Data Treatment

  • CAMEA data are saved in hdf-files, using the convention cameayyyyn######.hdf where 'yyyy' is the year and '######' the run number.  
    • The hdf-file structure can be found here.
    • We provide some sample data that can be found under the following link.
    • The intensity among the various position sensitive detectors is normalized using energy scans of elemental vanadium. 
      • Normalisation files are provided for different binning options.
      • The latest normalization scan has taken place in spring 2023 and can be downloaded here.
  • CAMEA data can be directly treated, using the MJOLNIR software package, with which the experimental data can be normalised, visualised, fitted and converted to other other file formats
    • Installation via pip or  Github.
    • We offer detailed tutorials, for which the aforementioned sample data can be used. 
    • The following link leads to a detailed documentation of the program.
  • We refer to software packages like SpinW and Su(n)ny for a deeper analysis of the experimental results.