Journal Publications of the Severe Accident Research Group

Our scientists, post docs and students regularly publish articles in scientific magazines primarily in the nuclear engineering and technical field. For this purpose, each submitted article is first thoroughly reviewed and then approved.  

Here you will find a selection of journals that regularly publish articles from our laboratory:






  • Breitenmoser D, Papadopoulos P, Lind T, Prasser H-M
    Droplet size distribution in a full-scale rectangular self-priming Venturi scrubber with liquid film injection
    International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2021; 142: 103694 (15 pp.).
  • Choi YJ, Kam DH, Padopoulos P, Lind T, Jeong YH
    Experimental investigation on bubble behaviors in a water pool using the venturi scrubbing nozzle
    Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 2021; 53: 1756-1768.
  • Lind T, Pellegrini M, Herranz LE, Sonnenkalb M, Nishi Y, Tamaki H, et al.
    Overview and outcomes of the OECD/NEA benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (BSAF), Phase 2 – Results of severe accident analyses for unit 3
    Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2021; 376: 111138 (12 pp.).
  • Nichenko S, Kalilainen J, Fernandez Moguel L, Lind T
    Modelling of fission products release in VERDON-1 experiment with cGEMS: coupling of severe accident code MELCOR with GEMS thermodynamic modelling package
    Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2021; 152: 107972 (11 pp.).
  • Skolik K, Allison C, Hohorst J, Malicki M, Perez-Ferragut M, Pieńkowski L, et al.
    Analysis of loss of coolant accident without ECCS and DHRS in an integral pressurized water reactor using RELAP/SCDAPSIM
    Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2021; 134: 103648 (15 pp.).
  • Stuckert J, Steinbrueck M, Kalilainen J, Lind T, Birchley J
    Experimental and modelling results of the QUENCH-18 bundle experiment on air ingress, cladding melting and aerosol release
    Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2021; 379: 111267 (11 pp.).


  • Betschart T, Lind T, Prasser H-M
    Investigation of two-phase flow hydrodynamics under SGTR severe accident conditions
    Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2020; 366: 110768 (14 pp.).
  • Herranz LE, Pellegrini M, Lind T, Sonnenkalb M, Godin-Jacqmin L, López C, et al.
    Overview and outcomes of the OECD/NEA benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (BSAF) Phase 2 - results of severe accident analyses for Unit 1
    Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2020; 369: 110849 (7 pp.).
  • Jäckel BS, Steiner P, Klügel J-U
    Loss-of-cooling accident calculations for the wet storage pool of NPP Gösgen/Däniken
    Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2020; 370: 110839 (6 pp.).
  • Kalilainen J, Nichenko S, Krepel J
    Evaporation of materials from the molten salt reactor fuel under elevated temperatures
    Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2020; 533: 152134 (13 pp.).
  • Lind T, Campbell S, Herranz LE, Kissane M, Song JH
    A summary of fission-product-transport phenomena during SGTR severe accidents
    Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2020; 363: 110635 (10 pp.).
  • Nakayoshi A, Rempe JL, Barrachin M, Bottomley D, Jacquemain D, Journeau C, et al.
    Review of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station debris endstate location in OECD/NEA preparatory study on analysis of fuel debris (PreADES) project
    Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2020; 369: 110857 (15 pp.).
  • Pellegrini M, Herranz L, Sonnenkalb M, Lind T, Maruyama Y, Gauntt R, et al.
    Main findings, remaining uncertainties and lessons learned from the OECD/NEA BSAF project
    Nuclear Technology. 2020; 206(9): 1449-1463.
  • Sonnenkalb M, Pellegrini M, Herranz LE, Lind T, Morreale AC, Kanda K, et al.
    Overview and outcomes of the OECD/NEA benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (BSAF), phase 2 - results of severe accident analyses for unit 2
    Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2020; 369: 110840 (10 pp.).
  • Vitullo F, Krepel J, Kalilainen J, Prasser H-M, Pautz A
    Statistical burnup distribution of moving pebbles in the HTR-PM reactor
    Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 2020; 6(2): 021108 (14 pp.).




  • Dehbi A, Kalilainen J, Lind T, Auvinen A
    A large eddy simulation of turbulent particle-laden flow inside a cubical differentially heated cavity
    Journal of Aerosol Science. 2017; 103: 67-82.
  • Grimm P, Hursin M, Perret G, Siefman D, Ferroukhi H
    Analysis of reactivity worths of burnt PWR fuel samples measured in LWR-PROTEUS Phase II using a CASMO-5 reflected-assembly model
    Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2017; 101: 280-287.
  • Halouane Y, Dehbi A
    CFD simulations of premixed hydrogen combustion using the Eddy Dissipation and the Turbulent Flame Closure models
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017; 42(34): 21990-22004.
  • Karanki DR, Rahman S, Dang VN, Zerkak O
    Epistemic and aleatory uncertainties in integrated deterministic and probabilistic safety assessment: tradeoff between accuracy and accident simulations
    Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 2017; 162: 91-102.
  • Perret G, Geslot B, Gruel A, Blaise P, Di-Salvo J, De Izarra G, et al.
    Kinetic parameter measurements in the Minerve reactor
    IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2017; 64(1): 724-734.


Bubbly, Slug, and Annular Two-Phase Flow in Tight-Lattice Subchannels
H.-M. Prasser, C. Bolesch, K. Cramer, D. Ito, P. Papadopoulos, A. Saxena, R. Zboray
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 48, 847

Liquid film dynamics of two-phase annular flow in square and tightlattice subchannels
D. Ito, P. Papadopoulos, H.-M. Prasser
Nuclear Engineering and Design 300, 467


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Conclusions on severe accident research priorities
W. Klein-Heßling, M. Sonnenkalb, D. Jacquemain, B. Clément, E. Raimond, H. Dimmelmeier, G. Azarian, G. Ducros, C. Journeau, L.E. Herranz Puebla, A. Schumm, A. Miassoedov, I. Kljenak, G. Pascal, S. Bechta, S. Güntay, M.K. Koch, I. Ivanov, A. Auvinen, I. Lindholm
Annals of Nuclear Energy 74, 4

Synthesis of spent fuel pool accident assessments using severe accident codes
J. Fleurot, I. Lindholm, N. Kononen, B.S. Jäckel, A. Kaliatka, J. Duspiva, M. Steinbrück, T. Hollands
Annals of Nuclear Energy 74, 58

Experimental study on bounce of submicron agglomerates upon inertial impaction
M. Ihalainen, T.M. Lind, J. Ruusunen, P. Tiitta, A. Lahde, T. Torvela, J. Jokiniemi
Powder Technology 268, 203

Significance of Phébus-FP results for plant safety in Switzerland
J.C. Birchley, S. Güntay
Annals of Nuclear Energy 61, 206

A Method to Study Agglomerate Breakup and Bounce During Impaction
M. Ihalainen, T.M. Lind, T. Torvela, K.E.J. Lehtinen, J.K. Jokiniemi
Aerosol Science and Technology 46, 990

Severe accident research in the core degradation area: An example of effective international cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) by the International Science and Technology Center
D. Bottomley, J. Stuckert, P. Hofmann, L. Tocheny, M. Hugon, C. Journeau, B. Clement, S. Weber, S. Güntay, Z. Hozer, L.E. Herranz, A. Schumm, F. Oriolo, E. Altstadt, M. Krause, M. Fischer, V.B. Khabensky, S.V. Bechta, M.S. Veshchunov, A.V. Palagin, A.E. Kiselev, V.I. Nalivaev, A.V. Goryachev, V. Zhdanov, V. Baklanov
Nuclear Engineering and Design 252, 226

LWR severe accident simulation: Iodine behaviour in FPT2 experiment and advances on containment iodine chemistry
N. Girault, L. Bosland, S. Dickinson, F. Funke, S. Güntay, L.E. Herranz, D. Powers
Nuclear Engineering and Design 243, 371

Towards possible opportunities in nuclear materials science and technology at an X-ray free electron laser research facility
A. Froideval, A. Badillo, J. Bertsch, S. Churakov, R. Dahn, C. Degueldre, T.M. Lind, D. Paladino, B.D. Patterson
Journal of Nuclear Materials 416, 242

The PSIodine Code: A computer program to model experimental data on iodine and other species in irradiated CsI solutions sparged with argon, air, or nitrous oxide
R.C. Cripps, S. Güntay, B.S. Jäckel
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241, 4306

Sustainable integration of EU research in severe accident phenomenology and management
J.P. Van Dorsselaere, T. Albiol, B. Chaumont, T.J. Haste, C. Journeau, L. Meyer, B.R. Sehgal, B. Schwinges, D. Beraha, A. Annunziato, R. Zeyen
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241, 3451

On the radiolysis of iodide, nitrate and nitrite ions in aqueous solution: An experimental and modelling study
R.C. Cripps, B.S. Jäckel, S. Güntay
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241, 3333

Experimental and calculation results of the integral reflood test QUENCH-15 with ZIRLO (TM) cladding tubes in comparison with results of previous QUENCH tests
J. Stuckert, J.C. Birchley, M. Große, B.S. Jäckel, M. Steinbrück
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241, 3224

CFD simulation of particle deposition on an array of spheres using an Euler/Lagrange approach
A. Dehbi, S. Martin
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241, 3121

Aerosol retention in the flooded steam generator bundle during SGTR
T.M. Lind, A. Dehbi, S. Güntay
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241, 357

Analyses of the Phebus FPT3 Experiment using the Severe Accident Codes ATHLET-CD, ICARE/CATHARE and MELCOR
G. Repetto, O. De Luze, T. Drath, M.K. Koch, T. Hollands, K. Trambauer, C. Bals, H. Austregesilo, J.C. Birchley
Nuclear Technology 176, 352

The Once-through Mode of Steam Generator Refulx Condensation in Loss-of-Coolant Accident Scenarios
Y. Liao, S. Güntay, D.J. Suckow
Nuclear Technology 175, 510

Validation of the Langevin particle dispersion model against experiments on turbulent mixing in a T-junction
A. Dehbi, F. de Crécy
Powder Technology 206, 312

DNS of buoyancy-driven flows and Lagrangian particle tracking in a square cavity at high Rayleigh numbers
R. Puragliesi, A. Dehbi, E. Leriche, A. Soldati, M.O. Deville
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 32, 915

Prediction of extrathoracic aerosol deposition using RANS-Random Walk and LES approaches
A. Dehbi
Aerosol Science and Technology 45, 555

Experimental and calculation results of the integral reflood test QUENCH-14 with M5 (R) cladding tubes
J. Stuckert, J.C. Birchley, M. Große, B.S. Jäckel, M. Steinbrück
Annals of Nuclear Energy 37, 1036 (2010)

Local nonsimilarity method for the two-phase boundary layer in mixed convection laminar film condensation
Y. Liao, S. Güntay, K. Vierow
International Journal for Heat and Mass Transfer 46, 447 (2010)

Aerosol behavior during SIC control rod failure in QUENCH-13 test
T.M. Lind, A.P. Csordas, I. Nagy, J. Stuckert
Journal of Nuclear Materials 397, 92 (2010)

Implementation of a generalized diffusion layer model for condensation into MELCOR
K. Hogan, Y. Liao, B. Beeny, K. Vierow, R.Jr. Cole, L.L. Humphries, R.O. Gauntt
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240, 3202 (2010)

De-agglomeration mechanisms of TiO2 aerosol agglomerates in PWR steam generator tube rupture conditions
T.M. Lind, Y. Ammar, A. Dehbi, S. Güntay
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240, 2046 (2010)

Accident management following loss-of-coolant accidents during cooldown in a Westinghouse two-loop PWR
T.J. Haste, J.C. Birchley, M. Richner
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240, 1599 (2010)

Influence of corium oxidation on fission product release from molten pool
S.V. Bechta, E.V. Krushinov, S.A. Vitol, V.B. Khabensky, S.Y. Kotova, A.A. Sulatsky, V.V. Gusarov, V.I. Almyashev, G. Ducros, C. Journeau, D. Bottomley, B. Clement, L.E. Herranz, S. Güntay, K. Trambauer, A. Auvinen, V.V. Bezlepkin
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240, 1229 (2010)

Benchmark study on fuel bundle degradation in the Pebus FPT2 test using state-of-the-art severe accident analysis codes
B. Tóth, A. Bieliauskas, G. Bandini, J.C. Birchley, H. Wada, J. Hohorst, C. Jamond, K. Trambauer
Nuclear Technology 169, 81 (2010)

Validation against DNS statistics of the normalized Langevin model for particletransport in turbulent channel flows
A. Dehbi
Powder Technology 200, 60 (2010)

Monodisperse fine aerosol generation using fluidized bed
T.M. Lind, S. Danner, S. Güntay
Powder Technology 199, 232 (2010)

Progress in understanding key aerosol issues
L.E. Herranz, J. Ball, A. Auvinen, D. Bottomley, A. Dehbi, C. Housiadas, P. Piluso, V. Layly, F. Parozzi, M. Reeks
Progress in Nuclear Energy 52, 120 (2010)

Recent advances in understanding ruthenium behaviour under air-ingress conditions during a PWR severe accident
P. Giordano, A. Auvinen, G. Brillant, J. Colombani, N. Davidovich, R. Dickson, T.J. Haste, T. Kärkelä, J.S. Lamy, C. Mun, D. Ohai , Y. Pontillon, M. Steinbrück, N. Vér
Progress in Nuclear Energy 52, 109 (2010)

Understanding the behaviour of absorber elements in silver-indium-cadmium control rods during PWR severe accident sequences
R. Dubourg, H. Austregesilo, C. Bals, M. Barrachin, J.C. Birchley, T.J. Haste, J.S. Lamy, T.M. Lind, B. Maliverney, C. Marchetto, A. Pinter, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert, K. Trambauer, A. Vimi
Progress in Nuclear Energy 52, 97 (2010)

B4C oxidation modelling in severe accident codes: Applications to PHEBUS and QUENCH experiments
G. Repetto, O. De Luze, N. Seiler, K. Trambauer, H. Austregesilo, J.C. Birchley, S. Ederli, J.S. Lamy, B. Maliverney, T. Drath, T. Hollands
Progress in Nuclear Energy 52, 37 (2010)

High-temperature oxidation and quench behaviour of Zircaloy-4 and E110 cladding alloys
M. Steinbrück, J.C. Birchley, A.V. Boldyrev, A.V. Goryachev, M. Grosse, T.J. Haste, Z. Hózer, A.E. Kisselev, V.I. Nalivaev, V.P. Semishkin, L. Sepold, J. Stuckert, N. Vér, M.S. Veshchunov
Progress in Nuclear Energy 52, 19 (2010)

Ranking of severe accident research priorities
B. Schwinges, C. Journeau, T.J. Haste, L. Meyerd, W. Tromm, K. Trambauer
Progress in Nuclear Energy 52, 11 (2010)

SARNET: Severe accident research network of excellence
T. Albiol, J.P. Van Dorsselaere, B. Chaumont, T.J. Haste, C. Journeau, L. Meyer, B.R. Sehgal, B. Schwinges, D. Beraha, A. Annunziato, R. Zeyen
Progress in Nuclear Energy* 52, 2 (2010)


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Cfd4nrs With A Focus On Experimental And Cmfd Investigations Of Bubbly Flows
G Yadigaroglu, M Simiano, R Milenkovic, J Kubasch, M Milelli, R Zboray, Cachard De, Smith F, Lakehal B, Sigg D,
Nuclear Engineering And Design 238, 771-785 (2008). (2009)

AgInCd control rod failure in the QUENCH-13 bundle test
L. Sepold, T.M. Lind, A.P. Csordas, U. Stegmaier, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert
Annals of Nuclear Energy 36, 1349 (2009)

Experimental and post-test calculation results of the integral reflood test QUENCH-12 with a VVER-type bundle
J. Stuckert, J.C. Birchley, M. Große, T.J. Haste, L. Sepold, M. Steinbrück
Annals of Nuclear Energy* 36, 183 (2009)

Transition from natural to mixed convection for steam-gas flow condensing along a vertical plate
Y. Liao, K. Vierow, A. Dehbi, S. Güntay
International Journal for Heat and Mass Transfer 52, 366 (2009)

A stochastic Langevin model of turbulent particle dispersion in the presence of thermophoresis
A. Dehbi
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35, 219 (2009)

Reflux condensation of flowing vapor and non-condensable gases counter-current to laminar liquid film in a vertical tube
Y. Liao, S. Güntay, D.J. Suckow, A. Dehbi
Nuclear Engineering and Design 239, 2409 (2009)

Potential steam generator tube rupture in the presence of severe accident thermal challenge and tube flaws due to foreign object wear
Y. Liao, S. Güntay
Nuclear Engineering and Design 239, 1128 (2009)

Separate-effect tests on zirconium cladding degradation in air ingress situations
C. Duriez, M. Steinbrück, D. Ohai, T. Meleg, J.C. Birchley, T.J. Haste
Nuclear Engineering and Design 239, 244 (2009)

Turbulent particle dispersion in arbitrary wall-bounded geometries: A coupled CFD-Langevin-equation based approach
A. Dehbi
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34, 819 (2008)

Effects of chlorine and sulphur on particle formation in wood combustion performed in a laboratory scale reactor
O. Sippula, T.M. Lind, J.K. Jokiniemi
Journal of Fuel 87, 2425 (2008)

A simple probabilistic approach to evaluate radioiodine behavior at severe accidents: Application to PHEBUS test FPT1
A. Rýdl
Nuclear Engineering and Design* 238, 2387 (2008)

Accident management following loss of residual heat removal during mid-loop operation in a Westinghouse two-loop PWR
J.C. Birchley, T.J. Haste, M. Richner
Nuclear Engineering and Design 238, 2173 (2008)

A CFD model for particle dispersion in turbulent boundary layer flows
A. Dehbi
Nuclear Engineering and Design 238, 707 (2008)

Validation of severe accident codes on the Phebus fission product tests in the framework of the PHEBEN-2 project
K. Müller, S. Dickinson, C. de Pascale, N. Girault, L.E. Herranz, F. de Rosa, G. Henneges, J. Langhans, C. Housiadas, V. Wichers, A. Dehbi, S. Paci, F. Martin-Fuentes, I. Turcu, I. Ivanov, B. Toth, L.G. Horvath
Nuclear Technology 163, 209 (2008)

Fine particle and trace element emissions from waste combustion - Comparison of fluidized bed and grate firing
T.M. Lind, J. Hokkinen, J.K. Jokiniemi
Fuel Processing Technology 88, 737 (2007)

Radiochemical studies of the retention of volatile iodine in aqueous solutions
S. Güntay, R.C. Cripps, B.S. Jäckel, H. Bruchertseifer
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 273, 557 (2007)

Major challenges to modeling aerosol retention near a tube breach during steam generator tube rupture sequences
L.E. Herranz, C. Lopez del Pra, A. Dehbi
Nuclear Technology 158, 83 (2007)

Benchmark study on fuel bundle degradation in the Phebus FPT3 test using the severe accident codes ATHLET-CD, ICARE2, and MELCOR
B. Toth, K. Müller, J.C. Birchley, H. Wada, C. Jamond, K. Trambauer
Nuclear Technology 157, 132 (2007)

Effect of chlorine and sulfur on fine particle formation in pilot-scale CFBC of biomass
T.M. Lind, E.L. Kauppinen, J. Hokkinen, J.K. Jokiniemi, M. Orjala, M. Aurela, R. Hillamo
Energy and Fuels 20, 61 (2006)

Electrostatic precipitator performance and trace element emissions from two Kraft recovery boilers
T.M. Lind, J. Hokkinen, J.K. Jokiniemi, R. Hillamo, U. Makkonen, A. Raukola, J. Rintanen, K. Saviharju
Environmental Science & Technology 40, 584 (2006)

MELCOR/MACCS simulation of the TMI-2 severe accident and initial recovery phases, off-site fission product release and consequences
T.J. Haste, J.C. Birchley, E.G. Cazzoli, J. Vitazkova
Nuclear Engineering and Design 236, 1099 (2006)

Open-Pore Organic Material for Retaining Radioactive I2 and CH3I
T. Hertzsch, C. Gervais, J. Hulliger, B.S. Jäckel, S. Güntay, H. Bruchertseifer, A. Neels
Advanced Functional Materials 16, 268 (2005)

Development of semi-automated system for preparation of Re-188 aqueous solutions of high and reproducible activity concentrations
B.S. Jäckel, R.C. Cripps, Güntay, H. Bruchertseifer
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 63, 299 (2005)

Iodine behaviour during a severe accident in a nuclear power plant
S. Güntay, R.C. Cripps, B.S. Jäckel, H. Bruchertseifer
Chimia 59, 957 (2005)

Phebus-FP: Results and significance for plant safety in Switzerland
J.C. Birchley, T.J. Haste, H. Bruchertseifer, R.C. Cripps, S. Güntay, B.S. Jäckel
Nuclear Engineering and Design 235, 1607 (2005)

Steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) scenarios
A. Auvinen, J.K. Jokiniemi, A. Lahde, T. Routamo, P. Lundstrom, H. Tuomisto, J. Dienstbier, S. Güntay, D.J. Suckow, A. Dehbi, M. Slootman, L.E. Herranz, V. Peyres, J. Polo
Nuclear Engineering and Design 235, 457 (2005)

European expert network for the reduction of uncertainties in severe accident safety issues (EURSAFE)
D. Magallon, A. Mailliat, J.M. Seiler, K. Athken, H. Sjovall, S. Dickinson, J. Jakab, L. Meyer, M. Buerger, K. Trambauer, L. Fickert, B.R. Sehgal, Z. Hozer, J. Bagues, F. Martin-Fuentes, R. Zeyen, A. Annunziato, M. El-Shanawany, S. Güntay, C. Tinkler, B. Turland, L.E. Herranz
Nuclear Engineering and Design 235, 309 (2005)

Core loss during a severe accident (COLOSS)
B. Adroguer, F. Bertrand, P. Chatelard, N. Cocuaud, J.P. van Dorsselaere, L. Bellenfant, D. Knocke, D. Bottomley, V. Vrtilkova, L. Belovsky, K. Müller, W. Hering, C. Homann, W. Krauss, A. Miassoedov, G. Schanz, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert, Z. Hozer, G. Bandini, J.C. Birchley, T. von Berlepsch, I. Kleinhietpass, M. Buck, J.A.F. Benitez, E. Virtanen, S. Marguet, G. Azarian, A. Caillaux, H. Plank, A. Boldyrev, M. Veshchunov, V. Kobzar, Y. Zvonarev, A. Goryachev
Nuclear Engineering and Design 235, 173 (2005)

On the radiolytic decomposition of colloidal silver iodide in aqueous suspension
S. Güntay, R.C. Cripps, B.S. Jäckel, H. Bruchertseifer
Nuclear Technology 150, 303 (2005)


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ARTIST: introduction and first results
S. Güntay, D.J. Suckow, A. Dehbi, R. Kapulla
Nuclear Engineering and Design 231, 109 (2004)

Analysis of iodine species in aqueous solutions
H. Bruchertseifer, R.C. Cripps, S. Güntay, B.S. Jäckel
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 375, 1107 (2003)

Fission product iodine release and retention in nuclear reactor accidents - experimental programme at PSI
H. Bruchertseifer, R.C. Cripps, S. Güntay, B.S. Jäckel
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 53, 611 (2003)

Electrostatic precipitator collection efficiency and trace element emissions from co-combustion of biomass and recovered fuel in fluidized-bed combustion
T.M. Lind, J. Hokkinen, J.K. Jokiniemi, S. Saarikoski, R. Hillamo
Environmental Science & Technology 37, 2842 (2003)

Validation of severe accident codes against Phebus FP for plant applications: status of the PHEBEN2 project
A.V. Jones, S. Dickinson, C. de Pascale, N. Hanniet, L.E. Herranz, F. de Rosa, G. Henneges, J. Langhans, C. Housiadas, V. Wichers, J.C. Birchley, S. Paci, F. Martin-Fuentes
Nuclear Engineering and Design 221, 225 (2003)

Core loss during a severe accident (COLOSS)
B. Adroguer, P. Chatelard, J.P. van Dorsselaere, C. Duriez, N. Cocuaud, L. Bellenfant, D. Bottomley, V. Vrtilkova, K. Müller, W. Hering, C. Homann, W. Krauss, A. Miassoedov, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert, Z. Hozer, G. Bandini, J.C. Birchley, T. von Berlepsch, M. Buck, J.A.F. Benitez, E. Virtanen, S. Marguet, G. Azarian, H. Plank, M. Veshchunov, Y. Zvonarev, A. Goryachev
Nuclear Engineering and Design 221, 55 (2003)

Containment behaviour in the event of core melt with gaseous and aerosol releases (CONGA)
E. Friesen, J. Meseth, S. Güntay, D.J. Suckow, J.L. Jimenez, L.E. Herranz, V. Peyres, G.F. De Santi, A. Krasenbrink, M. Valisi, L. Mazzochi
Nuclear Engineering and Design 209, 253 (2001)

Aerosol retention in low-subcooling pools under realistic accident conditions
A. Dehbi, D.J. Suckow, S. Güntay
Nuclear Engineering and Design 203, 229 (2001)


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