Neugierig geworden? Das haben andere gesagt...
...über unsere Kurse
Gute klare, dynamische, fröhliche und motivierende Kursführung. Ich fands super, vielen Dank an Andrea
Karriereplanungs-Kurs, Dez 2022
Great and relaxed atmosphere while simultaneously productive, constructive and educational.
How to get most out of your PhD or postdoc, Feb 2023
I've made a comprehensive picture about the supervising procedure, what it is expected from me as supervisor and what I could expect from the student. A wide variety of resources has been provided so I already know where to go when I may need help. I've found especially interesting the last part of the workshop on the Annual Progress Review and the communication style to be applied when providing feedback. I also liked the session management, it's been quite interactive and I felt so comfortable during the entire workshop.
Workshop for supervisors, März 2023
Andrea Biedermann's teaching was remarkable, the use of her past experience as supervisor for illustration purpose was very welcomed and benefited a lot the overall teaching, by showing more 'applied' examples/applications of the concepts described in the course. I really enjoyed her talk and the way it was structured/illustrated.
Workshop for supervisors, Nov 2023
It was interactive, there was a joyful atmosphere, and the presentations were extremely informative
Introduction to Swiss and PSI Culture, Nov 2022
... über die persönliche Karriereberatung
I appreciated the fact that I could be very open about the questions. Secondly, the advices were actually helpful and not 'formal'. I see the future options more clearly for sure
Andrea answered all the questions that I made, not only related to the position that I will apply for, but also related to specific points in CV. She encouraged me a lot, and showed the best way to present myself
gut strukturierte Ratschläge und Tipps für CV und Anschreiben die mir helfen für zukünftige Bewerbungen
Very friendly and open to any questions. I felt very comfortable to ask anything. Very helpful insights on CV
It was very informative about how to tailor the CV according to different situations and needs. I learned also new things about the hiring process, what is best to do to have good chances to get a job
Freundliche Gesprächsatmosphäre, sehr engagiert und persönlich, sehr gut vorbereitet mit Kommentaren zum Lebenslauf
Andrea listened and tried to understand the issue. She provided me with a fresh perspective and discussed multiple options I have and actionable steps, which helped me decide my course of action. It was also great to learn about the resources from career center that one can use. It was all good. I am thankful for the experience
I received a wide spectrum of recommendations, based on a very clear understanding of my profile
I liked the opportunity to chat about some frustrating aspects of my position and develop a path forward. I also enjoyed general advice on how to prepare for the future I want
Very kind and friendly exchange of feedback. Pleasant atmosphere during the conversation. Also, spontaneous change of the meeting to Zoom was possible. I would definitely feel invited to come back to Andrea if any further questions during the job application process arise.
... über Karriere-Veranstaltungen
I learnt a lot in this session. I think the most important thing was that we can transfer a lot of side-skills into sellable skills.
Gemeinsame CERN-PSI Karriereveranstaltung 'Selling your skills to a future employer', Apr 2023
... über das CONNECT Programm
It opened up my mind and helped me to be more confident about my skills
There ARE options outside of academia!
The talks from the role models were great. Even though the companies were slightly outside my area of expertise I really enjoyed listening to how a successful career path can look like. There were no two similar career paths described, which is really inspiring and helpful in avoiding thoughts like 'if I don't have a career (whatever that means) by the age of 30/35/40, I am a failure'. And second, 'a career' is not something one can define, it is something that happens, so the best attitude is to buckle up, accept whatever happens, and enjoy the ride. And then, looking back, one can talk about 'having a career'.
In general, I liked the CONNECT journey a lot. Most helpful were the interactions with the other participants, as well as the visits to the companies & to EPFL (with Universities of Applied Sciences).
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