DAT-GEM-E3: Geographical Extension of the GEM-E3 General Equilibrium Model Database
The general objective of this project is to extend the geographical dimension of the database of the general equilibrium model GEM-E3 to cover most accession countries and to model more extensively the Rest of the World by separating it into OECD non-Europe, the energy producing countries and rest of the world in order to enhance the simulation properties of the model. Moreover an update of the EU15 database is foreseen to include the 1995 Input-Output available from Eurostat by April 2002.
The contribution of PSI to the overall objectives of the project will be improvement of Swiss electricity data and policy simulations. The objectives will thus consist of;
- Task 2.4.1 Data improvement: Within a preceding call, a bottom-up representation of the electricity sector has been included in the GEM-E3 model. This electricity module has required specific data, in particular the existing stock of power plants as well as characteristics of the different technologies considered. These data have been collected from the PRIMES model. The objective of this first task consists in collecting Swiss specific data, in particular concerning hydro and nuclear power plants, which currently cover more than 90% of the Swiss electricity generation. Alternative power plants will also be considered, such as gas turbines combined cycle, wind turbines and co-generation systems.
- Task 2.4.2 Policy simulations: As an application, we envisioned to run policy scenarios related in particular to nuclear energy. Indeed, the future of the Swiss nuclear energy is currently debated, with proposals either to prolong the current moratorium that forbids the installation of new power plants or to phase out of nuclear power altogether. It would thus be interesting to analyse these issues, especially in the context of the Swiss CO2 law, that mandate a 10% reduction of Swiss CO2 emissions by 2010.
- S. Kypreos