- open the MAD GUI
- in general from the DA+ GUI
- select appropriate element
- for AUTOMATED filter selection (the program will search for optimized transmission settings) select this option, inspect the spectrum and start the scan if the values are reasonable
- OR select the appropriate transmission manually:
- move in an optimal amount of filters to avoid saturation and to spare your sample
- this means:
- maximum filters to get a signal at all (start with around 0.001 beam)
- take a spectrum - already signal?
- do not saturate the detector - dead time of below 20 % is ok. (5 % to 10 % good).
- successively take out filters until good signal (peak at beam energy and at the expected line of your sample if you are ABOVE the absorption edge)
- this means:
- start the scan
- check the calculated values of inflection and peak carefully (is the fit reasonable? "visual inspection")
- go to the desired energies for peak and inflection etc.
- either from the MAD GUI
- or from the IDL session (start feedback again after changing energies)