Dr. Evangelos Panos

Short description
Group Leader
Evangelos Panos
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Dr. Panos Evangelos has graduated from the University of Patras in Greece, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics and he holds a PhD degree in Operations Research and Software Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in Greece. He is specialized in operations research methods and mathematical programming in the domain of energy systems modelling. He has also accumulated experience in the design of database systems and decision support systems for GAMS-based models.

Dr. Panos has more than 15 years of experience in energy modelling and analysis, and he has designed, developed and used several mathematical models from stochastic to econometric, and from partial equilibrium to integrated assessment modelling frameworks. He has broad modelling experience ranging from the supply of energy (e.g. oil and gas exploration and extraction projects) to energy conversion (e.g. power grids, power-to-X) and demand (e.g. buildings and transport demand and technology diffusion). His research interests include stochastic mathematical programming, risk analysis, multi-criteria decision-making under uncertainty, energy systems modelling, integrated sustainability assessment of energy policies and software engineering.

In the Energy Economics Group at PSI, Dr. Panos Evangelos is working with the Global Multi-regional MARKAL (GMM) model for the development of Global Energy Scenarios for the World Energy Council, with the Swiss TIMES energy systems model (STEM) for the analysis of the Swiss energy system under different energy and climate policies, and with the bi-level electricity model (BEM) to analyse investment and market behaviour of power utilities. In addition, he is contributing to the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) with The global integrated assessment MERGE-ETL model

Peer-reviewed articles

Panos, E., Kannan, R., Hirschberg, S., Kober, T. (2023). An assessment of energy system transformation pathways to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in Switzerland. Communications Earth and Environment , 2023; 4 , https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-023-00813-6.pdf

Nogueira, L., Dalla Longa, F., Aleluia Reis, L., Drouet, L., Vrontisi, Z., Fragkiadakis, K., Panos, E., van der Zwaan B.  (2023). A multi-model framework to assess the role of R&D towards a decarbonized energy system. Climatic Change, 2023; 176 , https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-023-03553-w 

Stermieri, L., Kober, T., Schmidt, TJ., McKenna, R., Panos, E. (2023). Quantifying the implications of behavioral changes induced by digitalization on energy transition: A systematic review of methodological approaches. Energy Research and Social Science, 2023; 97 , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.102961 

Reigstad, GA., Roussanaly, S., Straus, J., Anantharaman, R., de Kler, R., Akhurst, M., Sunny, N., Goldthorpe, W., Avignon, L., Pearce, J., Flamme, S., Guidati, G., Panos, E., Bauer, C. (2022). Moving toward the low-carbon hydrogen economy: experiences and key learnings from national case studies. Advances in Applied Energy, 2022; 8: 100108, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adapen.2022.100108 

Kannan, R., Panos, E., Hirschberg, S., Kober, T.(2022). A net-zero Swiss energy system by 2050: technological and policy options for the transition of the transportation sector, Features and Foresight Science 2022 https://doi.org/10.1002/ffo2.126 

Streicher, KN., Berger, M., Panos, E., Narula, K., Soini, MC., Patel, MK. (2021). Optimal building retrofit pathways considering stock dynamics and climate change impacts,  Energy Policy (152), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112220 

Keles, D., Densing, M., Panos, E., Hack, F., Joris, D. (2020). Cross-border Effects in Interconnected Electricity Markets - An Analysis of the Swiss Electricity Prices, Energy Economics 90 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104802 

Vandepaer, L., Panos, E., Bauer, C., Armor, B.(2020). Energy System Pathways With Low Environmental Impacts and Limited Costs: Minimizing Climate Change Impacts Produces Environmental Cobenefits and Challenges in Toxicity and Metal Depletion Categories , Environ Sci Technol 2020 54(8):5081-5092 ,   https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b06484

Panos, E., Densing, M. (2019). The future developments of the electricity prices in view of the implementation of the Paris Agreements: Will the current trends prevail, or a reversal is ahead?, Energy Economics,   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2019.104476(link is external)

Panos, E., Margelou, S. (2019). Long-Term Solar Photovoltaics Penetration in Single- and Two-Family Houses in Switzerland, Energies 12 (13), 2460,  https://doi.org/10.3390/en12132460(link is external)

Panos, E., Kober, T., Wokaun, A. (2019). Long term evaluation of electric storage technologies vs alternative flexibility options for the Swiss energy system, Applied Energy  252, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113470

Marcucci, A., Panos, E., Kypreos, S., Fragkos, P. (2019). Probabilistic assessment of realizing the 1.5°C climate target, Applied Energy, Vol. 239, pp. p.239-251, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.190

Sharma, T., Glynn, J., Panos, E., Deane, P., Gargiulo, M., Rogan, F., Ó Gallachóir, B. (2019). High performance computing for energy system optimization models: Enhancing the energy policy tool kit, Energy Policy, Vol. 128, pp. p.66-74, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2018.12.055

Kypreos, S., Glynn, J. Panos, E., Giannakidis, G., Ó Gallachoir, B. (2018). Efficient and Equitable Climate Change Policies, Systems, Vol. 6(2), 10, https://doi.org/10.3390/systems6020010

Schiffer, HW., Kober, T., Panos, E. (2018). World Energy Council’s Global Energy Scenarios to 2060, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Vol. p.1-12, pp. doi.org/10.1007/s12398-018-0225-3

Panos, E., Kannan, R. (2018).Challenges and Opportunities for the Swiss Energy System in Meeting Stringent Climate Mitigation Targets, In Giannakidis G., K. Karlsson, M. Labriet, B. Ó Gallachóir (eds.) Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2°C: Energy System Modelling and Policy Development, p. 155-172

Kober, T., Panos, E., Volkart K. (2018). Energy system challenges of deep global CO2 emissions reduction under the World Energy Council’s scenario framework, In Giannakidis G., K. Karlsson, M. Labriet, B. Ó Gallachóir (eds.) Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2°C: Energy System Modelling and Policy Development, p. 17-31

Volkart, K., Mutel, C. Panos, E. (2018). Integrating life cycle assessment and energy system modelling: Methodology and application to the world energy scenarios, Sustainable Production and Consumption, pp. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2018.07.001

Frischknecht, R., Bauer, C., Bucher, C., Ellingsen, L., Gutzwiller, L., Heimbach, B., Itten, R., Liao, X., Panos, E., et al. (2018). LCA of key technologies for future electricity supply, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, pp. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-018-1496-y

Marcucci,A., Kypreos, S., Panos, E. (2017). The road to achieving the long-term Paris targets: energy transition and the role of direct air capture, Climatic Change, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-017-2051-8

Bjørndal, E., Bjørndal, M., Cai, H., Panos, E., (2017). Hybrid pricing in a coupled European power market with more wind power, European Journal of Operational Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2017.06.048

Collins, S., Dean, JP, Poncelet, K., Panos, E., Pietzcker, R., Delarue, E., Ó Gallachóir, B. (2017). Integrating short term variations of the power system into integrated energy system models: A methodological review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 76, pp. 839-856, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.03.090

Panos, E., Kannan, R. (2016). The role of domestic biomass in electricity, heat and grid balancing markets in Switzerland, Energy, Vol. 112, pp. 1120-1138, DOI:10.1016/j.energy.2016.06.107

Densing, M., Panos, E., Hirschberg, S. (2016). Meta-Analysis of Energy Scenario Studies: Example of Electricity Scenarios for Switzerland, Energy, Vol. 109, pp. 998-1015, doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2016.05.020

Panos E., Densing M., Volkart K. (2016). Access to electricity in the World Energy Council's global energy scenarios: An outlook for developing regions until 2030, Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol. 9, pp. 28-49, Elsevier doi:10.1016/j.esr.2015.11.003

Panos E., Turton H., Densing M., Volkart K. (2015). Powering the growth of Sub-Saharan Africa: The Jazz and Symphony scenarios of World Energy Council, Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 26, pp. 14-33, Elsevier doi:10.1016/j.esd.2015.01.004 ISSN 0973-0826

Kannan, R., H. Turton, E. Panos (2015). Methodological Significance of Temporal Granularity in Energy-Economic Models: Insights from the MARKAL/TIMES Framework, In Giannakidis, G., Labriet, M., Ó Gallachóir, B., Tosato, G (eds.) Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models - Insights from Scenario Analysis Increasing the Evidence Base, Vol. 30, pp. 185-200, Springer ISBN 978-3-319-16540-0

Helmreich, S. and Keller, H. (Eds.) with contributions from various authors (2011). FREIGHTVISION - Sustainable European Freight Transport 2050. 1st Edition January 2011, ISBN: 978-3-642-13370-1 , Spinger

Panos, E. (2002). Integrated environment for the management of mathematical programming models and the development of applications for decision-making support. PhD Thesis, National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/eadd/13292


Technical reports and working papers

Kober, T., Panos, E., Wan, Y. McKenna, R., Fuchs, A & Demiray, T. (2024). Long-term integration of large-scale gas storage in Switzerland. Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zurich..https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:63482

Stermieri, L., Kober, T., McKenna, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Panos, E. (2023). Socio-economic energy model for digitalization (SEED) overview design concept and details (ODD) protocol. (PSI Bericht). Paul Scherrer Institute. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:56617

Panos, E., Maïzi, N., Blesl, M., et al. (2022). Integrating Sustainable Development Goals Into Energy Systems Models. Report to the IEA-ETSAP Download

Panos E., T. Kober, R. Kannan and S. Hirschberg (2021). Long-term energy transformation pathways - Integrated scenario analysis with the Swiss TIMES energy systems model. SCCER JASM final report, Villigen PSI https://sccer-jasm.ch/JASMpapers/JASM_results_stem.pdf DOI: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000509023.

Marcucci, A., Panos, E., Guidati, G., Schlecht, I., & Giardini, D. (2020). JASM Framework and Drivers Definition. ETHZ Zurich, https://sccer-jasm.ch/JASMpapers/JASM_drivers_framework.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbavrEXVzvI&feature=youtu.be

Panos, E. and Kober, T. (2020). Report on energy model analysis of the role of H2-CCS systems in Swiss energy supply and mobility with quantification of economic and environmental trade-offs, including market assessment and business case drafts. EU H2020 ACT ELEGANCY project deliverable, Villigen PSI  https://www.psi.ch/en/media/63140/download 

Scholz, Y., Fuchs, B., Borgreffe, F., Ciao, K., Wetzel, M., Krbek, K., Cebulla, F., Gills, H., Fiand, F., Bussieck M., Koch, T., Rehfeldt, D., Gleixner, A., Khabi, D., Breuer, T., Rohe, D., Hobbie, H., Schönheit, D., Yilmaz, H., Panos, E., Jeddi, S., Buchholz, S.  (2020) Speeding up Energy Systems Models - A Best Practice Guide, BEAM-Project report, Stuttgart, http://www.beam-me-projekt.de/SharedDocs/Meldungen/BEAM-ME/DE/007_BPG_release.html

Kober, T., Kannan, R., Panos, E.  et al. (2020) Swiss Industry: Price Elasticities and Demand Developments for Electricity and Gas (SWIDEM), Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Bern https://www.aramis.admin.ch/Dokument.aspx?DocumentID=65688(link is external)

World Energy Council, Accenture Strategy, Paul Scherrer Institute (2019). World Energy Scenarios 2019 - Exploring Disruptive Innovations in Global Energy Pathways to 2040. World Energy Council, London. https://www.worldenergy.org/(link is external)

World Energy Council, Paul Scherrer Institute (2019). World Energy Scenarios 2019 - Regional perspective for Europe to 2040. World Energy Council, London. https://www.worldenergy.org/(link is external)

World Energy Council, World Nuclear Association, Paul Scherrer Institute (2019). World Energy Scenarios 2019 - The future of Global Nuclear to 2060: diverse harmonies in the energy transition. World Energy Council, London.  https://www.worldenergy.org/

Kypreos, S., Lehtila, A., Glynn, J., Panos, E.(2019). Addressing Uncertainty in TIMES Using Monte Carlo Methods. IEA-ETSAP. link

Panos, E., Lehtila, Deane, P., Sharma, T.(2019). Enhancing the flexibility in TIMES: Introducing Ancillary Services Markets. IEA-ETSAP. link

Densing, M., Kannan, R., Panos, E., & Kober, T. (2018). Long term role of Swiss hydropower from an energy systems and market perspective. Zukunftspotenzial der Schweizer Wasserkraft durch Synergien im Energiesystem und Markt Perspektiven. Villigen PSI, Switzerland: Paul Scherrer Institute. https://www.dora.lib4ri.ch/psi/islandora/object/psi:25854(link is external)

Panos, E., Sharma, T., Glynn, J., Kober, T., Deane, P. (2018). Enhancing and Preparing TIMES for High-Performance Computing (HPC). IEA-ETSAP. (link)

Davis, G., S. Kim, T. Kober, and E. Panos (2017). Latin America and The Caribbean Energy Scenarios, Download

Panos, E., Densing, M., Schmedders, K. (2017). Oligopolistic capacity expansion with subsequent market-bidding under transmission constraints (OCESM), Report of SFOE-EWG Research Programme Alternative download (ZORA Archive of University of Zurich): DOI: 10.5167/uzh-151127

Fuchs, A., Demiray, T., Panos E., Kannan, R., Kober, T., Bauer, C., Schenler, W., Burgherr, P., Hirschberg, S. (2017). ISCHESS - Integration of stochastic renewables in the Swiss electricity supply system, Final report of the Swiss Competence Center Energy and Mobility.

Davis, G., Vargas, M., Kober, T., Panos, E., Volkart, K. et al. (2016). World Energy Scenarios - The Grand Transition, Project Partner Accenture Strategy and Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). World Energy Council, London, ISBN 978-0-946121-57-1. (link)

Panos, E., Lehtila, A. (2016). Dispatching and unit commitment in TIMES. IEA-ETSAP. (link)

Kypreos, S., Glynn, J., Panos, E., Giannakidis, G., O Gallachoir B.  (2016). Energy, Climate Change and Local Atmospheric Pollution Scenarios Evaluated with the TIAM-MACRO Model. IEA-ETSAP. (link)

Vögelin P., Panos E., Buffat R., Becutti G., Kannan R., et al. (2016). System modelling for assessing the potential of decentralised biomass-CHP plants to stabilise the Swiss electricity network with increased fluctuating renewable generation, Final report of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy.

Campbell D., Densing M., Panos E., et al. (2015). New Zealand Energy Scenarios – Navigating energy futures to 2050, World Energy Council, BusinessNZ Energy Council. Project Partners: Paul Scherrer Institute, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Sapere Research Group. full reportproject webpage

Densing M., Panos E., Hirschberg S. (2015). Meta-Analysis of Energy Scenario Studies: Example of Electricity Scenarios for Switzerland, Social Science Research Network (SSRN) link

Bjorndal E., Bjorndal M., Hong C., Panos E. (2015). Hybrid Pricing in a Coupled European Power Market with More Wind Power, Social Science Research Network (SSRN) link

Frei C., Turton H., Densing M., Panos E., Volkart K. et al. (2013). World Energy Scenarios – Composing energy futures to 2050, Project Partner Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland. World Energy Council, London, ISBN 978-0-946121-33-5

Turton H., Panos E., Densing M., Volkart K. (2013). Global Multi-regional MARKAL (GMM) model update: Disaggregation to 15 regions and 2010 recalibration, PSI Bericht 13-03, Download (4MB)

Uyterlinde, M.A., H. Rösler, H.C. De Coninck, B.C.C. van der Zwaan, I. Keppo, N. Kouvaritakis, V. Panos, L. Szabó, P. Russ, W. Suwala, P. Rafaj, S. Kypreos, M. Blesl, I. Ellersdorfer, M. Zürn, U. Fahl, A. Kydes, L. Martin, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, D. Gielen (2006). The contribution of CO2 capture and storage to a sustainable energy system, Policy Brief in the CASCADE MINTS project, Energy Research Center of the Netherlands Report, ECN-C-06-009. Petten, The Netherlands, Download (1.6MB)

Uyterlinde M.A., G.H. Martinus, H. Rösler, N. Kouvaritakis, V. Panos, L. Mantzos, M. Zeka-Paschou, S. Kypreos, P. Rafaj, M. Blesl, I. Ellersdorfer, U. Fahl, I. Keppo, K. Riahi, C. Böhringer, A. Löschel, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, F. Pratlong, P. Le Mouel, L. Szabo, P. Russ and A. Kydes (2005). The contribution of renewable energy to a sustainable energy system (Vol. 2, CASCADE MINTS project), ECN-C--05-034. Policy Studies Department, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). Peten, the Netherlands, Download (1.8MB)

Uyterlinde M.A., G.H. Martinus, E. van Thuijl, N. Kouvaritakis, L. Mantzos, V. Panos, M. Zeka-Paschou, K. Riahi, G. Totsching, I. Keppo, P. Russ, L. Szabo, S. Kypreos, P. Rafaj, C. Böhringer, A. Löschel, I. Ellersdorfer, M. Blesl, P. Le Mouël, A.S. Kydes, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma and T. Tomoda (2004). Energy trends for Europe in a global perspective: Baseline projections by twelve E3-models in the CASCADE MINTS project, ECN-C--04-094, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). Peten, the Netherlands

Kouvaritakis, N., L. Mantzos, V. Panos and N. Tzelepi (2008). Report on Transport Related Energy Developments. Deliverable no. 4.5 of FREIGHTVISION - Vision and Action Plans for European Freight Transport until 2050. Funded by the European Commission, 7th RTD Programme. Athens, Greece.

Ntziachristos, L., G. Mellios, C. Kouridis, T.Papageorgiou, M. Theodosopoulou, Z. Samaras, K.-H. Zierock, N. Kouvaritakis, E. Panos, P.Karkatsoulis, S. Schilling, T. Merétei, P.A. Bodor, S.Damjanovic and A. Petit (2008). European database of vehicle stock for the calculation and forecast of pollutants and greenhouse gases emissions with TREMOVE and COPERT – FINAL REPORT of FLEETS project to EC DG TREN, Report No. 08.RE.0009.V2, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mechanical Engineering Department, Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics.

P. Capros, L. Mantzos, N. Kouvaritakis, V. Panos, V. Papandreou, J-F Guilmot (2007). The Role of Electricity, Energy Modelling and Scenarios. Modelling work carried within the "Role of Electricity - A new path to secure competitvie Energy in a carbon-constrained world" study for the Union of the Electricity Industry - Eurelectric.

Kouvaritakis N., Panos V., Capros P., Argiri E., Stroblos N., Klaasen G, Barreto L., Turton H., Miketa A., Zagame P., Le Muel P., Fougeyrollas A., Gharbi O., Kouvaritakis B., Cannon M., Tsachouridis V.,Jaskolksi M., Couchman P., Böhringer C., Löschel M., Vermoote S., Torfs R. (2006). Methodologies for Integrating Impact Assessment in the field of Sustainable Development. Report to the EC, research project, EVG1–CT-2002-00082.

Van Regemorter D., Kouvaritakis N., Panos V., Capros P., Paroussos L., Criqui P., Mima S., Zagame P., Blesl M., Zalai E., (2006). Modelling of Energy Technologies in a General and Partial Equilibrium Framework. Report to the EC, research project No.20121.

Kouvaritakis N., Capros P., Panos V., Argiri E., Criqui P., Mima S., Menanteau P.,Kypreos S., Barreto L., Schrattenholze L., Turton H., Totschnig G., Klaassen G.,Jaskolksi M., Miketa A., Blesl M., Ohl M., Das A., Fahl U., Kumar Rout U.,Smekens K., Martinus G., Lako P., Seebregts A., Van Regemorter D., (2005). System analysis for progress and innovation in energy technologies for integrated assessment. Report to the EC, research project, ENK6-CT-2002-00615, DG-RES.

Kouvaritakis N., Capros P., Panos E., Manolitzas K., Mantzos L., Zachariadis T., Criqui P., Mima S., Kypreos S., Bahn O., Schrattenholzer L., Klaasen G., Miketa A., Riahi K., Baretto L., Blesl M., Fahl U., Remme U., Soria A., Marinez C., Schaeffer C., Seebregts A,, Smeckens K, Magdalinos M. (2005). Systems Analysis for progress and innovation in energy technologies – SAPIENT. Finar report to the European Commission, 5th Framework Programme,DG RES

Kouvaritakis, N. and Panos, V. (2005). Uncertainty analysis of energy and climate change outlooks. publishable report to the EC research project EVG1 –CT-2002-00082, DG-RES.

Capros, P., N. Kouvaritakis, L. Mantzos, V. Panos and E.L. Vouyoukas (2000). Scenarios Related to the security of Supply of the European Union. Report for EU15 (ENER/4.1040/001), Athens

Capros P., Mantzos L., Petrellis D., Delkis K., Panos V. (1999). European Union, Energy Outlook to 2020, special issue of "Energy in Europe". European Commission-Directorate General for Energy, November 1999. Office for official publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, ISBN 92-828-7533-4.

Conference contributions

Panos, E. (2023). Hydrogen as an energy carrier: modelling challenges and its role in towards a CO2-free and flexible energy system. International School on Prospective Modelling and Climate Change , 6-11 November 2023, MINES PARIS PSL, Sophia Antipolis, France

Panos, E. (2022). Hydrogen as an energy carrier: modelling challenges and its role in decarbonisation and system flexibility. Lecture in Operations Research -Methods for Energy and Resource Markets (OR-RES), 11 November 2022, TU Berlin , Berlin, Germany, Download

Panos, E., Kober, T., Kannan, R., Hirschberg, S. (2022). Switzerland's national mitigation pathways towards net-zero CO2 emissions in 2050. European Climate Energy Modelling Platform  (ECEMP) Conference, 5-7 October 2022, Brussels, Belgium , Download

Hirschberg, S., Sacchi, R., Kannan, R., Spada, M., Heck, T., Schenler, W., Panos, E., Bauer, C., Kober, T., Burgherr,  P. (2022). Sustainability Assessment of Technologies and Scenarios for Passenger Transport: The Swiss Case. International Operations Research Conference 2022, September 6 - 9, 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany, Download

Panos, E., Kober, T., Kannan, R., Hirschberg, S. (2022). Switzerland's national emissions mitigation pathways. 40th International Energy Workshop (IEW), 25-27 May 2022, Freiburg, Germany, Download

Panos, E. (2022). The open-source TIMES\MIRO App. IEA-ETSAP Webinar, 20th May 2022, Stuttgart, Germany, Download

Panos, E. (2022). CPLEX\Barrier Options for TIMES Models. IEA-ETSAP Webinar , 11th March 2022, Video  Download

Panos, E. (2021). Switzerland's national mitigation pathways: towards net-zero emissions in 2050. 14th Integrated Assessment Modelling  Consortium Annual Meeting, 1st December 2021, Download

Kober, T., Panos, E. (2021). Netto-Null CO2 Emissionspfade für die Schweiz – Kostenimplikationen und die Rolle der Elektrizität. VSE Webinar: Energiesektor und Klimawandel, 23th June 2021, online

Kober, T., Panos, E. (2021). Pfade zur CO2-Neutralität der Schweiz: Technologie- und Kostenimplikationen im Kontext des Energiesystems, Studiengruppe Energieperspektiven, 17th June 2021, online

Panos, E., Hassan, A. (2021). Acceleration strategies for energy systems models: insights using the TIMES modelling framework. 39th International Energy Workshop, Online, 14-17 June 2021, Download

Panos, E. (2020). Energy System transformation pathways - Towards Net-Zero emissions in 2050. SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2020, Download

Panos, E. (2020).
 How to build a TIMES model from scratch - Building a multi-regional model using a single excel workbook and TFM_DINS. IEA-ETSAP Webinar, View online

Panos, E. (2020).
 Long-term energy transformation pathways - Integrated scenario analysis with the Swiss TIMES energy systems model. SCCER Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling Final Event, 15th December, 2020, Download

Mazzoti M.
, Panos, E. et al, (2020). The role of hydrogen in decarbonizing Switzerland. ACT ELEGANCY Final Conference Webinar, 19th June 2020, Download

Fiand, F., Panos, E, Goldstein, G. (2020):
  An open source TIMES/MIRO App. IEA-ETSAP Workshop (webinar, July 2nd, 2020), View Online and Download

Kober, T. and E. Panos (2020): Die Energielandschaft im Wandel – Zukünftige Dekarbon- isierungsszenarien für die Schweiz. Energie-Apéros Aargau (webinar, Oct. 21, 2020).

Kober, T. and E. Panos (2020): Energiesystemanalysen und Szenarien – Reflektionen über die zukünftige Umgestaltung des Energiesystems. Industriewelt Baden - Exibition Unter Strom (invited talk) (Baden, Sept. 24, 2020).

Kober, T. and E. Panos (2020
). “Szenarien für das Schweizer Energiesystem im internationalen Kontext”. VSE Forschungstagung "Aktuelles aus der Energieforschung"  (June 26, 2020).

Kober, T. and E. Panos (2020).
“Energy System Transformation Challenges for Switzerland - an integrated model-based analysis”. Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) - Scientific Energy Lecture (invited talk) (webinar, July 16, 2020).

Stermieri L., Panos E., (2020). Digital energy transition: diffusion of new social practices and their impact on the energy system.  IAEE Conference 2020, June, Paris, canceled-Covid-19. Download

Panos, E., Bauer, C., Kober,T. (2019). Laundering the CO2 emissions: the role of CDR technologies in meeting stringent national climate targets in Switzerland, 12th Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium, Tsukuba, Japan, 2-4 December 2019

Panos, E., Kober,T. (2019). Flexibility needs in the energy system for the integration of distributed renewables, 38th International Energy Workshop, Paris, France, 3-5 June 2019, Download

Panos, E. (2019). Acceleration strategies for speeding up the solution time of the TIMES energy systems model generator, 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO2019), Dublin, Ireland, 23-26 June 2019, Download

Kober, T., Panos, E. (2018). Energy system implications of a well-below 2C emissions trajectory, Annual conference of the Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies, Oslo, Norway, 22 Nov. 2018, Download

Panos, E., Densing, M., Kober, T. (2018). Langfristige Preisentwicklungen im Strommarkt, SWISSCLEANTECH Tutorial, Zürich, 23. Oktober 2018

Panos, E., Kober, T. (2018). Langfristige Perspektiven von Speichertechnologien und alternativen Flexibilitätsoptionen in der Schweiz, ZHAW Energie- und Umweltforum, Winterthur, 24 October 2018

Panos, E., Densing, M. (2018). The future development of the electricity prices in view of the implementation of the Paris Agreements in 2030: will the current trends prevail or reverse is ahead?, The 37th International Energy Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19-21 June 2018, Download presentation

Kober, T., Panos, E (2018). Energy System Challenges of deep global CO2 emissions reduction under the World Energy Council’s scenario framework, 37th International Energy Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19 June 2018

Densing, M., Panos, E. (2018). Electricity Market Prices under Long-Term Policy Scenarios, 41st International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE) International conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 10-13 June 2018, Download presentation

Kober, T., Panos, E., Densing, M. Kannan, R. (2018). Zukünftige Rolle der Schweizer Wasserkraft im Gesamtenergiesystem, VSE Fachtagung “Zukunft der Wasserkraft", Olten, 27. June 2018, Program

Panos,E., Kober, T. (2018). Long-term evaluation of electricity-based storage technologies vs alternative flexibility options for the Swiss energy system, Treffen der Studiengruppe Energieperspektiven, Baden, 22.3.2018

Kober, T., Panos, E., Volkart, K., Hirschberg, S. (2017). World Energy Scenarios 2016, World Resources Forum 2017, Geneva, Switzerland, 24-25 October 2017, Poster

Panos,E., Kober, T., Kannan, R. (2017). Die Bedeutung von Flexibilitaetsoptionen und Netzen fuer die langfristige Entwicklung des schweizer Electrizitaetssystems, in VDI-Berichte 2303, VDI Verlag GmbH - Duesseldorf 2017, Abstract

Panos, E., Margelou, S. (2017). Modelling the long-term solar PV penetration in single- and two- family houses in Switzerland, Energy Systems Modelling and Optimisation Workshop, Prague , Czech Republic, Presentation

Panos, E., Kannan, R. (2017). Strategies for integration of variable renewable generation in the Swiss electricity system, IAEE 2017 European Conference, Vienna, Austria, Presentation, Abstract

Densing, M., Panos, E., Schmedders K. (2017). Stochastic bi-level electricity market modeling, 2nd Workshop of SET-Nav WP10 Modelling Forum - Modelling of Risk and Uncertainty in Energy System, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland

Marcucci A., Panos E., Kypreos S., Fragkos P. (2016). Realizing the 1.5oC target: energy transformation and the need of flexibility, 9th Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium Conference, Beijing, China, Presentation

Volkart K., Densing M., Panos E., Mutel C., Sabio N., Strachan N. (2016). Implementation of multi-objective optimization in the MARKAL framework for simultaneously analysing the economic, societal and environmental performance of the global energy system, wholeSEM Annual Conference 2016, Cambridge, UK, Presentation

Panos E., Kannan R. (2016). Long-term national electricity and heat supply scenarios, CHPSWARM project communication event, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Poster

Kypreos S., Marcucci A., Panos E. (2015). Is Direct Atmospheric Capture the needed backstop technology for decarbonising the global energy system, or does it just complement BECCS?, 8th Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium Conference, Potsdam, Germany, Presentation

Densing, M., Panos, E., Schmedders, K. (2015). Decision making in electricity markets: Bi-level games and stochastic programming, Energy Science Center Workshop, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation

Densing, M., Panos, E., Schmedders, K. (2015). Bilevel oligopolistic electricity market models: The case of Switzerland and surrounding countries, OR2015, Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Vienna, Austria

Densing, M., Hirschberg, S., Panos, E. (2015). Future Energy Scenarios (keynote), ICOSSE 2015 (4th International Congress on Sustainability and Engineering, Balatonfured, Hungary

Volkart K., Panos E., Densing M. (2015). Review of Global Energy Scenarios, SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2015, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Poster

Panos E., Densing M., Volkart K. (2015). Achieving universal electricity access by 2030 in a sustainable way, IEW 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Presentation

Panos, E., Kannan, R. (2015). Can the decentralized CHP generation provide the flexibility required to integrate intermittent RES in the electricity system?, 67th Semi-Annual IEA-ETSAP meeting, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Presentation

Panos E., Densing M., Turton H., Volkart K. (2014). Choosing a tempo to power Sub-Saharan Africa in 2050: Jazz and Symphony scenarios of the World Energy Council, IEW 2014, Beijing, China, Presentation


Densing, M., Turton H., Panos E., Volkart K. (2013). Global Energy Scenarios 2050, International Energy Workshop, Paris, France, Presentation

Kouvaritakis, N. and Panos, V. (2008). The PROMETHEUS stochastic model. Meteorologisches Institut University of Bonn

Kouvaritakis, N. and Panos, V. (2008). Endogenous Technology Modelling. Sustainable Energy Markets An advanced multi disciplinary training program, European Energy Institute, Athens

Kouvaritakis, N. and Panos, V. (2008). World Modelling and Probabilistic Assessment. Sustainable Energy Markets An advanced multi disciplinary training program, European Energy Institute, Athens

Kouvaritakis, N. and Panos, V. (2006). ISPA a tool for decision under risk. 6th International MCDM Conference, Chania

Kouvaritakis, N. , Panos, V. and Capros, P. (2004). Demonstration of PRIMES-ELMAS Models. Conference in Emissions Trading & Renewable Energy Support, Athens