Pressure-enhanced splitting of density wave transitions in La3Ni2O7–δ
The observation of superconductivity in La3Ni2O7–δ under pressure, following the suppression of a high-temperature density wave state, has attracted considerable attention. The nature of this density wave order was not clearly identified. Here we probe the magnetic response of the zero-pressure phase of La3Ni2O7–δ as hydrostatic pressure is applied, and find that the apparent single density wave transition at zero applied pressure splits into two. The comparison of our muon-spin rotation ...
Anisotropic Skyrmion and Multi-q Spin Dynamics in Centrosymmetric Gd2PdSi3
Skyrmions are particlelike vortices of magnetization with nontrivial topology, which are usually stabilized by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) in noncentrosymmetric bulk materials. Exceptions are centrosymmetric Gd- and Eu-based skyrmion-lattice (SL) hosts with zero DMI, where both the SL stabilization mechanisms and magnetic ground states remain controversial. We address these here by investigating both the static and dynamical spin properties ...
Kagome breaks the rules at record breaking temperatures
Discovery of quantum phenomenon at accessible temperatures could be useful for quantum technologies.
Evidence for time-reversal symmetry-breaking kagome superconductivity
Superconductivity and magnetism are often antagonistic in quantum matter, although their intertwining has long been considered in frustrated-lattice systems. Here we utilize scanning tunnelling microscopy and muon spin resonance to demonstrate time-reversal symmetry-breaking superconductivity in kagome metal Cs(V, Ta)3Sb5, where the Cooper pairing exhibits magnetism and is modulated by it. In the magnetic channel, we observe spontaneous internal magnetism ...
Chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs
Superconductivity involving finite-momentum pairing can lead to spatial-gap and pair-density modulations, as well as Bogoliubov Fermi states within the superconducting gap. However, the experimental realization of their intertwined relations has been challenging. Here we detect chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs in KV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5 using normal and Josephson scanning tunnelling microscopy down to 30 millikelvin with a resolved electronic energy difference at the microelectronvolt level. We observe a U-shaped ...
Phonon promoted charge density wave in topological kagome metal ScV6Sn6
Charge density wave (CDW) orders in vanadium-based kagome metals have recently received tremendous attention, yet their origin remains a topic of debate. The discovery of ScV6Sn6, a bilayer kagome metal featuring an intriguing √3 × √3 × √3 CDW order, offers a novel platform to explore the underlying mechanism behind the unconventional CDW. Here we combine ...
Tuning of the flat band and its impact on superconductivity in Mo5Si3−xPx
The superconductivity in systems containing dispersionless (flat) bands is seemingly paradoxical, as traditional Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory requires an infinite enhancement of the carrier masses. However, the combination of flat and steep (dispersive) bands within the multiple band scenario might boost superconducting responses, potentially explaining high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates and metal hydrides. Here, we report ...
Designing the stripe-ordered cuprate phase diagram through uniaxial-stress
Understanding the degree to which charge-stripe, spin-stripe, and superconducting orders compete/coexist is paramount for elucidating the microscopic pairing mechanism in the cuprate high-temperature superconductors. We explore the tunability of magnetism, superconductivity, and crystal structure in the stripe phase of the cuprate La2−xBaxCuO4, by employing complementary techniques under compressive uniaxial stress in the CuO2 plane. Our results show a sixfold increase ...
In-Plane Magnetic Penetration Depth in Sr2 RuO4 : Muon-Spin Rotation and Relaxation Study
We report on measurements of the in-plane magnetic penetration depth (λab) in single crystals of Sr2RuO4 down to ≃0.015 K by means of muon-spin rotation-relaxation. The linear temperature dependence of λ−2ab for T≲0.7 K suggests the presence of nodes in the superconducting gap. This statement is further substantiated by observation of the Volovik effect, i.e., the reduction of λ−2ab as a function of the applied magnetic field. The experimental zero-field ...
Hidden magnetism uncovered in a charge ordered bilayer kagome material ScV6Sn6
Charge ordered kagome lattices have been demonstrated to be intriguing platforms for studying the intertwining of topology, correlation, and magnetism. The recently discovered charge ordered kagome material ScV6Sn6 does not feature a magnetic groundstate or excitations, thus it is often regarded as a conventional paramagnet. Here, using advanced muon-spin rotation spectroscopy, we uncover an unexpected hidden magnetism of the charge order. We observe an enhancement ...
Unconventional charge order and superconductivity in kagome-lattice systems as seen by muon-spin rotation
Kagome lattices are intriguing and rich platforms for studying the intertwining of topology, electron correlation, and magnetism. These materials have been subject to tremendous experimental and theoretical studies not only due to their exciting physical properties but also as systems that may solve critical technological problems. We will review recent experimental progress on superconductivity and magnetic fingerprints of charge order in several kagome-lattice systems from the local-magnetic probe point of view by utilizing muon-spin rotation under extreme conditions, i.e., hydrostatic pressure, ultra low temperature and high magnetic field.
Unconventional superconductivity found in kagome metal
Physicists using muon spin spectroscopy at PSI make the missing link between their recent breakthrough in Nature and unconventional superconductivity
3,1 millions de subventions pour de nouveaux projets de recherche au PSI
Zurab Guguchia et Kirsten Schnorr, tous deux chercheurs au PSI, reçoivent du Fonds national suisse des subsides de recherche d’un montant total de 3,1 millions de francs pour leurs projets tournés vers l’avenir.
Three PSI research facilities reveal magnetic crossover
Insights from the Swiss Muon Source, Swiss Spallation Neutron Source and Swiss Light Source reveal this coveted characteristic in an exotic layered material.
Low-temperature magnetic crossover in the topological kagome magnet TbMn6Sn6
Magnetic topological phases of quantum matter are an emerging frontier in physics and materials science, of which kagome magnets appear as a highly promising platform. Here, we explore magnetic correlations in the recently identified topological kagome system TbMn6Sn6 using muon spin rotation, combined with local field analysis and neutron diffraction. Our studies identify an out-of-plane ferrimagnetic structure with slow magnetic fluctuations which exhibit a critical slowing down below T*C1 ≃ 120 K and finally freeze into static patches with ideal out-of-plane order below TC1 ≃ 20 K....
New insight into unconventional superconductivity
Signatures for a novel electronic phase that enables charge to flow spontaneously in loops have been observed in a kagome superconductor. The findings are published today in Nature.
Coexistence of structural and magnetic phases in van der Waals magnet CrI3
CrI3 has raised as an important system to the emergent field of two-dimensional van der Waals magnetic materials. However, it is still unclear why CrI3 which has a ferromagnetic rhombohedral structure in bulk, changed to anti-ferromagnetic monoclinic at thin layers. Here we show that this behaviour is due to the coexistence of both monoclinic and rhombohedral crystal phases followed by three magnetic transitions at TC1 = 61 K, TC2 = 50 K and TC3 = 25 K.
Unconventional chiral charge order in kagome superconductor KV3Sb5
Intertwining quantum order and non-trivial topology is at the frontier of condensed matter physics. A charge- density-wave-like order with orbital currents has been pro- posed for achieving the quantum anomalous Hall effect in topological materials and for the hidden phase in cuprate high-temperature superconductors. However, the experimental realization of such an order is challenging. Here we use high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy to discover an unconventional chiral charge order in a kagome material, KV3Sb5, with both a topological band structure and a superconducting ground state.
Multiple quantum phase transitions of different nature in the topological kagome magnet Co3Sn2−xInxS2
The exploration of topological electronic phases that result from strong electronic correlations is a frontier in condensed matter physics. One class of systems that is currently emerging as a platform for such studies are so-called kagome magnets based on transition metals. Using muon spin-rotation, we explore magnetic correlations in the kagome magnet Co3Sn2−xInxS2 as a function of In-doping, providing putative evidence for an intriguing incommensurate helimagnetic (HM) state. Our results show that, while the undoped sample exhibits an out-of-plane ferromagnetic (FM) ground state, at 5% of In-doping the system enters a state in which FM and in-plane antiferromagnetic (AFM) phases coexist.
Using Uniaxial Stress to Probe the Relationship between Competing Superconducting States in a Cuprate with Spin-stripe Order
We report muon spin rotation and magnetic susceptibility experiments on in-plane stress effects on the static spin-stripe order and superconductivity in the cuprate system La2−xBaxCuO4 with x = 0.115. An extremely low uniaxial stress of ∼0.1 GPa induces a substantial decrease in the magnetic volume fraction and a dramatic rise in the onset of 3D superconductivity, from ∼10 to 32 K.
A link between quantum magnetism and electronic band topology
Muon spin rotation experiments establish a quantitative link between the magnetic and topological electronic properties of the kagome magnet Co3Sn2S2 — and demonstrate effective ways for tuning these properties.
The multi-layered physics of layered superconductors
Muon spin rotation experiments provide unique microscopic insight into the superconductivity and magnetism of transition metal dichalcogenides — and reveal complex and unconventional patterns, hinting towards a common mechanism for and electronic origin of ‘unconventional’ superconductivity.
A quantum magnet with a topological twist
Theories predict that some electrons in the kagome materials have exotic, so-called topological behaviors and others behave somewhat like graphene, another material prized for its potential for new types of electronics.
The importance of knowing your stripes
A collaboration between three NUM laboratories has found that magnetic ‘stripe order’ in high-temperature superconductors not only co-exists with superconducting order, but might very well be intimately connected with it.