The project 'Integrated Design of the Components of the Energy System to Plan the Uptake of Renewable Energy Sources: An Open Source Toolbox', or iDesignRES is a European Commission funded project involving 22 partners from EU, Norway, Switzerland and Ukraine. This is a 48 months' project starting from 1st October 2023.
The overarching objective of iDesignRES is to provide the public authorities and network operators with open-source toolboxes allowing to plan and to optimize the uptake of low and zero emission energy sources and the enhancement of resilient infrastructure (including energy storage) at regional, national, and European scales.
The expected outcome is that the public and relevant authorities can design a renewable energy system entirely online with easily accessible suite of tools, capable to: model at high spatial-temporal resolutions (sub-hourly NUTS level2 regions), to represent detail energy system physics, and to assemble models with a high degree of modularity.