Sample Environment

FOCUS has been built to adapt a large variety of sample handling devices. The instrument has been modified to enable magnetic fields up to 10 Tesla at the sample position.

For a list of sample devices available on FOCUS have a look at the official device list of FOCUS (compares with the official device list available to choose from within the proposal form).

By now the following parameter ranges can be offered to our users:

Presently Available
Standard Cryogenic Temperatures T ≥ 1.5 K dedicated orange ILL cryostat
Extended Cryogenic Temperatures T ≥ 50 mK Oxford Instr. dilution cryostats
Closed-cycle refrigerators (°) 40 - 650 K Sumitomo CCR
Furnace Temperatures (°) RT - 1800 K ILL furnace
Magnetic Field H ≤ 10 T Oxford Instr. cryomagnets
Standard FOCUS Sample Holders (°)
(pure aluminum)
Cylindrical Holder pdf-file
Hollow Cylinder pdf-file
Flat (Slab) Holder pdf-file

Further details can be found on the sample environment at SINQ home page. Please do not hesitate to contact us for advice.

(°) We can provide standard sample holders made of pure aluminum to be used below 673 K (400°C).

For experiments at elevated temperatures, we kindly ask our users to bring with their own sample holders (made of, e.g., platinum) and to check against chemical reactivity prior to the experiment.