High-numerical-aperture optics is key to ultra-fast tomographic microscopy

TOMCAT high numerical aperture optics mounted with the GigaFRoST camera.

A novel high-performance custom-made macroscope, dedicated to high-resolution time-resolved X-ray tomographic microscopy, is available for the user community at the TOMCAT beamline since April 2018. The macroscope offers a 4x magnification and has a very high numerical aperture of 0.35. Coupled to the in-house developed GigaFRoST camera, this highly efficient imaging setup enables tomographic investigations with high-temporal and high-spatial resolution: tomographic microscopy studies with a time resolution of 20 Hz and beyond have become possible, unlocking unprecedented possibilities for the tomographic investigation of dynamic processes and radiation-sensitive samples.

Original Publication

High-numerical-aperture macroscope optics for time-resolved experiments, Bührer, M., Stampanoni, M., Rochet, X., Büchi, F., Eller, J., & Marone, F., Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 26, 1161-1172 (2019). 

PhD Student
Telephone: +41 56 310 56 11

Dr. Federica Marone
Beamline Scientist, Swiss Light Source
Paul Scherrer Institut
Telephone: +41 56 310 5318
E-mail: federica.marone@psi.ch