23 Nov - 25 Nov 2015
In the frame of the EC-funded integrated project CHANDA, the importance of nuclear target preparation for the accurateness and reliability of experimental nuclear data is addressed in a dedicated work package (WP3). The global goal of WP3 is the development of a network for nuclear target preparation and characterization, enabling to coordinate the target production corresponding to the experimental requirements.
The workshop is one of the deliverables within WP3 and is aimed to bring together isotope producers, target manufacturer and users for discussions about the needs and the possibilities of target preparation.
The workshop is one of the deliverables within WP3 and is aimed to bring together isotope producers, target manufacturer and users for discussions about the needs and the possibilities of target preparation.
29 Aug - 02 Sep 2011
The first exploratory workshop, ERAWAST I, held at PSI in November 2006, explored the possibility of an international network for the exploitation of accelerator waste materials with regard to use as a source of exotic radionuclides for basic science and technological applications. The workshop brought together partners from both the production facilities as well as application domains. The main outcome of this workshop was the establishment of an international collaboration, and the identification of both “early-to realize” and “long-term” experiments and applications. After 5 years, it is time to evaluate the main achievements and to define future work and possibilities.
15-17 Nov 2006
Exotic radionuclides such as for instance Ti-44, Fe-60, Al-26, Be-10 and many others are of great interest in several research domains like astrophysics, nuclear medicine, geophysics, fundamental nuclear physics or radioactive beam facilities.