Scientific Highlights
Kagome breaks the rules at record breaking temperatures
Discovery of quantum phenomenon at accessible temperatures could be useful for quantum technologies.
Magnetism in thin layers: One electron makes the difference
An important step towards novel computer memory
Evidence for time-reversal symmetry-breaking kagome superconductivity
Superconductivity and magnetism are often antagonistic in quantum matter, although their intertwining has long been considered in frustrated-lattice systems. Here we utilize scanning tunnelling microscopy and muon spin resonance to demonstrate time-reversal symmetry-breaking superconductivity in kagome metal Cs(V, Ta)3Sb5, where the Cooper pairing exhibits magnetism and is modulated by it. In the magnetic channel, we observe spontaneous internal magnetism ...
Japanese – Swiss BRIDGE Workshop at PSI
BRIDGE stands for Bridging Research Innovations in Diverse muon and neutron science by GEneral collaboration between Japan and Switzerland. After a first remote edition of this new workshop series in 2022, an in-person BRIDGE workshop took place at PSI, October 18-20, 2023.
Hercules and batteries, X-rayed
Developments of the MIXE technique at PSI
With muons, PSI researchers can examine objects non-destructively. This helps in archaeology and battery development.
μSR2020 conference update
The long delayed MuSR2020 conference will run from Monday 29th August to Friday 2nd September, 2022. An in-person meeting is planned, which will be held at the Science and Technology Campus, University of Parma. Invited speakers include Bruce Gaulin, Giacomo Ghiringhelli, Reizo Kato, Ioan Pop, Jorge Quintanilla, Roberta Sessoli, Martin Wilkening and Reiner Zorn