Archive of Seminars

LRC Seminar Program 2024

19 February, ODRA-11

13:00–14:00 Guest Speaker – Prof. Dr. Xiaolin Hou (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, CN) 
 "Analysis of ultra-low level anthropogenic radionuclides for tracing environmental processes" 

14:00-14:15 Break 

14:15–15:15 Guest Speaker – Dr. Maya Jäggi (PSI, Villigen PSI, CH) 
"Decommissioning at PSI – Radioanalytics Laboratory"

15:15–16:15 Paul Dutheil 
"Flow-electrolytic approach for separation and analysis of radionuclides"

5 April, ODRA-11

14:00–15:00 Guest Speaker – Dr. Andreas Knecht (PSI, Villigen PSI, CH) 
"Muon research at PSI today and in the future"

15:00-15:15 Break 

15:15–16:15 Dr. Ðorde Cvjetinovic 
"Green radiochemistry for sustainable development"

16:15–17:15 Noemi Cerboni 
"Different source preparation techniques for Auger electron spectroscopy"


3 May, ODRA-11

14:00–15:00 Guest Speaker – Prof. Dr. Jonathan W. Engle (University of Wisconsin, Madison, US) 
"Small cyclotron theranostics" 

15:00-15:15 Break 

15:15–16:15 Xiaohan Pan 
"Removal of radionuclides from nuclear wastewater by radiation-induced graft polymeric adsorbents" 

16:15–17:15 Edoardo Renaldin 
"Holmium Radioisotopes for Nuclear Medicine: Recent Progress and Future Steps"


14 June, OSGA/EG06

13:00–14:00 Guest Speaker – Prof. Dr. Anna L. Smith (TU Delft, Delft, NL) 
"Nuclear Materials Research at TU Delf" 

14:00-14:15 Break 

14:15–15:15 Ivan Zivadinovic 
"Release behavior of Po and Te from LBE-cooled reactors"

15:15–16:15 Georg Tiebel 
"Development and commissioning of a buffer gas cell for in vacuo chemistry experiments"

LRC Seminar Program 2021

11 June, OSGA/EG06

13:30-14:30  Ivan Zivadinovic (Paul Scherrer Institute)

‘‘Radionuclide release of refractory metals from LBE"

14:45-15:45  Guilhem de Bodin de Galembert (Paul Scherrer Institute)

‘‘Preparation and characterization of Ho-163 cathodes for the HOLMES experiment’’

15:45-16:45 Prof. Saverio Braccini (Bern University)

‘‘Multi-disciplinary Research Activities at the Bern medical Cyclotron’’

28 May, OSGA/EG06

14:30-15:30  Paul Louis Dutheil (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Electrochemical approaches for radioanalytics and transactinide research"

27 May, OSGA/EG06

Dr. Malgorzata Makowska (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Enlighten your project: Synchrotron techniques available for radioactive materials"

16 April, zoom

14:00-15:00 Dr. Nick van der Meulen (Paul Scherrer Institute)

‘‘TATTOOS (Targeted Alpha Therapy using Terbium and Other Oncological Solutions): A New Strategic Project Proposal’’

Zoom link:

12 March, zoom 

13:30-14:30  Dr. Frederic Juget (Institut de Radiophysique, Lausanne)

"Isotopes standardisation and decay properties measurements to realise the Becquerel"

14:45-15:45  Dr. Ionut Mihalcea (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"SINCHRON: from idea to implementation"

15:45-16:45  Chiara Favaretto (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"The Development of terbium radionuclides towards clinical applications"

Zoom link:

NES Seminar Program 2021

16 April, zoom

10:30- 12:00  Prof. Roger Alberto (University of Zurich)

"Aspects of Technetium and Rhenium Chemistry; from pi-aromatic ligands to N2"

Zoom link:

26 March, zoom

10:30-12:00 Prof. Gerda Neyens (KU Leuven, Belgium. ISOLDE Physics Group Leader, CERN, Switzerland).

‘‘Laser spectroscopy on exotic atoms and molecules at ISOLDE’’

Zoom link:

LRC Seminar Program: Autumn 2020

4 December

Prof. Dr. Thomas Cocolios (KU Leuven, Department of Physics & Astronomy)

"Combining radioisotopes with muons: unraveling the mysteries of the atom and its nucleus with the muX experimental setup at PSI"

Paul Ionescu (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Trace Gas Effects on Chromatographic Yield of Hg and At"

Dr. Nadine Marie Chiera 

"Chemistry with Exotic Radionuclides"

20 November

Mario Veicht  (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Determination of the Excitation Function for the Production of 44Ti in Proton-Irradiated Vanadium Discs"

23 October

Dr. Elisabeth Müller (PSI, Laboratory for Nanoscale Biology)

"Electron Microscopy Facility at PSI, how it works and what opportunities it offers"

Jennifer Wilson (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Separation of Titanium and Calcium from Irradiated Vanadium using Exchange Column Chromatography"

Dr. Ivan Kajan (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Challenges in half-life determinations by gamma spectroscopy"   

11 September

Djorde Cvjetinovic (University of Belgrade)

"Bioevaluation of glucose modified liposomes"           

NES Seminar Program: Spring 2020 

13 March

Dr. Ulli Köster (Institut Laue Langevin & Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble)

"Life, the Universe and Everything"

Dr. Ivan Kajan (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Diluent effects in solvent extraction of Europium and Americium"                                  

Dr. Ionut Mihalcea (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"SINCHRON Method development challenges"

LRC Seminar Program: Autumn 2019

29 November, OFLA/209

14:30-16:00 Mario Aaron Veicht (Paul Scherrer Institute)
"SINCHRONized: Project Summary"

8 November, OSGA/EG06

13:30-14:30 Prof. Dr. Klaus Wendt (Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
"Laser Isotope Separation Revisited – Radioisotope spectroscopy and purification by
laser mass spectrometry at Mainz University"

15:00-16:00 Dr. Ivan Kajan (Paul Scherrer Institute)
"Diluent effects in solvent extraction of Europium and Americium"

16:00-17:00 Jiri Ulrich (Paul Scherrer Institute)
"Determination of astrophysical relevant properties of Mn-53"

25 October, OFLA/209

14:30-16:00 Erik Karlsson
Fission product chemistry in an LBE reactor

11 October, ODRA/111

13:30-14:30 Prof. Dr. Maarten Jacobus Schippers (Paul Scherrer Institute)
"The generation of a particle beam in a Cyclotron"

15:00-16:00 Paul Ionescu (Paul Scherrer Institute)
"Chemistry of Copernicium – Past Results Guiding the Future"

16:00-17:00 Ivan Danilov (Paul Scherrer Institute)
"Determination of thermochemical data of iodine, caesium and polonium in dilute
liquid lead bismuth solutions"

LRC Seminar Program: Spring 2019

14 June

Hui-Zhang (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"IP2 Beam Line, Daily Operation and Further Development"

Mario Aaron Veicht (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Implementing new isotopes for environmental research: Redetermination of the 32Si half-life"

Mu Lin (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Selective removal of Cs from highly acidic spent nuclear fuel solutions"

22 March

Martin Heule (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Presenting the Radioanalytics Group: Range from Services to Research Contributions"

Anja Pregler

Increased uranium concentrations in ground and surface waters of the Swiss Plateau: A result of leaching and accumulation in the Molasse Basin and (ancient) wetlands?

Erik Karlsson (Paul Scherrer Institute)

"Polonium deposition behaviour in the event of a beam guide window puncture in an accelerator driven system"