- There are three calls for beamtime each year for X06SA (PXI) and X06DA (PXIII), covering the following periods:
- January to April
- May to August
- September to December
- For X10SA (PXII), there is no public proposal system; instead, the available time is allocated among partner institutions.
- Users interested in performing experiments are encouraged to contact the beamline scientists before submission of the proposal.
- Proposals must be submitted using the Digital Users Office (DUO).
- Important deadlines for proposal submissions can be found at SLS Proposal Calls.
- Single shift requests are more likely to be scheduled on shift I (day shift) and double shift requests on shifts II and III (evening and night shifts).
- The beamtime has to be cancelled at the latest 2 weeks in advance. Otherwise, the shifts will be fully deduced from the number of available shifts.
- In case the user provides a substitute with a valid proposal within the 2-week period, the shifts will be deduced from the proposal of the substitute.
- The same rules and cancellation period hold for proprietary beamtime, with the difference that the shifts will be charged to the customer even if they are not used.
- The information about shift cancellations must be sent to the responsible beamline staff and the local contact for the corresponding date if it has already been assigned.
- The shift duration includes the time required for the beamline setup and possible loading/removing of samples in the robot.