Project Sort descending | Description | Duration Sort ascending | Contact |
SWEET CoSi | Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society |
2024-2032 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
INTERCHARGE | To understand patterns and trends of the Swiss BeV uptake, the optimal development of private and public charging infrastructure, and the implications for the Swiss energy system. |
2024-2026 | Kannan Ramachandran |
Energy Transition Risk (IRGC) | The Energy Economics Group continues the activities of the IRGC (international Risk Gonvernance Council; by focusing on the analyses of Energy Transition Risks. |
2024+ | Dr. Martin Densing |
SCENE | The Swiss Federal Council aims to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, requiring urgent and integrated action across multiple disciplines. The SCENE project addresses the complex… |
2023-2026 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
WIMBY | WIMBY is an European funded project supporting the adoption and acceptance of wind-power in the European Union. It will develop innovative tools to facilitate citizen and stakeholders interaction… |
2023-2025 | Dr. Evangelos Panos | | Renewable Fuels and Chemicals for Switzerland |
2023 - 2029 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
iDesignRES | Integrated Design of the Components of the Energy System to Plan the Uptake of Renewable Energy Sources: An Open Source Toolbox |
2023 - 2027 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
AEGIS-CH | AEGIS-CH is an Innosuisse Flagship project with the aim to improve the resilience of the Swiss energy system through the development and integration of Advanced Geothermal Systems (… |
2022-2026 | Kannan Ramachandran |
SHELTERED | Switzerland has committed to net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2050. To achieve this goal, a broad portfolio of measures and options will have to contribute to the reduction of GHG… |
2022-2024 | Kannan Ramachandran |
Maestro | Markets with storage and risk-aversion |
2020-2025 | Dr. Martin Densing |
POLIZERO | The project POLIZERO is funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), and it aims to analyze efficient policies for promoting the energy transition towards a decarbonised Swiss energy… |
2020 - 2023 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
ATELIER | AmsTErdam BiLbao cItizen drivEn smaRt cities (ATELIER) Smart City project aiming to create and replicate Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) within two Lighthouse Cities and six Fellow Cities… |
2019-2024 | Kannan Ramachandran |
Global Energy Scenarios | Global energy scenarios to improve understanding of possible development pathways for the future global energy system |
2011+ | Dr. Martin Densing |