Dr. Artos Jakobs

Jakobs Artos Olorin
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Arthur Jakobs joined the Technology Assessment Group as a Postdoctoral Researcher to contribute to the integration of different data sources into life cycle assessment framework. His work is currently being conducted in the context of the SNF NRP73 Co-Creation Lab project which aims to bring together the results of various projects in the National Research Program 73 on Sustainable Economy, to assess the environmental impacts of Swiss consumption.

Arthur completed his master degree in astrophysics at the University of Leiden with thesis at University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Upon completion of his degree he worked as a researcher and lecturer at UBC before starting his PhD studies in Industrial Ecology at the Freiburg University, where he focused on the modelling of uncertainty in Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment. During his PhD he worked in the NRP73 project OASES (Open Assessment of Swiss Economy and Society).