Dr. Sailong Ju

Short description
Photo of Sailong Ju
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI


Sailong Ju is a postdoc at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) since October 2020. He received his bachelor degree in 2012 from China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) and PhD in 2018 from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) with Prof. Dr. Zhe Sun as his doctoral supervisor, he then joined National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) as a postdoc under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jiayu Dai until July 2020.

Sailong Ju’s research is mainly focused on electronic structure of low-dimensional materials such as thermoelectric CsBi4Te6, anisotropic GaTe, as well as bismuth thin film. During his time as a PhD candidate, he joined his group mates in contributing to the optimization, operation and maintenance of the ARPES beamline and endstation in Hefei Light Source-II (HLS-II), as well as providing supports to external users.

Institutional Responsibilities

Research on novel topological quantum states with ARPES; Characterize samples with PPMS; Development, support and maintenance of specialized measurement equipment at the SIS beamline; Support of external user groups; Assistance in the supervision of technical personnel

Scientific Research

Sailong Ju's current research is focused on ARPES studies of:
1. Novel topological materials (coexistence of topology and magnetism/superconductivity, etc.);
2. Band engineering of surface and thin film (doping, strain, etc.)

Selected Publications

For an extensive overview we kindly refer you to our publication repository DORA (includes publications since joining PSI).

(# Equal contribution, * Corresponding author):

Sailong Ju#, Wei Bai#, Liming Wu#, Hua Lin#, Chong Xiao*, Shengtao Cui, Zhou Li, Shuai Kong, Yi Liu, Dayong Liu, Guobin Zhang, Zhe Sun*, and Yi Xie*, Evidence for Itinerant Carriers in an Anisotropic Narrow-Gap Semiconductor by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, Adv. Mater. 30, 1704733 (2018)

Sailong Ju, Maokun Wu, Hao Yang, Naizhou Wang, Yingying Zhang, Peng Wu, Pengdong Wang, Bo Zhang, Kejun Mu, Yaoyi Li, Dandan Guan, Dong Qian, Feng Lu, Dayong Liu, Wei-Hua Wang*, Xianhui Chen, and Zhe Sun*, Band Structures of Ultrathin Bi(110) Films on Black Phosphorus Substrates Using Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, Chin. Phys. Lett. 35, 077102 (2018)

Wei Bai#, Pengju Li#, Sailong Ju#, Chong Xiao*, Haohao Shi, Sheng Wang, Shengyong Qin*, Zhe Sun*, and Yi Xie, Monolayer Behavior of NbS2 in Natural van der Waals Heterostructures, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 6421 (2018)
