
Decay Heat Characterization for the European Sodium Fast Reactor
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
J. Bodi, A. Ponomarev, E. Bubelis, K. Mikityuk
Analysis of ESFR Decay Heat Removal Systems in Protected Station Blackout
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
E. Bubelis, M. Schikorr, K. Mikityuk
Evaluation of the Passive Reactor Shutdown System Performance in European Sodium Fast Reactor
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
A. Ponomarev and K. Mikityuk
Modeling of Reactivity Effects and Transient Behavior of Large Sodium Fast Reactor
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
A. Ponomarev, K. Mikityuk, L. Zhang, E. Nikitin, E. Fridman, F. Álvarez-Velarde, P. Romojaro Otero, A. Jiménez-Carrascosa, N. García-Herranz, B. Lindley, U. Davies, A. Seubert, R. Henry
Superphénix Benchmark Part I: Results of Static Neutronics
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
A. Ponomarev, K. Mikityuk, E. Fridman, V. A. Di Nora, E. Bubelis, M. Schikorr
Superphénix Benchmark Part II: Transient Results
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
H. Tsige-Tamirat, S. Perez-Martin, W. Pfrang, M. Anderhuber, A. Gerschenfeld, L. Laborde, K. Mikityuk, C. Peniguel, S. Mimouni
A Review of Models for the Sodium Boiling Phenomena in Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Subassemblies
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
S. Perez-Martin, M. Anderhuber, L. Laborde, N. Girault, C. Lombardo, L. Ammirabile, K. Mikityuk, S. Mimouni , C. Péniguel, W. Pfrang
Evaluation of Sodium Boiling Models Using KNS-37 Loss of Flow Experiments
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
A. Grah, H. Tsige-Tamirat, J. Guidez, A. Gerschenfeld, K. Mikityuk, J. Bodi, E. Girardi
Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of the ESFR Reactor Pit Cooling System in Case of Sodium Leakage
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
J. Guidez, J. Bodi, K. Mikityuk, E. Girardi
Optimization of the European Sodium Fast Reactor Secondary Sodium Loop as Part of the ESFR-SMART Project
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci., ESFR-SMART Special Issue, January 2022, Vol.8
2021 (4)
V.A. Di Nora, E. Fridman, E. Nikitin, Y. Bilodid, K. Mikityuk
"Optimization of multi-group energy structures for diffusion analyses of sodium-cooled fast reactors assisted by simulated annealing – Part II: Methodology application"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 163 (2021) 108541
D. Petrovic and K. Mikityuk
"Machine Learning-Based Methodology for Assessment of Doppler Reactivity of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor"
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, October 2021, Vol. 7
S. Wang, K. Mikityuk, P. Dorde, D. Zhang, G. Su, S. Qiu, W. Tian
"Validation of TRACE capability to simulate unprotected transients in Sodium Fast Reactor using FFTF LOFWST Test #13"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 164 (2021) 108600
V.A. Di Nora, E. Fridman, E. Nikitin, Y. Bilodid, K. Mikityuk
"Optimization of multi-group energy structures for diffusion analyses of sodium-cooled fast reactors assisted by simulated annealing – Part I: Methodology demonstration"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 155 (2021) 108-183
2020 (4)
A. J. M. Plompen, O. Cabellos, C. De Saint Jean, M. Fleming, A. Algora, M. Angelone, P. Archier, E. Bauge, O. Bersillon, A. Blokhin, F. Cantargi, A. Chebboubi, C. Diez, H. Duarte, E. Dupont, J. Dyrda, B. Erasmus, L. Fiorito, U. Fischer, D. Flammini, D. Foligno, M. R. Gilbert, J. R. Granada, W. Haeck, F.-J.Hambsch, P.Helgesson, S.Hilaire, I. Hill, M.Hursin, R. Ichou, R. Jacqmin, B. Jansky, C. Jouanne, M. A. Kellett, D.H.Kim, H. I.Kim, I.Kodeli, A. J.Koning, A.Yu. Konobeyev, S.Kopecky, B. Kos, A. Krása, L. C. Leal, N. Leclaire, P. Leconte, Y. O. Lee, H. Leeb, O. Litaize, M. Majerle, J. I Márquez Damián, F. Michel-Sendis, R. W. Mills, B. Morillon, G. Noguère, M. Pecchia, S. Pelloni, P. Pereslavtsev, R. J. Perry, D. Rochman, A. Röhrmoser, P. Romain, P. Romojaro, D. Roubtsov, P. Sauvan, P. Schillebeeckx, K. H. Schmidt, O. Serot, S. Simakov, I. Sirakov, H. Sjöstrand, A. Stankovskiy, J. C. Sublet, P. Tamagno, A. Trkov, S. van der Marck, F. Álvarez-Velarde, R. Villari, T. C. Ware, K. Yokoyama, G. Žerovnik
"The joint evaluated fission and fusion nuclear data library, JEFF-3.3"
Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56:1812020
M. Tiberga, R. G. G. de Oliveira, E. Cervi, J.A. Blanco, S. Lorenzi, M. Aufiero, D. Lathouwers, P. Rubiolo
"Results from a multi-physics numerical benchmark for codes dedicated to molten salt fast reactors"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 142 (2020) 107428
S. Pelloni and D. Rochman
"Resonance parameter adjustment in the resolved region based upon an Asymptotic Generalized Linear Least-Squares methodology in conjunction with the Monte Carlo method"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 145 (2020) 107509
B. Hombourger, J. Krepel, A. Pautz
"The EQL0D fuel cycle procedure and its application to the transition to equilibrium of selected molten salt reactor designs"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 144 (2020) 1075042020
2019 (8)
D. Rochman, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, S. Pelloni, E. Bauge, A. Koning
"Correlation ν̅ p – σ for U-Pu in the thermal and resonance neutron range via integral information"
European Physical Journal Plus. 2019; 134: 453 (12 pp.)
B. Hombourger, J. Křepel, A. Pautz
"Breed-and-burn fuel cycle in molten salt reactors"
EPJ Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, 2019; 5: 15 (10 pp.)
S. Radman, C. Fiorina, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz
"A coarse-mesh methodology for modelling of single-phase thermal-hydraulics of ESFR innovative assembly design"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 355 (2019) 110291
M. Hursin, S. Pelloni, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi
"Treatment of the implicit effect in Shark-X"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 138 (2020) 107178
S. Pelloni, D. Rochman
"Enhancements along with application of the Asymptotic Progressing nuclear data Incremental Adjustment (APIA) methodology by individual assimilations of fast reactor data"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 129 (2019) 79–89
J. Krepel and E. Losa
"Closed U-Pu and Th-U cycle in sixteen selected reactors: Comparison of major equilibrium features"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 128 (2019) 341–357
E. Losa, M. Košťál, B. Jánský, E. Novák, V. Rypar, O. Chvála, J. Křepel
"Simulations of advanced reactor cores in research light water reactor LR-0"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 205-209
S. B. Alam, R.G.G. de Oliveira, C.S. Goodwin, G.T. Parks
"Coupled neutronic/thermal-hydraulic hot channel analysis of high power density civil marine SMR cores"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 127 (2019) 400-411
2018 (5)
D. Rochman, E. Bauge, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi, S. Pelloni, A.J. Koning, and J.Ch. Sublet
"Monte Carlo nuclear data adjustment via integral information"
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2018) 133-537(December 2018)
D. Siefman, M. Hursin, D. Rochman, S. Pelloni, and A. Pautz
"Stochastic vs. sensitivity-based integral parameter and nuclear data adjustments"
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2018) 133-429 (October 2018)
R.G.G. de Oliveira and K. Mikityuk
"Analytical solutions to a coupled fluid dynamics and neutron transport problem with application to GeN-Foam verification"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 121 (2018) 446-451
S. Pelloni and D. Rochman
"Performance assessment of adjusted nuclear data along with their covariances on the basis of fast reactor experiments"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 121 (2018) 361-373
S. Pelloni and D. Rochman
"Cross-section adjustment in the fast energy range on the basis of an Asymptotic Progressing nuclear data Incremental Adjustment (APIA) methodology"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 115 (2018) 323-342
2017 (2)
E. Bubelis, A. Tosello,W. Pfrang, M. Schikorr, K. Mikityuk, A.-L. Panadero, S. Martorell, J. Ordonez, A. Seubert, G. Lerchl, M. Stempniewicz, F. Alcaro, E. De Geus, T. Delmaere, S. Poumerouly, J. Wallenius
"System codes benchmarking on a low sodium void effect SFR heterogeneous core under ULOF conditions"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 320 (2017) 325-345
S. Pelloni
"Comparison of progressive incremental adjustment sequences for cross-section and variance/covariance data adjustment by analyzing fast-spectrum systems"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 106 (2017) 33-50
2016 (5)
C. Fiorina, N. Kerkar, K. Mikityuk, P. Rubiolo, A. Pautz
"Development and verification of the neutron diffusion solver for the GeN-Foam multi-physics platform"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 96 (2016) 212-222
V. Brankov, G. Khvostov, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz, R. Restani, S. Abolhassani, G. Ledergerber, W. Wiesenack
"Analysis of effects of pellet-cladding bonding on trapping of the released fission gases in high burnup KKL BWR fuels"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 305 (2016) 559-568
V. Brankov, G. Khvostov, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz, W. Wiesenack
"Characterization of the relocated and dispersed fuel in the Halden reactor project LOCA tests based on gamma scan data"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 300 (2016) 97-106
B. A. Lindley, C. Fiorina, R. Gregg, F. Franceschini, G. T. Parks
"The effectiveness of full actinide recycle as a nuclear waste management strategy when implemented over a limited timeframe -- Part II: Thorium fuel cycle"
Progress in Nuclear Energy 87 (2016) 144-155
Y. Zhang and K. Mikityuk
"Static and transient analysis of a medium-sized sodium cooled fast reactor loaded with oxide, nitride, carbide and metallic fuels"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 87 (2016) 761-771
2015 (8)
C. Fiorina, I. Clifford, M. Aufiero, K. Mikityuk
"GeN-Foam: a novel OpenFOAM(R) based multi-physics solver for 2D/3D transient analysis of nuclear reactors"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 294 (2015) 24-37
E. Nikitin, E. Fridman, K. Mikityuk
"On the use of the SPH method in nodal diffusion analyses of SFR cores"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 85 (2015) 544-551
B. A. Lindley, C. Fiorina, R. Gregg, F. Franceschini, G. T. Parks
"The effectiveness of full actinide recycle as a nuclear waste management strategy when implemented over a limited timeframe -- Part I: Uranium fuel cycle"
Progress in Nuclear Energy 85 (2015) 498-510
M. Aufiero, A. Bidaud, M. Hursin, J. Leppänen, G. Palmiotti, S. Pelloni, P. Rubiolo
"A collision history-based approach to sensitivity/perturbation calculations in the continuous energy Monte Carlo code SERPENT"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 85 (2015) 245-258
Z. Perko, S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk, J. Krepel, M. Szieberth, G. Girardin, B. Vrban, J. Lüley, S. Cerba, M. Halasz, S. Feher, T. Reiss, J. L. Kloosterman, R. Stainsby, C. Poette
"Core neutronics characterization of the GFR2400 Gas Cooled Fast Reactor"
Progress in Nuclear Energy 83 (2015) 460-481
B. Hombourger, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz
"Parametric Lattice Study of a Graphite-Moderated Molten Salt Reactor"
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, Vol. 1, January 2015
E. Nikitin, E. Fridman, K. Mikityuk
"Solution of the OECD/NEA neutronic SFR benchmark with Serpent-DYN3D and Serpent-PARCS code systems"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 75 (2015) 492-497
M. Zanetti, A. Cammi, C. Fiorina, L. Luzzi
"A Geometric Multiscale modelling approach to the analysis of MSR plant dynamics"
Progress in Nuclear Energy 83 (2015) 82-98
2014 (9)
G. Grasso, C. Petrovich, D. Mattioli, C. Artioli, P. Sciora, D. Gugiu, G. Bandini,E. Bubelis, K. Mikityuk
"The core design of ALFRED, a demonstrator for the Europeanlead-cooled reactors"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 278 (2014) 287-301
A. Lázaro, M. Schikorr, K. Mikityuk, L. Ammirabile, G. Bandini, G. Darmet, D. Schmitt, Ph. Dufour, A. Tosello, E. Gallego, G. Jimenez, E. Bubelis, A. Ponomarev, R. Kruessmann, D. Struwe, M. Stempniewicz
"Code assessment and modelling for Design Basis Accident analysis ofthe European Sodium Fast Reactor design. Part II: Optimised core and representative transients analysis"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 277 (2014) 265-276
B. A. Lindley, C. Fiorina, F. Franceschini, E. J. Lahoda, G.T. Parks
"Thorium breeder and burner fuel cycles in reduced-moderation LWRs compared to fast reactors"
Progress in Nuclear Energy 77 (2014) 107-123
C. Fiorina, A. Cammi, L. Luzzi, K. Mikityuk, H. Ninokata and M. E. Ricotti.
"Thermal-hydraulics of internally heated molten salts and application to the Molten Salt Fast Reactor"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 501 (2014) 012030
J. Krepel, B. Hombourger, C. Fiorina, K. Mikityuk, U. Rohde, S. Kliem, A. Pautz.
"Fuel cycle advantages and dynamics features of liquid fueled MSR"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 64 (2014) 380-397
A. Lázaro, L. Ammirabile, G. Bandini, G. Darmet, S. Massara, Ph. Dufour, A. Tosello, E. Gallego, G. Jimenez, K. Mikityuk, M. Schikorr, E. Bubelis, A. Ponomarev, R. Kruessmann, M. Stempniewicz.
"Code assessment and modelling for Design Basis Accident Analysis of the European sodium fast reactor design. Part I: System description, modelling and benchmarking"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 266 (2014) 1-16.
M. Salvatores, G. Palmiotti, G. Aliberti, P. Archier, C. De Saint Jean, E. Dupont, M. Herman, M. Ishikawa, T. Ivanova, E. Ivanov, S.-J. Kim, I. Kodeli, G. Manturov, R. McKnight, S. Pelloni, C. Perfetti, A.J.M. Plompen, B.T. Rearden, D. Rochman, K. Sugino, A. Trkov, W. Wang, H. Wu, and W.-S. Yang.
"Methods and Issues for the Combined Use of Integral Experiments and Covariance Data: Results of a NEA International Collaborative Study"
Nuclear Data Sheets 118 (2014) 38-71
J. Lüley, B. Vrban, S. Cerba,J. Hascik, V. Necas, and S. Pelloni.
"Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of the GFR MOX Fuel Subassembly"
Nuclear Data Sheets 118 (2014) 545-547
S. Pelloni.
"Application of an iterative methodology for cross-section and variance/covariance data adjustment to the analysis of fast spectrum systems accounting for non-linearity" Annals of Nuclear Energy 72 (2014) 373-390.
2013 (6)
C. Fiorina, M. Aufiero, A. Cammi, F. Franceschini, J. Krepel, L. Luzzi, K. Mikityuk, M.E. Ricotti.
"Investigation of the MSFR core physics and fuel cycle characteristics"
Progress in Nuclear Energy 68 (2013) 153-168
K. Sun, A. Chenu, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Coupled 3-D neutronics/thermal-hydraulics optimization study for improving the response of a 3600 MW(thermal) SFR core to an unprotected loss-of-flow accident"
Nuclear Technology, Vol. 183., September 2013
D. Tenchine, D. Pialla, T.H. Fanning, J.W. Thomas, P. Chellapandi, Y. Shvetsov, L. Maas, H.-Y. Jeong, K. Mikityuk, A. Chenu, H. Mochizuki, S. Monti.
"International benchmark on the natural convection test in Phenix reactor"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 258 (2013) 189-198.
K. Sun, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"A neutronics study for improving the safety and performance parameters of a 3600 MWth Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor"
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 53, March 2013, Pages 464-475.
C. Fiorina, J. Krepel, A. Cammi, F. Franceschini, K. Mikityuk, M. E. Ricotti.
"Analysis of thorium and uranium fuel cycles in an iso-breeder lead fast reactor using extended-EQL3D procedure"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 53, March 2013 492-506.
C. Fiorina, N.E. Stauff, F. Franceschini, M.T. Wenner, A. Stanculescu, T.K. Kim, A. Cammi, M.E. Ricotti, R.N. Hill, T.A. Taiwo, M. Salvatores.
"Comparative analysis of thorium and uranium fuel for transuranic recycle in a sodium cooled Fast Reactor"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 62 (2013) 26-39.
2012 (5)
A. Chenu, R. Adams, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Analysis of selected Phenix EOL tests with the FAST code system -- Part I: Control-rod-shift experiments"
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Volume 49, November 2012, Pages 182-190.
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Analysis of selected Phenix EOL tests with the FAST code system -- Part II: Unprotected phase of the Natural Convection Test"
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Volume 49, November 2012, Pages 191-199.
J. Krepel, S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk.
"Comparison of open and closed U-Pu equilibrium fuel cycles for Generation-IV fast reactors with the EQL3D procedure"
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 250, September 2012, Pages 392-402.
A. Marinoni, G. Girardin, K. Mikityuk.
"Analysis of the BN-600 fast-spectrum core mock-up at BFS-2 zero-power facility using MCNPX"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 44 (2012) 26-33.
A. Epiney, N. Alpy, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"A standalone decay heat removal device for the Gas-cooled Fast Reactor for intermediate to atmospheric pressure conditions"
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 242, January 2012, Pages 267-284.
2011 (6)
G. Khvostov, K. Mikityuk, M.A. Zimmermann.
"A model for fission gas release and gaseous swelling of the uranium dioxide fuel coupled with the FALCON code"
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 241, Issue 8, August 2011, Pages 2983-3007.
R. Stainsby, K. Peers, C. Mitchell, C. Poette, K. Mikityuk, J. Somers.
"Gas cooled fast reactor research in Europe"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241 (2011) 3481-3489
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Pressure drop modeling and comparisons with experiments for single- and two-phase sodium flow"
Nuclear Engineering and Design Volume 241, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 3898-3909
K. Sun, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, S. Pelloni, R. Chawla.
"Void reactivity decomposition for the Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor in equilibrium fuel cycle"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 38 (2011) 1645-1657.
K. Mikityuk and A. Shestopalov.
"FRED fuel behaviour code: Main models and analysis of Halden IFA-503.2 tests"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241 (2011) 2455-2461.
S. Pelloni and K. Mikityuk.
"A new cross-section generation model in the FAST code system and its application to gas- and sodium-cooled Generation IV fast reactors"
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Volume 38, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 1-13
2010 (5)
A. Epiney, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Heavy-gas injection in the Generation IV gas-cooled fast reactor for improved decay heat removal under depressurized conditions"
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 240, Issue 10, October 2010, Pages 3115-3125
K. Mikityuk.
"Analytical model of the oxide layer build-up in complex lead-cooled systems"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240 (2010), October 2010, pp. 3632-3637
K. Mikityuk, J. Krepel, S. Pelloni, A. Chenu, P. Petkevich, R. Chawla.
"FAST Code System: Review of Recent Developments and Near-Future Plans"
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, October 2010, Volume 132, Issue 10, 102915
A. Epiney, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"TRACE qualification via analysis of the EIR gas-loop experiments with smooth rods"
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 37, Issue 6, June 2010, Pages 875-887.
J. Krepel, S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington.
"GFR equilibrium cycle analysis with the EQL3D procedure"
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 240, Issue 4, April 2010, Pages 905-917.
2009 (5)
R. Stainsby, K. Peers, C. Mitchell, C. Poette, K. Mikityuk, and J. Somers
"Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Research and Development in the European Union"
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 238624
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk and R. Chawla.
"TRACE simulation of sodium boiling in pin bundle experiments under loss-of-flow conditions"
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Volume 239, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 2417-2429.
P. Petkevich, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, R. Chawla.
"Development and benchmarking of a mechanical model for GFR plate-type fuel"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 36 (2009) 1262-1269
J. Krepel, S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington.
"EQL3D: ERANOS based equilibrium fuel cycle procedure for fast reactors"
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 36, Issue 5, (2009), Pages 550-561.
K. Mikityuk.
"Heat transfer to liquid metal: Review of data and correlations for tube bundles"
Nuclear Engineering and Design 239 (2009) 680-687.
2008 (5)
E. Bubelis, D. Castelliti, P. Coddington, I, Dor, C. Fouillet, E. de Geus, T. Marshall, W. van Rooijen, M. Schikorr, R. Stainsby.
"A GFR benchmark: Comparison of transient analysis codes based on the ETDR concept"
Progress in Nuclear Energy (ISSN 0149-1970), 50, 37-51 (2008)
E. Bubelis, P. Coddington, K. Mikityuk.
"Verification of the TRACE Code against the MEGAPIE Transient Data"
Ann. Nucl. Energy (ISSN 0306-4549), 35, 1284-1295 (2008)
G. Girardin, G. Rimpault, F. Morin, J. Bosq, P. Coddington, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Development and characterization of the control assembly system for the large 2400 MWth Generation IV gas-cooled fast reactor"
Ann. Nucl. Energy (ISSN 0306-4549), 35, 2206-2218 (2008)
J. Krepel, U. Rohde, U. Grundmann, F.P. Weiss.
"Dynamics of molten salt reactors"
Nucl. Technol. (ISSN 0029-5450), 164, 34-44 (2008)
K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, F. Gröschel.
"Analysis of radioactivity releases in the MEGAPIE reference accident"
Nucl. Eng. Des. (ISSN 0029-5493), 238, 1838-1844 (2008)
2007 (2)
P. Petkevich, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, R. Chawla.
"Development and benchmarking of a 2D transient thermal model for GFR plate-type fuel"
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 34, 707-718 (2007)
K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, S. Pelloni, E. Bubelis, R. Chawla.
"Comparative Transient Analysis of Critical and Subcritical 80-MW Pb-Bi Eutectic-cooled Reactor Systems"
Nuclear Technology, 157, 18-36 (2007)
2006 (4)
K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, E. Bubelis, R. Chawla.
"Comparison of the Transient Behaviour of LBE- and Gas-Cooled Experimental Accelerator-Driven Systems"
Nucl. Eng. Des. (ISSN 0029-5493), 236, 2452-2473 (2006)
S. Pelloni, E. Bubelis, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington.
"Calculations of Reactivity-Initiated Transients in Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors Using the Code System FAST"
Ann. Nucl. Energy (ISSN 0306-4549), 33, 499-509 (2006)
W. Ma, E. Bubelis, A. Karbojian, B. Sehgal., P. Coddington.
"Transient Experiments from the Thermal-Hydraulic ADS Lead Bismuth Loop (TALL) and Comparative TRAC/AAA Analysis"
Nucl. Eng. Des. (ISSN 0029-5493), 236, 1422-1444 (2006)
S. Pelloni, P. Coddington.
"On using alternative perturbation theory methodologies in the evaluation of reactivity effects in ADS cores"
Ann. Nucl. Energy (ISSN 0306-4549), 33, 1360-1367 (2006)
2005 (4)
K. Mikityuk, S. Pelloni, P. Coddington, E. Bubelis, R. Chawla.
"FAST: An Advanced Code System for FAST Reactor Transient Analysis"
Ann. Nucl. Energy (ISSN 0306-4549), 32, 1613-1631 (2005)
K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, R. Chawla.
"Development of a Drift-flux Model for Heavy Liquid Metal/Gas Flow"
J. of Nucl. Sci. and Techn. (ISSN 0022-3131), 42(7), 600-607 (2005)
S. Pelloni.
"Static Analysis of the PDS-XADS LBE and Gas-Cooled Concepts"
Ann. Nucl. Energy (ISSN 0306-4549), 32, 13-28 (2005)
M. Plaschy, S. Pelloni, P. Coddington, G. Rimpault, R. Chawla.
"Importance of the MUSE Experiments for Emerging ADS Concepts from the Nuclear Data Viewpoint"
Ann. Nucl. Energy (ISSN 0306-4549), 32, 843-856 (2005)
2003 (1)
S. Pelloni.
"Sensitivities of the proton beam current resulting from variations in the source term for a Pb-Bi cooled accelerator driven system with a Pb-Bi Target"
Annals of Nuclear Energy 30 (2003) 983-1000.
Conference proceedings (162)
2019 (16)
C. Latge, A. Vasile, K. Mikityuk, R. Garbil
"Teaching Fast Reactors within the frame of European Union Projects"
Conference on Nuclear Training and Education: A Biennial International Forum (CONTE 2019), February 5-8, 2019, St. Augustine, FL, USA
K. Mikityuk, E. Girardi, J. Krepel, E. Bubelis, E. Fridman, A. Rineiski, N. Girault, F. Payot, L. Buligins, G. Gerbeth, N. Chauvin, C. Latge, J. Guidez
"Horizon-2020 ESFR-SMART project on SFR safety: status after first 15 months"
27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE27, May 19-24, 2019. Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
A. Ponomarev and K. Mikityuk
"Analysis of hypothetical unprotected loss of flow in Superphénix start-up core: sensitivity to modeling details"
27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE27, May 19-24, 2019. Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
K. Mikityuk, F. Álvarez Velarde, L. Bankhead, E. Bubelis, N. Bukasa Kampata, L. Buligins, B. Carluec, N. Chauvin, C. Demaziere, E. Fridman, N. García Herranz, G. Gerbeth, E. Girardi, N. Girault, M. Gradeck, J. Guidez, W. Hering, J. Krepel, C. Latge, B. Lindley, C. Lombardo, F. Payot, A.Rineiski, E. Schwageraus, A. Seubert, H. Tsige-Tamirat
"Horizon-2020 ESFR-SMART project on Sodium Fast Reactor Safety: status after 18 months"
9th European Commission Conference on Euratom Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems (FISA), June 4-7, 2017, Pitesti, Romania
K. Mikityuk, L. Ammirabile, M. Forni, J. Jagielski, N. Girault, A. Horvath, J.-L. Kloosterman, M. Tarantino, A. Vasile
"Review of Euratom projects on design, safety assessment, R&D and licensing for ESNII/Gen-IV fast neutron systems"
9th European Commission Conference on Euratom Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems (FISA), June 4-7, 2017, Pitesti, Romania
J. Bodi, A. Ponomarev, K. Mikityuk
"Development of a thermomechanical analysis method as part of the ESFR-SMART EU project for the quantification of SFR core reactivity change due to core distortion"
9th European Commission Conference on Euratom Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems (FISA), June 4-7, 2017, Pitesti, Romania
J. Guidez, A. Gerschenfeld, E. Girardi, K. Mikityuk , J. Bodi, A. Grah
"European Sodium Fast Reactor: innovative design of reactor pit aiming at suppression of safety vessel"
2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 19), Juan-les-Pins, France, May 12-15, 2019
J. Guidez, A. Rineiski, E. Girardi, K. Mikityuk , J. Bodi
"Status of new safety measures considered for European Sodium Fast Reactor in the ESFR-SMART project"
2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 19), Juan-les-Pins, France, May 12-15, 2019
J. Bodi, A. Ponomarev, K. Mikityuk
"Hybrid stochastic-deterministic method of one-group cross-section generation applied to Sodium Fast Reactor"
2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 19), Juan-les-Pins, France, May 12-15, 2019
V. A. Di Nora, E. Fridman, K. Mikityuk
"Benchmarking ATHLET against TRACE as applied to Superphenix start-up tests"
2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 19), Juan-les-Pins, France, May 12-15, 2019
S. Mambelli, A. Ponomarev, Y. Sato, K. Mikityuk
"Analytical and Experimental Study of Condensation and Collapse of Steam Bubbles at high Jakob number"
2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 19), Juan-les-Pins, France, May 12-15, 2019
G. Tomic and J. Krepel
"ESFR-SMART core burnup calculation on radially infinite lattice with Monte-Carlo code"
2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 19), Juan-les-Pins, France, May 12-15, 2019
T. Koivisto, B. Hombourger, J. Krepel
"Assessment of waste burning in open cycle of a two fluid chloride MSR"
2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 19), Juan-les-Pins, France, May 12-15, 2019
J. Krepel, V. Sisl, S. Nichenko, B. Hombourger
"Transition to closed Th-U fuel cycle in fluoride salts based fast MSR"
2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 19), Juan-les-Pins, France, May 12-15, 2019
K.W. Wong, L. Bures, S. Nichenko, J. Kerpel
"DNS of the Molten Salt Bubble Growth with PSI-BOIL"
2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 19), Juan-les-Pins, France, May 12-15, 2019
J. Lavarenne, E. Bubelis, S. Gicquel, J. Krepel, M. Lainet, B. Lindley, K. Mikityuk, C. Murphy, B. Perrin, W. Pfrang, A. Ponomarev, A. Schubert, E. Shwageraus, P. Van Uffelen
"A 2-D correlation to evaluate fuel-cladding gap thermal conductance in mixed oxide fuel elements for sodium-cooled fast reactors"
International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference GLOBAL, Seattle, WA, USA, September 22-26, 2019
2018 (11)
J. Guidez, A. Rineiski, G. Prêle, E. Girardi, J. Bodi, K. Mikityuk
"Proposal of new safety measures for European Sodium Fast Reactor to be evaluated in framework of Horizon-2020 ESFR-SMART project"
2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 18), Charlotte, NC The Westin Charlotte, April 8-11, 2018
A. Ponomarev, A. Bednarova, K. Mikityuk
"New sodium fast reactor neutronics benchmark"
Proceeding of PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving The Way Towards More Efficient Systems, April 22-26, 2018, Cancún, México
A. Rineiski, C. Meriot, M. Marchetti and J. Krepel
"Core safety measures in ESFR-SMART"
Proceeding of PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving The Way Towards More Efficient Systems, April 22-26, 2018, Cancún, México
C. Fiorina, A. Pautz, K. Mikityuk
"Creation of an OpenFOAM fuel performance class based on FRED and integration into the GeN-Foam multi-physics code"
ICONE 26 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, July 22-26, 2018, London, England
S. Radman, C. Fiorina, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz
"A simplified numerical benchmark for pool-type Sodium Fast Reactors"
ICONE 26 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, July 22-26, 2018, London, England
J. Bodi, K. Mikityuk, A. Ponomarev, J. Guidez
"Use of CAD models in ESFR-SMART project"
GIF Symposium UIC, Paris, France, October 16-17, 2018
J. Guidez, J. Bodi, K. Mikityuk, A. Rineiski, E. Girardi
"New safety measures proposed for European Sodium Fast Reactor in Horizon-2020 ESFR-SMART project"
GIF Symposium UIC, Paris, France, October 16-17, 2018
J. Krepel, B. Hombourger, E. Loza
"Fuel cycle sustainability of molten salt reactor concepts in comparison with other selected reactors"
PHYTRA4 – The Fourth International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors and Applications, Marrakech, Morocco, September 17-19, 2018, on CD-ROM, GMTR, Rabat, Morocco (2018)
V. Sisl, J. Frybort, J. Krepel
"Mixed LEU-Th Initial Core and Running-In Phase for the HTR-PM Reactor"
Proceedings of HTR 2018 Warsaw, Poland, October 8-10, 2018
F. Vitullo, J. Krepel, J. Kalilainen, H.-M. Prasser, A. Pautz
"Statistical burnup distribution of moving pebbles in HTR-PM reactor"
ICONE 26 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, July 22-26, 2018, London, England
M. Di Filippo, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, H.-M. Prasser
"Analysis of major group structures used for nuclear reactor simulations"
ICONE 26 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, July 22-26, 2018, London, England
2017 (12)
L.Briggs, V.Kriventsev, S.Monti, W.Hu, D.Sui, G.Su, L.Maas, B.Vezzoni, U.P.Sarathy, A.Del Nevo, A.Petruzzi, R.Zanino, H.Ohira, W.F.G.Van Rooijen, K.Morita, C.Choi, A.Shin, M.Stempniewicz, N.Rtischev, K.Mikityuk, B.Truong
"Benchmark Analyses of EBR-II Shutdown Heat Removal Tests"
IAEA-CN245-004, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
P. Paviet, P. Alekseev, C. Fazio, M. Fratoni, I. Hwang, J. Kelly, X. Liu, T. Mihara, K. Mikityuk, N. Mpoza, Y. Nam, G. Pynn, C. Renault, J. Sun
"GEN IV Education and Training Initiative via Public Webinars"
IAEA-CN245-009, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
S. Pelloni, A.-L. Panadero, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz
"Low-void-effect sodium-cooled core: Uncertainty of local sodium void reactivity as a result of nuclear data uncertainties"
IAEA-CN245-050, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
E.E.Pettersen, K.Mikityuk
"Simulating Circulating-Fuel Fast Reactors with the Coupled TRACE-PARCS Code"
IAEA-CN245-059, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
G. Rimpault , L. Buiron, N. E. Stauff, T. K. Kim, T. A. Taiwo, Y-K Lee, A. Aures, F. Bostelmann, E. Fridman, A. Kereszturi, B. Batki, I.-A. Kodeli, K. Mikityuk, R. Lopez, A. Gomez, F. Puente-Espel, E. del Valle, A. Peregudov, M. Semenov, G. Manturov, Y. Nakahara, J. Dyrda, T. Ivanova
"Objectives and Status of the OECD/NEA sub-group on Uncertainty Analysis in Modelling (UAM) for Design, Operation and Safety Analysis of SFRs (SFR-UAM)"
IAEA-CN245-220, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
C. Batra, V. Kriventsev, S. Monti, L.Briggs, W.Hu, D.Sui, G.Su, L.Maas, B.Vezzoni, U.P.Sarathy, A.Del Nevo, A.Petruzzi, R.Zanino, H.Ohira, W.F.G.Van Rooijen, K.Morita, C.Choi, A.Shin, M.Stempniewicz, N.Rtischev, K.Mikityuk, E.Bates
"IAEA's Coordinated Research Project on EBR-II Shutdown Heat Removal Tests: An Overview"
IAEA-CN245-361, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
E.Bates, D. Zhang, B. Truong, D. Sui, W. Hu, G. H. Su, T.Sumner, L. Maas, B. Vezzoni, M. Marchetti, R. Zanino, D. Caron, W.F. Van Rooijen, H.Mochizuki, K. Morita, C. Choi, M. Stempniewicz, N. Rtischev, Y. Zhang, K. Mikityuk
"Conclusions of a Benchmark Study on the EBR-II SHRT-45R Experiment"
IAEA-CN245-372, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
B. Hombourger, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz
"On the Feasibility of Breed-and-Burn Fuel Cycles in Molten Salt Reactors"
IAEA-CN245-388, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
K. Mikityuk, E. Girardi, J. Krepel, E. Bubelis, E. Fridman, A. Rineiski, N. Girault, F. Payot, L. Buligins, G. Gerbeth, N. Chauvin, C. Latge, J.-C. Garnier
"ESFR-SMART: new Horizon-2020 project on SFR safety"
IAEA-CN245-450, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
S. Mambelli, K. Mikityuk and A.-L. Panadero
"Chugging boiling in low-void SFR core: new phenomenology of unprotected loss of flow"
IAEA-CN245-451, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
J. Krepel, E. Losa
"Comparison of fast reactors performance in the closed U-Pu and Th-U cycle"
IAEA-CN245-052, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
B. Vezzoni, W.F.G. van Rooijen, T. Fei, Y. Zhang, M. Marchetti, P.Balestra, C. Parisi
"IAEA Neutronics Benchmark for EBR-II SHRT-45R"
IAEA-CN245-070, Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable, Development FR17 conference, 26-29 June 2017, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2016 (5)
N. García-Herranz, A.-L. Panadero, A. Martinez, S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz
"Nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty assessment of sodium voiding reactivity coefficients of an ASTRID-like Sodium Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of ND2016 conference, Bruges, Belgium, September 11-16, 2016
J. Krepel, E. Loza
"Enumeration of static and dynamic neutron consumption D-factor for several selected reactors at equilibrium closed fuel cycle"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2016, San Francisco, CA, April 17-20, 2017
B. Hombourger, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz
"The EQL0D procedure for fuel cycle studies in molten salt reactor"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2016, San Francisco, CA, April 17-20, 2016
S. Pelloni
"A progressive incremental adjustment methodology for cross-section and variance/covariance data adjustment for fast-spectrum systems"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1–5, 2016
T. Fei, B. Vezzoni, M. Marchetti, W.F.G. van Rooijen, Y. Zhang
"Neutronics Benchmark for EBR-II Shutdown Heat Removal Test SHRT-45R"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1-5, 2016
2015 (14)
C. Fiorina, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz
"GeN-Foam: a novel multi-physics solver for reactor analysis -- Status and ongoing developments"
Proceedings of ANS Winter 2015 Meeting, November 8-12, 2015, Washington, DC.
V. Kriventsev, A. Rineiski, W. Pfrang, S. Perez-Martin, K. Mikityuk, G. Khvostov
"Benchmark on behavior of MOX fuel pin under irradiation at nominal power in sodium fast reactor"
Proceedings of TopFuel 2015 Conference, September 13-17, 2015, Zurich, Switzerland.
V. Brankov, G. Khvostov, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz, R. Restani, S. Abolhassani, G. Ledergerber, W. Wiesenack
"Modeling of axial distribution of released fission gas in KKL BWR fuel rods during base irradiation"
Proceedings of TopFuel 2015 Conference, September 13-17, 2015, Zurich, Switzerland.
L. Briggs, W. Hu, G. H. Su, B. Vezzoni, A. Del Nevo, R. Zanino, H. Mochizuki, S. Monti, D. Sui, L. Maas, U. Partha Sarathy, A. Petruzzi, H. Ohira, K. Morita, C. Choi, M. Stempniewicz, Y. Zhang, A. Shin, N. Rtishchev, B. Truong, "EBR-II passive safety demonstration tests benchmark analyses –- Phase 2", Proceedings of NURETH-16, Chicago, IL, August 30 - September 4, 2015
J. Krepel, B. Hombourger, C. Fiorina, K. Mikityuk
"Comparison of Several Recycling Strategies and Relevant Fuel Cycles for Molten Salt Reactor"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, May 03-06, 2015, Nice, France
S. Pelloni, M. Aufiero, S. Bortot, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, A.-L. Panadero, A. Pautz, P. Sciora "Sodium Void Map Preparation for the Safety Analysis of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors by Using the Monte Carlo Code Serpent" Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, May 03-06, 2015, Nice, France
A. Vasile, C. Wahide, Ch. Latge, N. Chauvin, P. Baeten, M. Schyns, M. Frogheri, L. Mansani, R. Stainsby, K. Mikityuk, M. Forni, Z. Hozer
"The European Project ESNII Plus"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, May 03-06, 2015, Nice, France
M. Zanetti, A. Cammi, L. Luzzi, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk
"Extension of the FAST code system for the modelling and simulation of MSR dynamics"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, May 03-06, 2015, Nice, France
C. Fiorina and K. Mikityuk
"Application of the new GeN-Foam multi-physics solver to the European Sodium Fast Reactor and verification against available codes"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, May 03-06, 2015, Nice, France
Y. Zhang and K. Mikityuk
"Validation of the Serpent and TRACE codes using the SHRT-17 and SHRT-45R loss-of-flow tests performed in the EBR-II reactor"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, May 03-06, 2015, Nice, France
S. Bortot, F. Alvarez-Velarde, E. Fridman, I. G. Crusado, N. G. Herranz, D. Lopez, K. Mikityuk, A.-L. Panadero, S. Pelloni, A. Ponomarev, P. Sciora, A. Seubert, H. Tsige-Tamirat, A. Vasile "European benchmark on the ASTRID-like low-void-effect core characterization: neutronic parameters and safety coefficients" Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, May 03-06, 2015, Nice, France
J. Krepel, S. Pelloni, S. Bortot, A.-L. Panadero, K. Mikityuk
"Mapping of Sodium Void Worth and Doppler Effect for Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, May 03-06, 2015, Nice, France
B. Hombourger, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz
"Fuel cycle analysis of a molten salt reactor for breed-and-burn mode"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, May 03-06, 2015, Nice, France
M. Aufiero, C. Fiorina, A. Laureau, P. Rubiolo, and V. Valtavirta
"SERPENT-OpenFOAM coupling in transient mode: simulation of a Godiva prompt critical burst"
ANS MC2015 - Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method, Nashville, Tennessee, April 19-23, 2015
2014 (10)
V. Brankov, G. Khvostov, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz, K. Eitrheim
"Analysis of Axial Fuel Relocation Based on Gamma Scan Data from OECD Halden Reactor Project LOCA Tests"
Proceedings of Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting WRFPM 2014, Sendai, Japan, Sep. 14-17, 2014
J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, B. Hombourger, A. Pautz, M. Zanetti, M. Aufiero, L. Luzzi
"Hybrid spectrum molten salt reactor"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2014, The Westin Miyako, Kyoto, Japan, September 28 - October 3, 2014
S. Bortot, S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk
"Methodology assessment for the evaluation of the coolant void worth in sodium fast reactor with a low void effect core design"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2014, The Westin Miyako, Kyoto, Japan, September 28 - October 3, 2014
M. Zanetti, L. Luzzi, A. Cammi, C. Fiorina
"An innovative approach to dynamic modeling and simulation of the molten salt reactor experiment"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2014, The Westin Miyako, Kyoto, Japan, September 28 - October 3, 2014
V. Pascal, G. Prulhiere, M. Vanier, B. Fontaine, K. Devan, P. Chellapandi, V. Kriventsev, S. Monti, K. Mikityuk, A. Chenu, M. Semenov, T. Taiwo, K. Takano, V. Tiberi
"IAEA benchmark calculations on control rod withdrawal test performed during Phenix-End-Of-Life experiments -- benchmark results and comparison"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2014, The Westin Miyako, Kyoto, Japan, September 28 - October 3, 2014
C. Fiorina, K. Mikityuk, J. Krepel.
"A procedure for the pre-conceptual design of fast reactors and application to a gas-cooled sub-critical transmuter"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22), July 7-11, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
B. Hombourger, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz.
"Parametric lattice study of a graphite-moderated Molten Salt Reactor"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22), July 7-11, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
J. Krepel, B. Hombourger, V. Bykov, C. Fiorina, K. Mikityuk, A. Pautz.
"Molten salt reactor with simplified fuel recycling and delayed carrier salt cleaning"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22), July 7-11, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
C. Fiorina, M. Aufiero, S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk.
"A time-dependent solver for coupled neutron-transport thermal-mechanics calculations and simulation of a Godiva prompt critical burst"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22), July 7-11, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
V. Bykov, J. Krepel, A. Pautz.
"Molten salt fast reactor blanket design and proliferation resistance assessment"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22), July 7-11, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
2013 (27)
J. Krepel, C. Fiorina, S. Kliem.
"Advantages and Dynamics Features of Liquid Fueled MSR"
Proceedings of Conference on Molten Salts in Nuclear Technology (CMSNT), January 9 - 11, 2013, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India.
K. Mikityuk, M. Schikorr.
"New transient analysis of the Superphénix start-up tests"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
K. Mikityuk, J. Krepel, S. Pelloni, G. Girardin, A. Chenu, K. Sun, A. Epiney, R. Adams, L. Ghasabyan, M. Alonso, F. Reiterer.
"FAST Code System: Review of Recent Applications"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
K. Mikityuk, Z. Perkó, G. Girardin.
"Reactivity effect of steam/water ingress in Generation-IV Gas-cooled Fast Reactor core"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
L. Ghasabyan, K. Mikityuk, J. Krepel, S. Pelloni.
"Use of SERPENT Monte-Carlo code for development of 3D full-core models of Gen-IV fast spectrum reactors and preparation of safety parameters/cross-section data for transient analysis"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
J. Krepel, V. Brankov, K. Mikityuk.
"Selection of initial fuel composition for the ESFR core based on the knowledge of its equilibrium closed cycle parameters"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
L. Briggs, C. Choi, W. Hu, L. Maas, W. Maschek, B. Merk, K. Mikityuk, H. Mochizuki, S. Monti, K. Morita, A. Del Nevo, H. Ohira, A. Petruzzi, U. Partha Sarathy, A. Shin, I. Shvetsov, M. Stempniewicz, G. Su, D. Sui, B. Truong.
"Benchmark analyses of the shutdown heat removal tests performed in the EBR-II reactor"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
E. Bubelis, M. Schikorr, L. Mansani, G. Bandini, K. Mikityuk, Y. Zhang, G. Geffraye.
"Safety analysis results of the DBC transients performed for the ALFRED reactor"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
E. Bubelis, M. Schikorr, M. Frogheri, L. Mansani, G. Bandini, L. Burgazzi, K. Mikityuk, Y. Zhang, R. Lo Frano, N. Forgione.
"LFR safety approach and main ELFR safety analysis results"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
G. Grasso, C. Petrovic, K. Mikityuk, D. Mattioli, F. Manni, D. Gugiu.
"Demonstrating the effectiveness of the European LFR concept: the ALFRED core design"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
G. Grasso, C. Döderlein, K. Tucek, K. Mikityuk, F. Manni, D. Gugiu.
"A core design approach aimed at the sustainability and intrinsic safety of the European Lead-cooled Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
A. Rineiski, B. Vezzoni, D. Zhang, M. Marchetti, F. Gabrielli, W. Maschek, X.-N. Chen, L. Buiron, J. Krepel, K. Sun, K. Mikityuk, F. Polidoro, D. Rochman, A.J. Koning, D.F. DaCruz, H. Tsige-Tamirat, R. Sunderland.
"ESFR core optimization and uncertainty studies"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
B. Vrban, S. Cerba, J. Luley, J. Hascik, V. Necas, S. Pelloni.
"Investigation of the Coupled Reactivity Effects of the Movable Reflector and Safety Control Rods in the GFR"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
C. Poette, P. Guedeney, R. Stainsby, K. Mikityuk, S. Knol.
"Gas Cooled Fast Reactors: Recent Advances and Prospects"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), 4-7 March 2013, Paris, France.
M. Salvatores, G. Palmiotti, G. Aliberti, P. Archier, C. De Saint Jean, E. Dupont, M. Herman, M. Ishikawa, T. Ivanova, E. Ivanov, S.-J. Kim, I. Kodeli, G. Manturov, R. McKnight, S. Pelloni, C. Perfetti, A. Plompen, B.T. Rearden, D. Rochman, K. Sugino, A. Trkov, W. Wang, H. Wu, W.-S. Yang.
"Methods and Issues for the Combined Use of Integral Experiments and Covariance Data: Results of a NEA International Collaborative Study"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND-2013). Brookhaven National Laboratory. 4-8 March, 2013, New York City, NY, USA.
J. Luley, B. Vrban, S. Cerba, J. Hascik, V. Necas, S. Pelloni.
"Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of the GFR MOX Fuel Subassembly"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND-2013). Brookhaven National Laboratory. 4-8 March, 2013, New York City, NY, USA.
J. Krepel, B. Hombourger, K. Mikityuk.
"Dependence of the thorium closed fuel cycle parameters on the moderation level of the molten salt reactor"
Proceedings of the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plant (ICAPP2013), Jeju, Korea, April 15-18, 2013
V. Pascal, G. Prulhière, B. Fontaine, K. Devan, V. Kriventsev, S.Monti, K. Mikityuk, M. Semenov, T. Taiwo, K. Takano, V. Tiberi.
"Benchmark calculations on control rod withdrawal tests performed during PHENIX end-of-life experiments"
Proceedings of the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plant (ICAPP2013), Jeju, Korea, April 15-18, 2013
C. Fiorina, A. Cammi, M. E. Ricotti, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk.
"Analysis of Void Reactivity and Doppler Coefficient for Thorium- And Uranium-Fuelled Lead Fast Reactors"
Proceedings of the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plant (ICAPP2013), Jeju, Korea, April 15-18, 2013
C. Fiorina, A. Cammi, L. Luzzi, K. Mikityuk, H. Ninokata, M. E. Ricotti.
"Thermal-hydraulics of internally heated molten salts and application to the Molten Salt Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of 31st UIT Heat Transfer Conference, Como, Italy, June 25-27, 2013
C. Fiorina, F. Franceschini, A. Cammi, J. Krepel
"MSFR TRU-burining potential and comparison with an SFR"
Proceedings of GLOBAL 2013: International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference, Salt Lake City, USA. September 29 -- October 3, 2013
C. Fiorina, F. Franceschini, A. Cammi, J. Krepel
"The MSFR as a flexible CR reactor: the viewpoint of safety"
Proceedings of GLOBAL 2013: International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference, Salt Lake City, USA. September 29 -- October 3, 2013
J. Wallenius (KTH), S. Bortot (PSI), E. Suvdanisetseg (KTH)
"ELECTRA-FORTE, a really small SMR for the Canadian market"
Proceedings of 2nd ANS SMR Meeting (ANS Winter Meeting 2013), Washington, DC, USA, November 10-14, 2013
S. Bortot (PSI), J. Wallenius (KTH), E. Suvdanisetseg (KTH)
"Modeling issues in small HLMC fast reactors: ELECTRA case study"
Proceedings of 2nd ANS SMR Meeting (ANS Winter Meeting 2013), Washington, DC, USA, November 10-14, 2013
C. Degueldre, C. Fiorina
"The proto-Earth geo-reactor: a thorium reactor?"
Presentation at Thorium Energy Conference, THEC13, CERnN, Geneva, Switzerland, October 27-31, 2013
J. Krepel
"PSI studies on advanced fuel cycle options for fast/thermal MSR utilizing thorium"
Presentation at Thorium Energy Conference, THEC13, CERnN, Geneva, Switzerland, October 27-31, 2013
K. Mikityuk
"Fast reactor physics"
Presentation at Thorium Energy Conference, THEC13, CERnN, Geneva, Switzerland, October 27-31, 2013
2012 (6)
C. Fiorina, M. Aufiero, A. Cammi, C. Guerrieri, J. Krepel, L. Luzzi, K. Mikityuk, M. E. Ricotti.
"Analysis of the MSFR core neutronics adopting different neutron transport models"
Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE20, July 30 - August 3, 2012, Anaheim, California, USA
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk and R. Chawla.
"Analysis of Phenix Natural Convection Test with the TRACE code"
Proceedings of 2012 International Congress on the Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP-12, Chicago, USA, June 24-28, 2012. Paper 12444
G. Girardin, M. Alonso, K. Mikityuk.
" Development of 3D full-core ERANOS-2.2/MCNPX-2.7.0 models and neutronic analysis of the BFS-2- zero-power facility"
Proceedings of 2012 International Congress on the Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP-12. Chicago, USA, June 24-28, 2012. Paper 12289
K. Sun, A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk, J. Krepel, R. Chawla.
"Coupled 3D-Neutronics / Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis of an Unprotected Loss-of-Flow Accident for a 3600 MWth SFR Core"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2012 -- Advances in Reactor Physics -- Linking Research, Industry, and Education. Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, April 15-20, 2012
S. Pelloni and K. Mikityuk.
"Nuclear Data Uncertainty Analysis for the Generation IV Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2012 - Advances in Reactor Physics - Linking Research, Industry, and Education. Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, April 15-20, 2012
K. Sun, A. Chenu, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"An Optimization Study for Improving the Safety Characteristics of a 3600MWth Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor via Coupled Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis"
Proceedings of International Conference "Nuclear Energy for New Europe", Ljubljana, September 5-7, 2012.
2011 (9)
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"TRACE analysis of the post dry-out regime in sodium two-phase flow"
Proceedings of ICAPP-11 (May 2-5, 2011, Nice, France).
S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk and G. Rimpault.
"Nuclear data uncertainty analysis for the Generation IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor core with fresh oxide fuel"
Proceedings of ICAPP-11 (May 2-5, 2011, Nice, France).
K. Sun, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, S. Pelloni, R. Chawla.
"An optimisation study for the safety and performance parameters of a 3600 MWth sodium-cooled fast reactor"
Proceedings of ICAPP-11 (May 2-5, 2011, Nice, France).
R. Stainsby, J.C. Garnier, P. Guedeney, K. Mikityuk, T. Mizuno, C. Poette, M. Pouchon, M. Rini, J. Somers, E. Touron.
"The Generation IV Gas-cooled Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of ICAPP-11 (May 2-5, 2011, Nice, France).
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk, R. Adams and R. Chawla.
"TRACE Analysis of PHENIX Core Response to an Increase of the Core Inlet Sodium Temperature"
Proceedings of NURETH-14 (The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 25-30, 2011)
J. Krepel, J. Saliba, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Comparison of safety related parameters in the equilibrium closed cycle for Generation-IV fast reactors"
Proceedings of GLOBAL 2011, Makuhari, Japan, Dec. 11-16, 2011
C. Fiorina, F. Franceschini, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk.
"Comparative Analysis of Uranium and Thorium Fuel Cycles in a Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor from the Perspective of Safety and Waste Management"
Proceedings of GLOBAL 2011, Makuhari, Japan, Dec. 11-16, 2011, Paper No. 464821
M. Pouchon, B. Niceno, and J. Křepel.
"Innovate Pin Design for Sphere-Pac Fuel in Sodium Cooled Fast Reactors"
Proceedings of GLOBAL 2011, Makuhari, Japan, Dec. 11-16, 2011, Paper No. 358351
K. Yancey, K. Mikityuk, J. Krepel, A. Chenu.
"Development and Application of a Comprehensive Model of a Lead-cooled Fast Reactor Using the FAST Code System"
Proceedings of 2011 ANS Winter Meeting October 30-November 3, 2011, Washington, DC, USA
2010 (7)
J. Krepel, S. Pelloni, S. Pilarski, K. Mikityuk.
"Comparison of equilibrium closed cycles for GIV reactors by means of the EQL3D procedure"
Proceedings of ICAPP-10 (June 13-17, 2010, San Diego, California, USA)
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"A review of correlations to model the pressure drop in sodium boiling in tubular geometry"
Proceedings of ICAPP-10 (June 13-17, 2010, San Diego, California, USA)
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"A coupled thermal-hydraulics/ 3D kinetics TRACE/PARCS Model of the 3600 MW Gen-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor: benchmark against ERANOS model"
Proceedings of ICAPP-10 (June 13-17, 2010, San Diego, California, USA)
K. Sun J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Void reactivity decomposition for the sodium-cooled fast reactor in equilibrium fuel cycle"
Proceedings of PHYSOR-2010 (May 9-14, 2010, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA)
G. Girardin, R. Chawla, A. Epiney and K. Mikityuk.
"Neutronic analysis of water-steam injection accidents and its validation using Monte Carlo calculations for Generation IV Gas-cooled Fast Reactors"
Proceedings of PHYSOR-2010 (May 9-14, 2010, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA)
A.Marinoni, G.Girardin, K.Mikityuk.
"MCNPX Simulation of the BN-600 Fast-spectrum Core Mock-up at BFS-2 Zero-power Facility"
Proceedings of SNA + MC2010: Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo (Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan, October 17-20, 2010)
A. Rineiski, G. Rimpault, G. Glinatsis, N. Messaoudi, S. Pelloni, A. Schwenk-Ferrero, M. Carmen Vicente.
"Decay Heat Benchmark for Uranium-Free Fuels with Minor Actinides"
Proceedings of ICONE18 (18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Xi'an, China, May 17-21, 2010)
2009 (16)
S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk, A. Epiney.
"A new cross-section generation model in the FAST code system and its application to the Gen-IV Gas-cooled Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computational Methods, and Reactor Physics (M&C 2009), May 3-7, 2009, Saratoga Springs, New York, USA.
J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, K. Sun, G. Rimpault.
"SFR equilibrium cycle analysis with the EQL3D procedure"
Proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP-09), May 10-14, 2009, Shinjuku Tokyo, Japan.
J. Krepel, M. Sarotto, K. Mikityuk, C. Artioli.
"EFIT fuel cycle analysis with the EQL3D procedure"
Proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP-09), May 10-14, 2009, Shinjuku Tokyo, Japan.
C. Poette, J.Y. Malo, V. Brun-Magaud, F. Morin, I. Dor, B. Mathieu, H. Duhamel, R. Stainsby, K. Mikityuk.
"GFR Demonstrator ALLEGRO Design Status"
Proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP-09), May 10-14, 2009, Shinjuku Tokyo, Japan
A. Epiney, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Gas-cooled fast reactor: studies on safety enhancement"
Proceedings of 3rd ENEN PhD Event: International Youth Conference on Energetics, June 5, 2009. Budapest, Hungary.
J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, K. Sun, G. Rimpault.
"ESFR -- analysis of sustainable fuel cycle"
Proceedings of Seventh European Commission conference on Euratom research and training in reactor systems (FISA 2009), June 22-24, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.
G. Girardin, D. Blanchet, K. Mikityuk, G. Rimpault and R. Chawla.
"Three-dimensional core behaviour analysis of the Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) due to control assembly withdrawal accidents"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-17), July 12-16, 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Modelling of Sodium Two-phase Flow with the TRACE Code"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-17), July 12-16, 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
K. Mikityuk.
"FAST Code System: Review of Recent Developments and Near-future plans"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-17), July 12-16, 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
C. Poette, V. Brun-Magaud, F. Morin, J.F. Pignatel, R. Stainsby, K. Mikityuk.
"ALLEGRO: The European Gas Fast Reactor Demonstrator Project"
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-17), July 12-16, 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
P. Anzieu, R. Stainsby, K. Mikityuk.
"Gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR): overview and perspectives"
Proceedings of GIF Symposium-2009, September 9-10, 2009, Paris, France.
A. Epiney, K. Mikityuk, N. Alpy, D. Haubensack.
"Preliminary design of a Brayton cycle for an autonomous decay heat removal in the Gas-cooled Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-2009), September 27 - October 2, 2009. Kanazawa, Japan.
A. Epiney, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Heavy gas injection in the Generation IV Gas-cooled Fast Reactor to improve decay heat removal under depressurized conditions"
Proceedings of International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-2009), September 27 - October 2, 2009. Kanazawa, Japan.
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"One- and two-dimensional analysis of sodium boiling under loss-of-flow conditions in a pin bundle with the TRACE code"
Proceedings of International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-2009), September 27 - October 2, 2009. Kanazawa, Japan.
K. Mikityuk.
"Review of the recent FAST project activities related to Gen-IV fast reactors"
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles (FR09), December 7 - 11, 2009. Kyoto, Japan.
A. Epiney, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Gas-cooled fast reactor: studies on safety enhancement"
Proceedings of International Conference GLOBAL 2009. "The Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Sustainable Options & Industrial Perspectives". September 6-11, 2009. Paris, France.
2008 (9)
D. Blanchet, S. Pelloni, P. Coddington, K. Mikityuk.
"Analysis of reactivity insertion transients in the ETDR -- a small Gas Cooled Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2008, 14-19 September 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, CD-ROM, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-9521409-5-6)
P. Dumaz, A. Epiney, N. Alpy, P. Broxtermann, J. Malo, A. Tosello.
"Studies of Unprotected Transients and Alternative Decay Heat Removal System for the Gas Cooled Fast Reactor (GFR)"
Proceedings of ICAPP'08, 8-12 June 2008, Anaheim, USA, CD-ROM, 2008 (ISBN 0-89448-061-8)
A. Epiney, P. Coddington, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"New Analysis of the EIR GFR Thermal-hydraulic Experiments"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2008, 14-19 September 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, CD-ROM, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-9521409-5-6)
A. Epiney, P. Dumaz, P. Coddington, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Comparative transient analysis of the 2400MWth GFR with the TRACE and CATHARE codes"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2008, 14-19 September 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, CD-ROM, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-9521409-5-6)
G. Girardin, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, R. Chawla.
"A 3D full-core coupled thermal-hydraulics/kinetics TRACE/PARCS model of the 2400 MWth generation IV gas-cooled fast reactor"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2008, 14-19 September 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, CD-ROM, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-9521409-5-6)
J. Krepel, S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk.
"Equilibrium cycle analysis of a gas cooled fast reactor with the EQL3D procedure"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2008, 14-19 September 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, CD-ROM, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-9521409-5-6)
S. Pelloni, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk.
"EQL3D: Methodology for simulation of equilibrium cycle for advanced fast reactors"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2008, 14-19 September 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, CD-ROM, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-9521409-5-6)
P. Petkevich, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, R. Chawla.
"GFR transient analysis employing a 2D thermomechanical model for the plate-type fuel"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2008, 14-19 September 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, CD-ROM, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-9521409-5-6)
C. Poette, V. Brun-Magaud, F. Morin, I. Dor, J.F. Pignatela, F. Bertrand, R. Stainsby, S. Pelloni, D. Every, D. Da Cruz.
"ETDR, The European Union’s Experimental Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Project"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2008, 14-19 September 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, CD-ROM, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-9521409-5-6)
2007 (5)
G. Girardin, G. Rimpault, P. Coddington, R. Chawla.
"Control Rod Shadowing and Anti-shadowing Effects in a Large Gas-cooled Fast Reactor"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2007 Nice, France, May 13-18, 2007 Paper 7329
P. Petkevich, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, R. Chawla.
"A 2D Transient Model for Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Plate-Type Fuel"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2007 Nice, France, May 13-18, 2007 Paper 7330
E. Bubelis, D. Castelliti, P. Coddington, I. Dor, C. Fouillet, E. de Geus, T.D. Marshall, W. van Rooijen, M. Schikorr, R. Stainsby.
"A GFR benchmark comparison of transient analysis codes based on the ETDR concept"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2007 Nice France Paper 7340
S. Pelloni, E. Bubelis and P. Coddington.
"Steady-State and Transient Neutronic and Thermal-hydraulic Analysis of ETDR using the FAST code system"
Proceedings of ICAPP 2007 Nice France Paper 7440, Reactor Physics Methods and Validation
D. Blanchet, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington and R. Chawla.
"An Uncertainty Assessment Methodology for Materials Behaviour in Advanced Fast Reactors"
Proceedings of SMINS-2007: Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems, Karlsruhe, Germany, 4-6 June 2007
2006 (7)
C. Mitchell, M. McDermott, K. Peers, C. Poette, P. Coddington, J. Somers.
"Gas Cooled Fast Reactor GCFR"
Proceedings of EU Research and Training in Reactor Systems (FISA 2006), 13-16 March 2006, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, CD-ROM, 210-225, 2006 (ISBN 92-79-01214-2)
C. Mitchell, C. Poette, K. Peers, P. Coddington, J. Somers, G. Van-Goethem.
"GCFR: The European Union's Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Project"
Proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP'06), 4-8 June 2006, Reno, USA, CD-ROM, 540-548, 2006 (ISBN 0-89448-698-5)
E. Bubelis, P. Coddington, W. Leung.
"Pre-Test Analysis of the MEGAPIE Spallation Source Target Cooling Loop Using the TRAC/AAA Code"
Proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP'06), 4-8 June 2006, Reno, USA, CD-ROM, 452-461, 2006 (ISBN 0-89448-698-5)
P. Petkevich, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, S. Pelloni, R. Chawla.
"Comparative Transient Analysis of a Gas-cooled Fast Reactors for Different Fuel Types"
Proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP'06), 4-8 June 2006, Reno, USA, CD-ROM, 549-559, 2006 (ISBN 0-89448-698-5)
G. Girardin, S. Pelloni, P. Coddington, R. Chawla.
"Comparative Analysis of the Reference GCFR-PROTEUS MOX Lattice with MCNPX-2.5e and ERANOS-2.0 in Conjunction with Modern Nuclear Data Libraries"
Proceedings of PHYSOR-2006, 10-14 September 2006, Vancouver, Canada, CD-ROM, 2006 (ISBN 0-89448-697-7)
D. Da Cruz, A. Hogenbirk, J, Bosq, G. Rimpault, G. Prulhiere, P. Morris, S. Pelloni.
"Neutronic Benchmark on the 2400 MW Gas-cooled Fast Reactor Design"
Proceedings of PHYSOR-2006, 10-14 September 2006, Vancouver, Canada, CD-ROM, 2006 (ISBN 0-89448-697-7)
A. Epiney, S. Pelloni, P. Coddington, R. Chawla.
"Comparative Analysis for the Initial Cycle of Two Generation IV GCFR Cores (600 MWth) Operating with Innovative CERCER Type Carbide Fuel"
Proceedings of Conf. on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning & Transmutation, 25-29 September 2006, Nimes, France, CD-ROM, 2006
2005 (3)
K. Mikityuk, S. Pelloni, P. Coddington.
"Development of an Advanced Code System for Fast-Reactor Transient Analysis"
Proceedings of 11th Int. Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-11), 2-6 October 2005, Avignon, France
S. Pelloni, E. Bubelis, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington.
"Verification of Reactor Dynamics Calculations Using the Coupled Code System Fast"
Proceedings of Int. Topical Meeting on Mathematics and Computation (M&C 2005), 12-15 September 2005, Avignon, France
K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, E. Bubelis, R. Chawla.
"Comparative Study of the Transient Behaviour of the 80MWth LBE- and Gas-cooled XADS using TRAC/AAA"
Proceedings of GLOBAL 2005, 9-13 October 2005, Tsukuba, Japan
2004 (5)
P. Coddington, K. Mikityuk, M. Schikorr, W. Maschek, B. Sehgal, J. Champigny, L. Mansani, P. Meloni, H. Wider.
"Safety Analysis of the EU-PDS-XADS Designs"
Proceedings of 4th Int. Workshop on Utilisation of High Power Proton Accelerators, 16-19 May 2004, Daejeon, Korea
P. Coddington, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla.
"Comparative Transient Analysis of Pb/Bi and Gas Cooled XADS Concepts"
Proceedings of 4th Int. Workshop on Utilisation of High Power Proton Accelerators, 16-19 May 2004, Daejeon, Korea
K. Mikityuk, P.Coddington, R. Chawla.
"TRAC-M/AAA Code Assessment for Transient Analysis of Pb-Bi Cooled Fast-Spectrum Reactor Systems"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2004, 25-29 April 2004, Chicago, USA
S. Pelloni.
"PDS-XADS LBE and Gas-Cooled Concepts: Neutronic Parameters Comparison"
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2004, 25-29 April 2004, Chicago, USA
M. Plaschy, S. Pelloni, P. Coddington, R. Chawla, G. Rimpault, F. Mellier.
"Numerical Comparisons between Neutronic Characteristics of MUSE4 Configurations and XADS-type Models"
Proceedings of 4th Int. Workshop on Utilisation of High Power Proton Accelerators, 16-19 May 2004, Daejeon, Korea
Technical reports (49)
2017 (2)
J. Kalilainen, H.-M. Prasser, J. Krepel, T. Lind, M. Pouchon, W. Schenler"The literature survey for the “Feasibility and plausibility of innovative reactor concepts in an European electricity supply environment” project"
K. Mikityuk, S. Van Hauwaert, A. L. Panadero
"Thermal-hydraulic simulations of selected tests using CATHARE and TRACE"
TM-41-17-01, CEA-PSI ARDECo deliverable, 19.01.2017
2016 (4)
J. Kalilainen, H.-M. Prasser, J. Krepel"Progress report of "Feasibility and plausibility of innovative reactor concepts in an European electricity supply environment" project"
A.-L. Panadero, K. Mikityuk
"Simulation of ULOF using ID TRACE/FRED with 0D kinetics"
TM-41-16-12, CEA-PSI ARDECo deliverable, 20.06.2016
A.-L. Panadero, K. Mikityuk
"ASTRID thermal-hydraulic analysis using TRACE"
TM-41-16-08, CEA-PSI ARDECo deliverable, 31.03.2016
A.-L. Panadero, K. Mikityuk
"ASTRID primary circuit thermal-hydraulic model using TRACE/FRED with 0D kinetics"
TM-41-16-06, CEA-PSI ARDECo deliverable, 30.03.2016
2015 (1)
S. Bortot, K. Mikityuk,"Review of methods, tools and databases used for core safety analysis"
TM-41-15-05, FP7 ESNII Plus deliverable, 29.04.2015
2014 (3)
K. Mikityuk, et al"Evaluation of the ASTRID core safety coefficients"
TM-41-14-25, FP7 ESNII Plus deliverable, 02.12.2014
A.-L. Panadero
"Serpent 2 input deck for ASTRID with a short description"
TM-41-14-18, CEA-PSI ARDECo deliverable, 22.08.2014
A.-L. Panadero
"D1.5 Results of neutronics analysis of the CFV core at EOC using Serpent 2"
TM-41-15-01, 26.01.2014
2013 (5)
J. Krepel"Parametric spectral study of a single-fluid Molten Salt Reactor
TM-41-13-28, 15.10.2013
S. Borto
"ASTRID-like core configuration description"
TM-41-13-21, 12.9.2013
K. Mikityuk, Y. Zhang
"Thermal-hydraulic assessment of the ETDR core"
TM-41-13-18, not for public use, 02.09.2013
V. Brankov, G. Khvostov, K. Mikityuk
"OECD Halden Reactor Project Technical Visit and Data Analysis"
TM-41-14-04, 05.05.2013
K. Mikityuk
"Selection of a representative set of initiating events relevant to the safety issues"
TM-41-13-06, FP7 LEADER deliverable, 08.04.2013
2011 (7)
J. Krepel, K. Sun, K. Mikityuk"Reactivity Coefficients and Kinetics data for optimized oxide ESFR core proposed by SP2.1.3.D1"
TM-41-11-28, FP7 CP-ESFR deliverable, 09.12.2011
S. Pelloni
"Reference GFR 2400 MWth: Nuclear data uncertainty analysis on the basis of COMMARA-2.0 covariances"
TM-41-11-25, 6.10.2011
A. Chenu, K. Mikityuk
"User manual of the PSI extended TRACE code for sodium boiling simulation and technical advices for further developments"
TM-41-11-16, 31.08.2011
S. Pelloni "ALLEGRO: Mixed OXide (MOX) core specifications and neutronics characterization" TM-41-11-12, FP7 GoFastR deliverable, 01.08.2011
S. Pelloni
"MPTVOID: An ERANOS procedure for generating regional void reactivity maps by means of perturbation theory"
TM-41-11-06, 02.03.2011
S. Pelloni
"Reference GFR 2400 MWth: New nuclear data uncertainty analysis for updated core specifications"
TM-41-11-03, 21.01.2011
S. Pelloni
"Reference GFR 2400 MWth: Updated core specifications and new neutronics characterization"
TM-41-11-01, 12.01.2011
2010 (4)
S. Pelloni"Reference GFR 2400 MWth: Nuclear data uncertainty analysis"
TM-41-10-23, FP7 GoFastR deliverable, 10.10.2010
S. Pelloni
"Reference GFR 2400 MWth: core specifications and neutronics characterization"
TM-41-10-20, FP7 GoFastR deliverable, 09.06.2010
S. Pelloni
"Nuclear data uncertainty analysis for the Sodium Fast Reactor oxide core with its fresh fuel composition"
TM-41-10-14, 01.06.2010
K. Sun, J. Krepel, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla
"Decomposition of safety related parameters for the sodium-cooled fast reactor"
TM-41-10-10, 31.03.2010
2009 (2)
S. Pelloni, K. Mikityuk"FAST code system: Documentation of Edition July 1, 2009 with a new cross-section generation model"
TM-41-09-10, 20.06.2009
J. Krepel
"Assessment of the MA burning capability of the ELSY oxide core by means of equilibrium method"
TM-41-09-06, 31.03.2009
2008 (1)
A. Epiney"Transient analysis for the 2400MWth GCFR: Comparison between the "0604"; and "F" core designs with the TRACE and CATHARE codes"
TM-41-08-13, FP6 GCFR deliverable, 20.10.2008
2007 (3)
K. Mikityuk"Heat transfer to liquid metal: review of data and correlations for tube bundles"
TM-41-07-10, 06.09.2007
A. Epiney
"GCFR Loop experiments at EIR with different gases"
TM-41-07-09, 03.09.2007
E. Bubelis
"A Benchmark Comparison of Transient Analysis Codes: GCFR-STREP DEL.21"
TM-41-07-03, FP6 GCFR deliverable, 06.03.2007
2006 (5)
E. Bubelis, S. Pelloni, P. Coddington"Neutronic and Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of the ETDR Start-up Core"
TM-41-06-21, 16.11.2006
E. Bubelis, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, W.H. Leung
"Post-Test Analysis of Transients Recorded at the MEGAPIE Test Facility (MITS) using the TRAC/AAA Code"
TM-41-06-18, 25.10.2006
K. Mikityuk P. Coddington
"TRAC/AAA analysis of the MEGAPie reference accident"
TM-41-06-17, 25.10.2006
E. Bubelis, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington, L. Waihung
"Pre-Test Analysis of the Possible Transients for the MEGAPIE Facility Using the TRAC/AAA Code"
TM-41-06-12, 27.05.2006
P. Coddington, E. Bubelis, K. Mikityuk
"Benchmark Specification for the Transient Analysis Codes: GCFR-STREP DEL.7"
TM-41-06-10, FP6 GCFR deliverable, 24.05.2006
2005 (8)
G. Girardin, S. Pelloni, P. Coddington"Analysis of ECCO/MCNPX Cell Calculation with Modern Nuclear Data Libraries for the Reference GCFR-PROTEUS MOX Cell"
TM-41-05-25, 21.12.2005
P. Coddington, E. Bubelis
"Description of Transient Codes for GFR Analysis and their Validation: GCFR-STREP DEL.6"
TM-41-05-24, FP6 GCFR deliverable, 13.12.2005
G. Girardin, P. Coddington, G. Rimpault
"A Control Rod Design for the 2400 MWth Gas-cooled Fast Reactor"
TM-41-06-19, 02.11.2005
G. Girardin, P. Coddington, G. Rimpault
"Control Rod Shadowing and Anti-shadowing Effects in a Large Gas-cooled Fast Reactor"
TM-41-06-20, 12.10.2005
E. Bubelis, P. Coddington, K. Mikityuk, S. Pelloni, P. Petkevich
"Enhancement of the PARCS, TRAC/AAA and ERANOS Codes for use within the FAST Code System"
TM-41-05-21, 07.10.2005
G. Girardin
"Review of the GCFR-PROTEUS Experimental Programme"
TM-41-05-01, 11.07.2005
P. Petkevich, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddingtong
"Fuel and cladding material properties for advanced Gas Cooled Fast Reactors (GFR)"
TM-41-05-09, 10.05.2005
E. Bubelis, K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington
"Post-Test Analysis of the Transient Experiments Performed in the Tall Test Facility Using the TRAC/AAA Code"
TM-41-05-06, 21.03.05
2004 (3)
P. Codddington, K. Mikityuk, E. Bubelis"Transient Analysis of the 80 MW Helium Cooled Experimental Accelerator-Driven System Using the TRAC/AAA Code"
TM-41-04-26, FP5 PDS-XADS deliverable, 29.10.2004
S. Pelloni
TM-41-04-21, 06.09.2004
K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington
"Transient analysis of the 80 MW Pb-Bi cooled Experimental Accelerator-Driven System using the TRAC/AAA code"
TM-41-04-14, FP5 PDS-XADS deliverable, 28.06.2004
2003 (3)
S. Pelloni"The Code ERANOSSOURCE: Documentation"
TM-41-03-20, 13.08.2003
K. Mikityuk
"Modifications made in the TRAC-M/AAA code, including introduction of the FRED fuel rod model"
TM-41-03-18, 27.06.2003
K. Mikityuk, P. Coddington
"Results of ADS beam trip benchmark calculations with the TRAC-M and LOOP2 codes"
TM-41-03-01, 15.01.2003
Chapters in books (4)
2021 (3)
J. Krepel
"Self-Sustaining Breeding in Advanced Reactors: Characterization of Natural Resources"
Chapter in Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy
J. Krepel and E.Loza
"Self-Sustaining Breeding in Advanced Reactors: Characterization of Selected Reactors"
Chapter in Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy
J. Krepel
"Self-Sustaining Breeding in Advanced Reactors: Comparison of Fuel Cycle Performance"
Chapter in Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy
2017 (1)
J. Krepel, S. Nichenko, B. Hombourger, A. Pautz, H.-M. Prasser, Chapter title: Switzerland, in the book: Molten Salt Reactors and Thorium Energy, ISBN: 978-0-08-101126-3, 2017.