The Micro Tensile Machine is a versatile device, which allow performing tensile and compression experiments on mm to cm sized specimens. Various load cells and grips are available to match the sample shapes. The machine was originally designed for use at the Materials Science beamline of the SLS. More
The Tension/Compression Module was purchased from Kammrath&Weiss. It is designed for using inside an scanning electron microscope (and a limited selection of atomic force microscopes) and can also be used in EBSD mode. Furthermore it was adapted for mounting at synchrotron beam lines. More
The mini biaxial tensile machine allows one to apply in-plane biaxial stress states with arbitrary stress ratios and to perform strain path changes on thin-sheet metals. The device is optimized for in situ usage inside a scanning electron microscope and at synchrotron beam lines. Both dogbone and cruciform shaped samples can be mounted. More
The meso biaxial tensile machine allows to apply in-plane biaxial stress states with arbitrary stress ratios and/or to perform strain path changes on thin-sheet metals. The device is optimized for in situ usage at synchrotron beam lines. Both dogbone and cruciform shaped samples can be mounted. More
The Micro Compression Device is a custom-built compression rig, optimised for in situ X-ray Laue microdiffraction during compression of micro pillars. A standard one-dimensional Triboscope transducer from Hysitron, Inc forms the core of this device. Furthermore, it consists of a set of 11 linear stages, two tilting stages, and one rotary positioner, which are used for precise alignment of the micro- pillars with the compression anvil and with the x-ray microbeam. More
The Micro Shear Device has been built to apply reversible shear and to be compatible with in situ Laue micro-diffraction. It requires a rather complex sample geometry, where a single crystal is locally thinned down to x-ray beam transparency. More