Mads recieved his PhD degree at the technical university of Denmark department of physics in the group of Associate Professor Hugh Simons. He has worked Dark-Field X-ray Microscopy, a microscopic method that images the wide-angle scattered x-rays of large crystalline samples, and the application of coherent microscopy methods to the analysis of such images. His scientific interest involes x-ray imaging and the structure of functional and engineering materials.
Mads Carlsen is a postdoctoral researcher at the Structure and Mechanics of Advanced Materials group at PSI. There he works with the further development of Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Tensor Tomography including the development of a software platform for the data-analysis. The position is split with the CSX group who runs the cSAXC beamline at SLS.
Mads workd on the development of Small- and Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering Tensor Tomography with a focus on the data-treatment. This involves participating in the development of software for the data analysis and the development of new appoaches to the reconstruction as well as optimizing the experimental procedure.
Mads Carlsen, Trygve M Ræder, Can Yildirim, Raquel Rodriguez-Lamas, Carsten Detlefs, and Hugh Simons, "Fourier ptychographic dark field x-ray microscopy," Opt. Express 30, 2949-2962 (2022)(
Carlsen, M., Detlefs, C., Yildirim, C., Raeder, T. & Simons, H., "Simulating dark-field X-ray microscopy images with wavefront propagation techniques" Acta Cryst. A78, 482-490 (2022)(