The mission statements are derived from the role of the STARS program towards its main stakeholders, namely the national nuclear energy partners (regulator, utilities, waste management), the PSI/NES/LRS organization AND the public and environment. Concretely, this role can be summarized as that of a Technical Safety Organization (TSO) unit with three main objectives.
Conduct Research and Development
The objective of STARS is to conduct Research aimed at developing, validating and advancing state-of-the-art computational methodologies combining best-estimate reactor simulation codes with uncertainty quantifications and incorporate the methodologies into a consistent Code System for integral multi-physics multi-scale LWR safety analyses. A specific requirement of STARS is to integrate as part of the research and support activities, the continuous maintenance, further development and qualification of detailed and up-to-date plant-specific system/core/fuel models for each of the Swiss operating reactors.
Provide Scientific Support
On the basis of its research, the complementary objective of STARS is to provide Scientific Support for national (as well as international) partners, including primarily the national regulator ENSI for safety/licensing related issues but also the Swiss nuclear industry for long-term operation and/or optimization of plant, system and waste management facilities.
Contribute to Competence Maintenance and Education
Within the framework of its research and support activities, a third objective of STARS is to maintain and further strengthen competence and expertise in nuclear safety and to be a a main contributor to Education and Teaching education programs (including the supervision of challenging master, PhD and Post-Doc projects) for the training of the next-generation nuclear engineers and scientists.
General Contact
Research Division
Nuclear Energy and Safety (NES)
Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics (LRT)
Paul Scherrer Institute
5232 Villigen PSI
Hakim Ferroukhi
Head of the Laboratory
Office: OHSA/C10
Telephone: +41 56 310 4062
Petra Kull
Administration and Assistance
Office: OHSA/C18
Telephone: + 41 56 310 2685
Quality Management
NES Open positions
Current job openings in the Research Division for Nuclear Energy and Safety