Data Analysis

Refinement of DMC data using FULLPROF

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Fullprof recognizes the DMC data format (Ins=8).

Example for Npr=4 (click to enlarge)

Best fits are achieved using profile function 4 (Npr=4) in Fullprof. Besides U,V and W this peak shape requires 4 additional parameters (Shape1, X, Y, Shp1).

These parameters are instrument parameters and should not be refined. At λ = 2.45 Å we get Shape1=0, X=0.2849, Y=0.3657, Shp1=0.00787. The parameters U,V and W depend on the sample and must be refined. Possible starting values at 2.45 Å are 0.94, -0.57, 0.18. See the table below for the list of peak shape parameters at other wavelengths. It is advised to set Wdt, the cut-off of the peak profile tails, to a small number, e.g. Wdt=3.

You may as well use other profile functions, e.g. peak shape function 7 (Npr=7, see Fullprof manual). This will lead to quite similar values of the refined structural or magnetic parameters but with somewhat larger errors.

Peak shape parameters for peak shape function 4 (Npr=4)
2.45 Å00.390680.350130.0070461.03-0.630.21
3.80 Å00.331320.341970.005750.62-0.680.39
4.50 Å00.314150.321370.005210.45-0.430.31

1)  starting values for refinement


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