This project will quantify the global environmental and social burdens associated with current Swiss production and consumption from a life-cycle perspective. It will substantially improve on the current state of knowledge by adaptively coupling detailed process-specific inventory data from the ecoinvent database with multi-regional industry-sector specific input-output (MRIO) data from the EXIOBASE database. Special attention will be dedicated to the scientifically sound combination of data from different sources, aggregation levels, and physical/economic layers. We will also integrate quantitative social indicators from the Social Hotspots Database into the ecoinvent database. Based on this global, consistent, and comprehensive dataset, we will identify location-dependent hot spots and leverage points for the environmental and social impacts of Swiss production and consumption, and determine areas where improvements carry the smallest economic burdens or even provide economic benefits. We will also consider and quantify resource dependencies, criticalities, and risks of key Swiss industries. During the project, we will create or update inventory data shown to be particularly important, uncertain, or outdated.