Technical Reports and Working Papers


Densing, M., Kober, T., Panos, E., & McKenna, R. (2024). Zukünftiger Flexibilitätsbedarf und Bedeutung von Bandstrom in der Schweiz. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 24-01). Paul Scherrer Institut.


Stermieri L, Kober T, McKenna R, Schmidt TJ, Panos E. (2023). Socio-economic energy model for digitalization (SEED) overview design concept and details (ODD) protocol. Villigen PSI, Switzerland 


Panos, E., Maïzi, N., Blesl, M., et al. (2022). Integrating Sustainable Development Goals Into Energy Systems Models. Report to the IEA-ETSAP Download


Panos E., T. Kober, R. Kannan and S. Hirschberg (2021). Long-term energy transformation pathways - Integrated scenario analysis with the Swiss TIMES energy systems model. SCCER JASM final report, Villigen PSI is external) DOI:

Biollaz, S., Densing, M., Kim, A., Schenler, W., Treyer, K., Zhang, X., Kahl, A., Lehning, M. (2021). Sources of primary electricity supply: Synthesis report. SCCER – Supply of Electricity, ETH Zurich. 


Panos, E. and Kober, T. (2020). Report on energy model analysis of the role of H2-CCS systems in Swiss energy supply and mobility with quantification of economic and environmental trade-offs, including market assessment and business case drafts. EU H2020 download

Scholz, Y., Fuchs, B., Borgreffe, F., Ciao, K., Wetzel, M., Krbek, K., Cebulla, F., Gills, H., Fiand, F., Bussieck M., Koch, T., Rehfeldt, D., Gleixner, A., Khabi, D., Breuer, T., Rohe, D., Hobbie, H., Schönheit, D., Yilmaz, H., Panos, E., Jeddi, S., Buchholz, S.  (2020) Speeding up Energy Systems Models - A Best Practice Guide, BEAM-Project report, Stuttgart,

A. Velazquez, R. Pietzcker, P. Siskos, S. Luh, R. Kannan (2020) Research and Innovation Needs to Decarbonise the Transport Sector, Dialogue on European Decarbonisation Strategies (DEEDS), Brussels DEEDS Poliy Brief Transport

Levesque, A., Pietzcker, R., Rodrigues, R., Bauer, C., Kober, T., & Kolp, P. (2020). DEEDS knowledge base. sine loco: Dialogue on European Decarbonisation Strategies (DEEDS), Brussels DEEDS Knowledge base

R. E. Engström, F. Fuso-Nerini, C. Cassen, S. Luh, V. Viguié, T. Kober, P. Deane, M. Hamdi-Chérif (2020) Research and Innovation Needs to Decarbonise European Cities, Dialogue on European Decarbonisation Strategies (DEEDS), Brussels DEEDS Policy Brief Cities

T. Kober, R. Kannan et al. (2020) Research and innovation needs for clean energy supply, Dialogue on European Decarbonisation Strategies (DEEDS), Brussels DEEDS Policy Brief Energy

Kober et al. (2020). Swiss Industry: Price Elasticities and Demand Developments for Electricity and Gas (SWIDEM), Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Bern

Densing (2020). Price-driven dispatch of hydropower. SCCER-SoE Highlights 2020, Innosuisse.


World Energy Council, Accenture Strategy, Paul Scherrer Institute (2019). World Energy Scenarios 2019 - Exploring Disruptive Innovations in Global Energy Pathways to 2040. World Energy Council, London.

World Energy Council, Paul Scherrer Institute (2019). World Energy Scenarios 2019 - Regional perspective for Europe to 2040. World Energy Council, London.

World Energy Council, World Nuclear Association, Paul Scherrer Institute (2019). World Energy Scenarios 2019 - The future of Global Nuclear to 2060: diverse harmonies in the energy transition. World Energy Council, London.

T. Kober, C. Bauer (eds.), C. Bach, M. Beuse, G. Georges, M. Held, S. Heselhaus, P. Korba, L. Küng, A. Malhotra, S. Moebus, D. Parra, J. Roth, M. Rüdisüli, T. Schildhauer, T.J. Schmidt, T.S. Schmidt, M. Schreiber, F.R. Segundo Sevilla, B. Steffen, S.L. Teske (2019). White Paper „Power-to-X: Perspectives in Switzerland“, White Paper of the corresponding Joint Activity of the Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research, DOI:10.3929/ethz-b-000341153, Whitepaper   Weissbuch LivreBlanc SupplementaryReport

Zimmermann, F., Densing, M., Keles, D., Dehler, J., Hack, F., Fichtner, W. (2019). Impact of different market designs in the CWE market area on electricity prices and on the competitiveness of Swiss hydropower (PowerDesign). KIT/PSI. Report for the SFOE (Swiss Federal Office of Energy). Link: ARAMIS Research database

European Commission (2019). Final Report of the High-Level Panel of the European Decarbonisation Pathways Initiative, The report can be downloaded from EC website


Densing, M., Kannan, R., Panos, E., & Kober, T. (2018). Long term role of Swiss hydropower from an energy systems and market perspective. Zukunftspotenzial der Schweizer Wasserkraft durch Synergien im Energiesystem und Markt Perspektiven. Villigen PSI, Switzerland: Paul Scherrer Institute.

Friedl, M., Kober, T., Kannan, R., Mühlethaler, J. (2018). Fokusstudie «Saisonale Flexibilisierung einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung der Schweiz», The report can be downloaded from Forum Energiespeicher Schweiz ,Bern


Davis, G., S. Kim, T. Kober, and E. Panos (2017). Latin America and The Caribbean Energy Scenarios, Download

Boulouchos K, Cellina F, Ciari F, Cox B, Georges G, Hirschberg S, Hoppe M, Jonietz D, Kannan R, Kovacs N, Küng L, Michl T, Raubal M, Rudel R & Schenler W. (2017). Towards an Energy Efficient and Climate Compatible Future Swiss Transportation System, Download

Panos, E., Densing, M., Schmedders, K. (2017). Oligopolistic capacity expansion with subsequent market-bidding under transmission constraints (OCESM), Report of SFOE-EWG Research Programme Alternative download (ZORA Archive of University of Zurich): DOI: 10.5167/uzh-151127

Shivakumar, A., Anjo J., Miller, M., Pye, S., Rouelle, P.B., Densing, M., Kober, T. (2017). Smart energy solutions in the EU: State of play and measuring progress, INSIGHT_E Policy Report, Abstract and Download

Fuchs, A., Demiray, T., Panos E., Kannan, R., Kober, T., Bauer, C., Schenler, W., Burgherr, P., Hirschberg, S. (2017). ISCHESS - Integration of stochastic renewables in the Swiss electricity supply system, Final report of the Swiss Competence Center Energy and Mobility.


Shivakumar, A., Faure, A., Normark, B., Gupta, S., Kober, T., Bauer, Ch., Xiaojin, Z. (2016). Electricity storage in a redesigned market, INSIGHT_E Rapid Response Energy Brief 10, link

Davis, G., Vargas, M., Kober, T., Panos, E., Volkart, K. et al. (2016). World Energy Scenarios - The Grand Transition, Project Partner Accenture Strategy and Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). World Energy Council, London, ISBN 978-0-946121-57-1

Fuso Nerini F., Broad O. and Volkart K. (2016). Is domestic action enough? Policies and programs for the EU to reduce greenhouse gas emissions outside of its borders, INSIGHT_E Hot Energy Topic 18, Download (1.2MB)

Volkart K., Densing M. et al. (2016). Assessments of the Merit of Different Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Pathways for Energy Applications, INSIGHT_E Policy Report 6, Abstract and Download

Vögelin P., Panos E., Buffat R., Becutti G., Kannan R., et al. (2016). System modelling for assessing the potential of decentralised biomass-CHP plants to stabilise the Swiss electricity network with increased fluctuating renewable generation, Download.

A. Shivakumar, P. Deane, B. Normark, A. Fauré, J. Gottschling, A. Dobbins, R. Pattupara, R. Kannan, et al. (2016). Business models for flexible production and storage, INSIGHT_E Policy Report 4, Download (3MB)


Bauer C., Volkart K. (2015). Carbon Capture and Storage, INSIGHT_E Technology Note 6, Download (0.5MB)

Campbell D., Densing M., Panos E., et al. (2015). New Zealand Energy Scenarios – Navigating energy futures to 2050, World Energy Council, BusinessNZ Energy Council. Project Partners: Paul Scherrer Institute, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Sapere Research Group. full report project webpage

Densing M., Panos E., Hirschberg S. (2015). Meta-Analysis of Energy Scenario Studies: Example of Electricity Scenarios for Switzerland, Social Science Research Network (SSRN) link

Bjorndal E., Bjorndal M., Hong C., Panos E. (2015). Hybrid Pricing in a Coupled European Power Market with More Wind Power, Social Science Research Network (SSRN) link

S. Maire, R. Pattupara, R. Kannan, M. Vielle, F. Vöhringer (2015). Electricity markets and trade in Switzerland and its neighbouring countries (ELECTRA); Building a coupled techno-economic modeling framework - Schlussbericht, Final Report to Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Bern, External Link, Download


R. Kannan and H. Turton (2014). Switzerland energy transition scenarios – Development and application of the Swiss TIMES Energy system Model (STEM), Final Report to Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Bern, External Link, Download

Densing, M., Hirschberg, S., Turton, H. (2014). Review of Swiss Electricity Scenarios 2050, PSI-Report 14-05, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), ISSN 1019-0643, Download (3MB), Presentation (English), Praesentation (Deutsch), Data Charts, updated (Microsoft Excel)

AMPERE consortium (2014). Assessing Pathways toward Ambitious Climate Targets at the Global and European Levels: A synthesis of results from the AMPERE project, Download (1.1MB)


Frei C., Turton H., Densing M., Panos E., Volkart K. et al. (2013). World Energy Scenarios – Composing energy futures to 2050, Project Partner Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland. World Energy Council, London, ISBN 978-0-946121-33-5

Laboratory for Energy Analysis (2013). A glimpse into the future, Energie-Spiegel Nr. 22, Paul Scherrer Institute, English (2.4MB), German (2.5MB)

Turton H., Panos E., Densing M., Volkart K. (2013). Global Multi-regional MARKAL (GMM) model update: Disaggregation to 15 regions and 2010 recalibration, PSI Bericht 13-03, Download (4MB)


Kannan, R. and H. Turton (2012). The Swiss TIMES Electricity Model (STEM-E): Updates to the model input data and assumptions (Model Release 2), Download (0.2MB)

Kannan, R. and H. Turton (2012). Nuclear policy uncertainties in the evolution of the Swiss electricity system, NES Scientific Report 2011, ISSN 1663-7380

Laboratory for Energy Analysis (2012). The new Swiss energy policy: Where will the electricity come from?, Energie-Spiegel Nr. 21, Paul Scherrer Institute, English (1.2MB), German (5.6MB)

Kannan, R. and H. Turton (2012). Swiss Electricity Supply Options: A supplementary paper for PSI's Energie Spiegel Nr. 21, EEM Working paper, Paul Scherrer Institute, External Link


Kannan, R. and H. Turton (2011). Documentation on the Development of the Swiss TIMES Electricity Model (STEM-E), PSI Bericht 11-03, Download (1.7MB)

Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2011). Swiss energy strategies under nuclear and climate policy constraints, PSI Scientific Highlights, Paul Scherrer Institute, Download (0.1MB)

Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2011). Analyzing Energy Technology Options for Switzerland in the Face of Global Uncertainties: An Overview of the MERGE model, NCCR climate Research paper 2011/05, Download (1.2MB)

Turton, H. (2011). Scenarios review, FORATOM 2011, Energy 2050 Roadmap: contribution of nuclear energy, European Atomic Forum, Brussels, February


Sceia, A. J-C. Altamirano-Cabreraa, T. Schulz and M. Vielle (2009). Sustainability, neutrality and beyond in the framework of Swiss post-2012 climate policy, NCCR Climate Research Paper 2008/07, External Link

Reiter, U., A. Held and H. Turton (2009). Climate change adaptation and mitigation options of the European energy conversion sector?, EEM Working Paper, Paul Scherrer Institute

Bauer, C., W. Schenler, A. Marcucci, S. Hirschberg, P. Burgherr, S. Roth and N. Zepf (2009). Systemvergleich von Strom- und Wärmeversorgung mit zentralen und dezentralen Anlagen: Eine Studie im Rahmen des „Energietrialog Schweiz", Paul Scherrer Institute and Axpo Holding AG, Download (4.3MB)

Edenhofer, O., B. Knopf, M. Leimbach, L. Baumstark, N. Bauer, H. Turton, S. Kypreos, B. Magné, T. Barker, S. Scrieciu, S. Kitous, E. Bellevrat, P. Criqui, B. Château, D. van Vuuren and M. Isaac (2009). Second assessment of the costs of EU and global mitigation policies with a special focus on low stabilization targets and their impact on economic growth and the competitiveness of the EU: The Economics of Low Stabilisation, Deliverable D-M2.3rev of ADAM (Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Supporting European Climate Policy), Project co-funded by European Commission 6th RTD Programme

Jochem, E., W. Schade, T. Barker, S. Scrieciu, N. Helfrich, J. Köhler, S. Mima, P. Criqui, J. Morel, B. Chateau, A. Kitous, G-J. Nabuurs, M-J. Schelhaas, T. Groen, L. Quandt, F. Reitze, G. Catenazzi, M. Jakob, W. Eichhammer, A. Held, M. Ragwitz, U. Reiter and H. Turton (2009). Report of the Reference and 2°C Scenario for Europe, Deliverable D-M1.2 of ADAM (Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Supporting European Climate Policy), Project co-funded by European Commission 6th RTD Programme

Schade, W., E. Jochem, T. Barker, G. Catenazzi, W. Eichhammer, T. Fleiter, A. Held, N. Helfrich, M. Jakob, P. Criqui, S. Mima, L. Quandt, A. Peters, M. Ragwitz, U. Reiter, F. Reitze, M. Schelhaas, S. Scrieciu and H. Turton, H. (2009). ADAM 2-degree scenario for Europe – policies and impacts. Deliverable D-M1.3 of ADAM (Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Supporting European Climate Policy), Project co-funded by European Commission 6th RTD Programme

Kypreos, S. and B. Magne (2009). Monte-Carlo Analysis: Is the European Climate Policy Target of 2°C Temperature Change Feasible and Justified?, Deliverable D-M2.5 of ADAM (Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Supporting European Climate Policy), Project co-funded by European Commission 6th RTD Programme

Gül, T. and H. Turton (2009). Illustrating Perspectives of Energy and Mobility, PSI Bericht No. 09-08, Paul Scherrer Institute, Download (0.5MB)

Ruoss, F., H. Turton and S. Hirschberg (2009). Key Factors Affecting the Deployment of Electricity Generation Technologies in Energy Technology Scenarios, PSI Bericht 09-11, Paul Scherrer Institute, Download (1.3MB)

Weidmann, N., H. Turton and A. Wokaun (2009). Contribution to the "Energie-Strategie 2050. Impulse für die schweizerische Energiepolitik", Energie Trialog Schweiz, Download (2MB)

Weidmann, N., H. Turton and A. Wokaun (2009). Case Studies of the Swiss Energy System – Sensitivity to Scenario Assumptions Assessed with the Swiss MARKAL Model, Paul Scherrer Institute, Download (1.6MB)


Gül, T., S. Kypreos, H. Turton and L. Barreto (2008). A modeling analysis of cost-effective technology choices for reducing CO2 emissions in European transport, EEM Working Paper, Paul Scherrer Institute


Krzyzanowski, D., S. Kypreos and L. Barreto (2007). Assessment of Market Penetration Potential of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles, EEM Working Paper, Paul Scherrer Institute

Yamashita, K. and L. Barreto (2007). Biomass Gasification for Co-production of Fischer-Tropsch Liquids and Electricity, IIASA Interim Report IR-04-047 External Link


Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (2006). Extensions to the Energy-system GMM Model: An Overview, PSI Bericht No. 06-07, Paul Scherrer Institute, Download (0.3MB)

Barreto, L., T. Schulz and S. Kypreos (2006). Impact of CO2 Constraints on the Swiss Energy System: A long-term Analysis with the Swiss MARKAL Model. Contribution to the NCCR-Climate WP4 Report to the Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) on "Climate Vulnerability and Policy in a Post-Kyoto World", Paul Scherrer Institute

Krakowski, R. (2006). Top-down/Bottom-up Description of Electricity Sector for Switzerland using the GEM-E3 Computable General Equilibrium Model, PSI Bericht No. 06-04, Paul Scherrer Institute

Uyterlinde, M.A., G.H. Martinus, H. Rosler, B.C.C. van der Zwaan, L. Szabo, P. Russ, L. Mantzos, M. Zeka-Paschou, M. Blesl, I. Ellersdorfer, U. Fahl, C. Böhringer, A. Löschel, F. Pratlong, P. Le Mouel, I. Hayhow, A.S. Kydes, L. Martin, P. Rafaj, S. Kypreos, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma and T. Tomoda (2006). The contribution of nuclear energy to a sustainable energy system; Volume 3 in the CASCADE MINTS project, Energy Research Center of the Netherlands Report, ECN-C-05-085. Petten, The Netherlands

Uyterlinde, M.A., H. Rösler, H.C. De Coninck, B.C.C. van der Zwaan, I. Keppo, N. Kouvaritakis, V. Panos, L. Szabó, P. Russ, W. Suwala, P. Rafaj, S. Kypreos, M. Blesl, I. Ellersdorfer, M. Zürn, U. Fahl, A. Kydes, L. Martin, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, D. Gielen (2006). The contribution of CO2 capture and storage to a sustainable energy system, Policy Brief in the CASCADE MINTS project, Energy Research Center of the Netherlands Report, ECN-C-06-009. Petten, The Netherlands, Download (1.6MB)

Rafaj, P., L. Barreto and S. Kypreos (2006). The Role of Non-CO2 Gases in Flexible Climate Policy: An Analysis with the Energy-Systems GMM Model, NCCR-Climate WP4 Research Paper Series, Download (0.4MB)

Schulz, T.F., L. Barreto, S. Kypreos and S. Stucki (2006). Assessment of Biomass-based Synthetic Natural Gas Technologies with the Swiss Energy-System MARKAL Model, NCCR-Climate WP4 Research Paper Series, Download (0.8MB)

Schulz, T.F. and S. Kypreos (2006). Country report for Switzerland. Report prepared for the research stream RS2a, NEEDS Project "New Energy Externalities Developments for Sustainability" sponsored by the European Commission, Paul Scherrer Institute

Spielmann, M. (2006). Life cycle Inventories for Swiss passenger cars, Report for the Swiss Centre of Life Cycle Inventories, Paul Scherrer Institute


Kypreos, S. (2005). A MERGE Model with endogenous Technological Change and the Cost of Carbon Stabilisation, FEEM Nota di Lavoro 123.2005, Download (0.4MB)

Lessmann K., O. Edenhofer and N. Bauer (2005). Mitigation Strategies and Costs of Climate Protection: The effects of ETC in the hybrid Model MIND, FEEM Nota di Lavoro 150.2005, Download (1.7MB)

Schulz, T.F., L. Barreto, S. Kypreos and S. Stucki (2005). Methane from Wood: Assessment of Biomass-based Synthetic Natural Gas Technologies with the Swiss Energy-System MARKAL Model, PSI Bericht No. 05-09, Paul Scherrer Institute Download (0.5MB)

Krzyzanowski, D.A., S. Kypreos, L. Gutzwiller and L. Barreto (2005). Implications of Technology Learning in Energy-Economy Models of the Transport Sector, PSI Bericht No. 05-06, Paul Scherrer Institute Download (0.5MB)

Uyterlinde M.A., G.H. Martinus, H. Rösler, N. Kouvaritakis, V. Panos, L. Mantzos, M. Zeka-Paschou, S. Kypreos, P. Rafaj, M. Blesl, I. Ellersdorfer, U. Fahl, I. Keppo, K. Riahi, C. Böhringer, A. Löschel, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, F. Pratlong, P. Le Mouel, L. Szabo, P. Russ and A. Kydes (2005). The contribution of renewable energy to a sustainable energy system (Vol. 2, CASCADE MINTS project), ECN-C--05-034. Policy Studies Department, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). Peten, the Netherlands, Download (1.8MB)

Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (2005). Impact Assessment of Energy-related R&D using the Energy-system GMM Model: An Analysis for SAPIENTIA, Contribution to the SAPIENTIA Project (ENK6-CT-2002-00614) sponsored by the European Commission, Paul Scherrer Institute


Uyterlinde M.A., G.H. Martinus, E. van Thuijl, N. Kouvaritakis, L. Mantzos, V. Panos, M. Zeka-Paschou, K. Riahi, G. Totsching, I. Keppo, P. Russ, L. Szabo, S. Kypreos, P. Rafaj, C. Böhringer, A. Löschel, I. Ellersdorfer, M. Blesl, P. Le Mouël, A.S. Kydes, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma and T. Tomoda (2004). Energy trends for Europe in a global perspective: Baseline projections by twelve E3-models in the CASCADE MINTS project, ECN-C--04-094, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). Peten, the Netherlands

Barreto, L., P. Rafaj and S. Kypreos (2004). Marginal Abatement Curves in the Energy-Systems GMM Model. Report presented to the Energy Systems Technology Analysis Program (ETSAP) of the International Energy Agency (IEA), Paul Scherrer Institute Download (0.2MB)

Kypreos, S. and P. Rafaj (2004). Analyses of climate response policies using the Global Markal Model (GMM), Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Barreto, L and S. Kypreos (2004). Demonstration and Deployment Programs: Insights with the Energy-System GMM Model, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (2004). Extensions to the Energy-System GMM Model for SAPIENTIA., Contribution to the SAPIENTIA Project (ENK6-CT-2002-00614) sponsored by the European Commission. Paul Scherrer Institute

Krakowski, R. (2004). A bottom-up Description of the Electric Sector in the General Equilibrium Model GEM-E3, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Rafaj, P., S. Kypreos and L. Barreto (2004). Combined Policy Instruments for Sustainable Energy Systems, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Schulz, T.F., L. Barreto, S. Kypreos and A. Wokaun (2004). Some Insights of the 2000-Watt Society for Switzerland, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Stucki, S., F. Vogel, S. Biollaz, T.F. Schulz and C. Bauer (2004). Biomasse. BfE Energieperspektiven: Erneuerbare Energien und neue Nuklearanlagen, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) für das Bundesamt für Energie (BFE)


Aebischer, B., G. Catenazzi, M. Jakob, E. Jochem, R. Madlener, M. Wickart, L. Gutzwiller, T. Heck, S. Hirschberg, S. Kypreos, S. Lienin, O. Bahn, A. Anssen, R. Frischknecht and J. Schwarz (2003). CO2-Reduktionspotential Erdgas, Projektphase 2: Nachhaltigkeitsszenarien Schlussbericht, Forschungsprojekt in Zusammenarbeit und im Auftrag der Schweizerischen Gaswirtschaft (FOGA / VSG / SVGW). Zurich, Switzerland

Sager, J. (2003). A Policy Analysis and Quantitative Assessment of Key Issues arising from Climate Change Negotiations Following COP7, PSI Bericht 03-12, Paul Scherrer Institute


Bahn, O. and S. Kypreos (2002). MERGE-ETL: An Optimisation Equilibrium Model with Two Different Endogenous Technological Learning Formulations, PSI Bericht No. 02-16, Paul Scherrer Institute, Download (0.6MB)

Kypreos, S. and P. Rafaj (2002). Flexible Carbon Mitigation Policies: Some insights from GMM, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute


Röder, A. (2001). Life-Cycle Inventory and Costs of Different Car Powertrains, PSI Bericht No. 01-16, Paul Scherrer Institute


Bahn, O. and C. Frei (2000). GEM-E3 Switzerland: A Computable General Equilibrium Model Applied for Switzerland, PSI Bericht No. 00-01, Paul Scherrer Institute, Download (0.6MB)


Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (1999). Technological Learning in Energy Models: Experience and Scenario Analysis with MARKAL and the ERIS Model Prototype, PSI Bericht No. 99-08, Paul Scherrer Institute

Seebregts, A.J., T. Kram, G.J. Schaeffer, A. Stoffer, S. Kypreos, L. Barreto, S. Messner and L. Schrattenholzer (1999). Endogenous Technological Change in Energy System Models. Synthesis of Experience with ERIS, MARKAL, and MESSAGE, Contribution to the EU Research Project TEEM, ECN-C-99-025, ECN, Petten, The Netherlands

Barreto, L. and S. Kypreos (1999). Learning curves in energy planning models, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Kypreos, S. (1999). Global post-Kyoto analyses at PSI, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Röder, A. (1999). GHG-emissions for cars with different power trains over the whole life cycle, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Schafer, A., S. Kypreos, L. Barreto, H. Jacoby and P. Dietrich (1999). Automobile technology in a CO2-constrained world, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Bahn, O., L. Barreto, B. Büeler and S. Kypreos (1998). A burden sharing strategy among the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Bahn, O., A. Cadena, M. Jakob and S. Kypreos (1998). Joint Implementation strategy between Switzerland and Colombia, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Bahn, O., L. Barreto, B. Büeler and S. Kypreos (1997). A Multi-Regional MARKAL-MACRO Model to Study an International Market of CO2 Emission Permits, PSI Bericht No. 97-09, Paul Scherrer Institute

Bahn, O., E. Fragnière and S. Kypreos (1997). Swiss taxation policies to curb CO2 emissions, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Büeler, B., O. Bahn, S. Kypreos H.-J. and Lüthi (1997). Modelling regional trade of CO2 certificates, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Bahn, O., W. Hediger, M. Jakob and S. Kypreos (1996). National and international options for Switzerland to curb CO2 emissions, Annual PSI Report, Paul Scherrer Institute

Kypreos, S. (1996). The MARKAL-MACRO Model and the Climate Change, PSI Bericht No. 96-14, Paul Scherrer Institute