Past Lecturing
- Lecturer at ETH Zurich, Chair of Energy System Analysis, Energy Systems Analysis: an Introduction and Overview with Applications. 2023 151-0245-00L
- Lecturer at University of Zurich, Chair of Quantitative Business Administration. UZH link.
Until HS2020: Portfolio Optimization. Link - Lecturer at ETH Zurich, Power Systems Lab.
FS2019: Optimization in Energy Systems
Academic Qualifications
2008 | | Institute for Operations Research and Mathematical Methods in Economics (IOR), University of Zurich, together with Institute for Operations Research (IFOR), Department of Mathematics, ETH, Zurich |
1996 | MSc ETH Physics | Theoretical Physics. ETH, Zurich |
2009- Today | Scientist | Energy Economics Group, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland |
2008- 2009 | Consultant | Owner of company MathOpt (Risk Management). Customers: Retail Banks in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Risk IT provider |
2006- 2008 | Consultant | FIS Corp. (financial risk management) |
2000- 2006 | Research Assistant | Institute for Operations Research and Management Science, University of Zurich |
1997- 2000 | Consultant | Wolters-Kluwer Corp. (financial risk software) |
Current Projects
- The role of storage in risk-averse market equilibria (SNF Project)
- Cross-Broder Electricity Market Modeling (BEM Model)
- SWEET-CoSi: Co-evolution of Swiss energy scenarios
- SHELTERED: Global synfuel pathways for Switzerland in 2050 using a global energy system model
- IRGC: Risk-mapping and evaluation of energy transition risks
Publications (as registered in institutional repository of PSI)
Densing M, Kober T, Panos E, McKenna R
Zukünftiger Flexibilitätsbedarf und Bedeutung von Bandstrom in der Schweiz
Villigen PSI, Switzerland: Paul Scherrer Institut; 2024. PSI Bericht: 24-01.
Wan Y, Kober T, Schildhauer T, Schmidt TJ, McKenna R, Densing M
Conditions for profitable operation of P2X energy hubs to meet local demand under to with energy market access
Advances in Applied Energy. 2023; 10: 100127 (16 pp.).
Densing M, Wan Y
Low-dimensional scenario generation method of solar and wind availability for representative days in energy modeling
Applied Energy. 2022; 306(Part B): 118075 (17 pp.).
Wan Y, Kober T, Densing M
Nonlinear inverse demand curves in electricity market modeling
Energy Economics. 2022; 107: 105809 (9 pp.).
Burgherr P, Bauer C, Giudati G, Giardini D, Biollaz S, Densing M, et al.
Sources of primary electricity supply. Synthesis report
Zurich: ETH; 2021.
Densing M
The value of flexible selling: power production with storage for spinning reserve provision
European Journal of Operational Research. 2020; 281(1): 141-151.
Keles D, Dehler-Holland J, Densing M, Panos E, Hack F
Cross-border effects in interconnected electricity markets - an analysis of the Swiss electricity prices
Energy Economics. 2020; 90: 104802 (21 pp.).
Kober T, Schiffer H-W, Densing M, Panos E
Global energy perspectives to 2060 - WEC's World Energy Scenarios 2019
Energy Strategy Reviews. 2020; 31: 100523 (19 pp.).
Panos E, Densing M
The future developments of the electricity prices in view of the implementation of the Paris Agreements: will the current trends prevail, or a reversal is ahead?
Energy Economics. 2019; 84: 104476 (17 pp.).
Densing M, Kannan R, Panos E, Kober T
Long term role of Swiss hydropower from an energy systems and market perspective. Zukunftspotenzial der Schweizer Wasserkraft durch Synergien im Energiesystem und Markt Perspektiven
Villigen PSI, Switzerland: Paul Scherrer Institute; 2018.
Shivakumar A, Pye S, Anjo J, Miller M, Rouelle PB, Densing M, et al.
Smart energy solutions in the EU: state of play and measuring progress
Energy Strategy Reviews. 2018; 20: 133-149.
Yazdanie M, Densing M, Wokaun A
The nationwide characterization and modeling of local energy systems: quantifying the role of decentralized generation and energy resources in future communities
Energy Policy. 2018; 118: 516-533.
Zimmermann F, Densing M, Keles D, Dehler J, Hack F, Fichtner W
Impact of different market designs in the CWE market area on electricity prices and on the competitiveness of Swiss hydropower (PowerDesign)
Bern: Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE; 2018.
Panos E, Densing M, Schmedders K
Oligopolistic capacity expansion with subsequent market bidding under transmission constraints (OCESM)
Villigen PSI, Switzerland; Zürich, Switzerland: Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI); University of Zurich; 2017.
Shivakumar A, Anjo J, Miller M, Pye S, Boutinard Rouelle P, Densing M, et al.
Smart energy solutions in the EU: state of play and measuring progress
sine loco: INSIGHT_E; 2017. Policy report: 10.
Volkart K, Densing M, De Miglio R, Priem T, Pye S, Cox B
The role of fuel cells and hydrogen in stationary applications
In: Welsch M, Pye S, Keles D, Faure-Schuyer A, Dobbins A, Shivakumar A, et al., eds. Europe's energy transition - insights for policy making. Findings informing the European Commission. London: Elsevier; 2017:189-205.
Yazdanie M, Densing M, Wokaun A
Cost optimal urban energy systems planning in the context of national energy policies: a case study for the city of Basel
Energy Policy. 2017; 110: 176-190.
Densing M, Panos E, Hirschberg S
Meta-analysis of energy scenario studies: example of electricity scenarios for Switzerland
Energy. 2016; 109: 998-1015.
Panos E, Densing M, Volkart K
Access to electricity in the World Energy Council's global energy scenarios: an outlook for developing regions until 2030
Energy Strategy Reviews. 2016; 9: 28-49.
Sabio N, Volkart K, Densing M, Strachan N
Using multiobjective optimization and life cycle assessment for the design of more sustainable national and international energy systems
In: Computing and systems technology division: core programming area at the AIChE annual meeting. AIChE; 2016:498-500.
Volkart K, De Miglio R, Densing M, Priem T, Pye S
Assessments of the merit of different hydrogen and fuel cell pathways for energy applications
sine loco: INSIGHT_E; 2016. Policy Report: 5.
Yazdanie M, Densing M, Wokaun A
The role of decentralized generation and storage technologies in future energy systems planning for a rural agglomeration in Switzerland
Energy Policy. 2016; 96: 432-445.
Campbell D, Carnegie J, Whitney R, Batstone S, Stevenson T, Webb A, et al.
New Zealand energy scenarios. Navigating energy futures to 2050
Wellington, New Zealand: BusinessNZ Energy Council; 2015.
Panos E, Turton H, Densing M, Volkart K
Powering the growth of Sub-Saharan Africa: the jazz and symphony scenarios of World Energy Council
Energy for Sustainable Development. 2015; 26: 14-33.
Volkart K, Panos E, Densing M
Review of global energy scenarios
Presented at: SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2015; September 10-11, 2015; Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Densing M, Hirschberg S, Turton H
Review of Swiss electricity scenarios 2050. Report prepared for the group energy perspectives and the Swiss competence center for energy research "supply of electricity" (SCCER SoE)
Villigen PSI, Switzerland: Paul Scherrer Institut; 2014. PSI Bericht: 14-05.
Densing M
Stochastic programming of time-consistent extensions of AVaR
SIAM Journal on Optimization. 2014; 24(3): 993-1010.
Densing M
Dispatch planning using newsvendor dual problems and occupation times: application to hydropower
European Journal of Operational Research. 2013; 228(2): 321-330.
Densing M
Price-driven hydropower dispatch under uncertainty
In: Kovacevic RM, Pflug GC, Vespucci MT, eds. Handbook of risk management in energy production and trading. International series in operations research & management science. Boston: Springer; 2013:73-104.
Turton H, Panos V, Densing M, Volkart K
Global multi-regional MARKAL (GMM) model update: disaggregation to 15 regions and 2010 recalibration
Villigen PSI, Switzerland: Paul Scherrer Institut; 2013. PSI Bericht: 13-03.
Densing M, Turton H, Bäuml G
Conditions for the successful deployment of electric vehicles - a global energy system perspective
In: 12th Swiss transport research conference. sine loco: STRC; 2012:(41 pp.).
Densing M, Turton H, Bäuml G
Conditions for the successful deployment of electric vehicles - a global energy system perspective
Energy. 2012; 47(1): 137-149.
Densing M, Mayer J
Multiperiod stochastic optimization problems with time-consistent risk constraints
In: Klatte D, Lüthi H-J, Schmedders K, eds. Operations research proceedings 2011. Berlin, Germany: Springer; 2012:521-526.
Densing M
Occupation times of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process: functional PCA and evidence from electricity prices
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2012; 391(23): 5818-5826.
Conference Contributions, Presentations
Densing, M, Wan, Y., McKenna, R. (2024). Large prosumers under capacity constraints: Market power effects of vertical integration and of storage. 33th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2024), 30 June- 3 July, Copenhagen, Denmark
Liu, S., Densing, M, McKenna, R., Sansavini, G. (2024). Impact of storage flexibility in energy markets under risk aversion. 33th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2024), 30 June- 3 July, Copenhagen, Denmark
Wan, Y., Kober, T., McKenna, R., Densing, M. (2024). Market effects of Power-to-Gas technologies and their role under future gas supply shocks using a coupled electricity-gas-hydrogen market model. 33th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2024), 30 June- 3 July, Copenhagen, Denmark
Densing, M., Wan, Y. (2023). Aggregation of intermittent renewables in energy market models: capturing correlations and extreme events. 18th IAEE European conference, 24-27 July, Milano, Italy
Densing, M., Wan, Y. (2021). Modeling intermittency of solar and wind availability - Low-dimensional scenario generation capturing the statistics of both spatial and diurnal variations. 39th International Energy Workshop, 16. June, Freiburg, Germany
Densing, M. (2019). Modelling of dispatch of stored hydropower. Swiss Competence Centre of Energy Research - Supply of Electricity, Annual conference. 3-4 Sep., EPFL Lausanne.
Wan, Y., Densing, M. (2019). Nonlinear Inverse Demand Curves in Electricity Market Modeling. Swiss Competence Centre of Energy Research - Supply of Electricity, Annual conference. 3-4 Sep., EPFL Lausanne.
Wan, Y., Densing, M. (2019). Non-Linear Demand Curves in Electricity Markets: Impact on Market Power Estimation. 16th European IAEE Conference, 25-28 Aug, Lubliana.
Panos, E., Densing, M., Kober, T. (2018). Langfristige Preisentwicklungen im Strommarkt, SWISSCLEANTECH Tutorial, Zürich, 23. Oktober 2018
Densing, M. (2018). Explicit solutions of stochastic energy storage problems, 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO2018), Valencia, Spain, 8-11 July 2018
Panos, E., Densing, M. (2018). The future development of the electricity prices in view of the implementation of the Paris Agreements in 2030: will the current trends prevail or reverse is ahead?, The 37th International Energy Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19-21 June 2018, Download Presentation
Densing, M., Panos, E. (2018). Electricity Market Prices under Long-Term Policy Scenarios, 41st International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE) International conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 10-13 June 2018, Download Presentation
Kober, T., Panos, E., Densing, M. Kannan, R. (2018). Zukünftige Rolle der Schweizer Wasserkraft im Gesamtenergiesystem, VSE Fachtagung “Zukunft der Wasserkraft", Olten, 27. June 2018, Program
Densing, M. (2017). Modeling of electricity markets and hydropower dispatch, SCCER - Supply of Electricity Annual Conference, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 14-15 September 2017, Download Presentation
Kober, T., Yazdanie, M. Densing, M. (2017). Energiedrehscheibe Basel: Langfristuntersuchungen der zukünftigen Basler Energielandschaft basierend auf einem ökonomischen Optimierungsmodell, in novatlantis Bauforum, Basel, 21. Juni 2017, Presentation
Densing, M., Panos, E., Schmedders K. (2017). Stochastic bi-level electricity market modeling, 2nd Workshop of SET-Nav WP10 Modelling Forum - Modelling of Risk and Uncertainty in Energy System, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
Yazdanie, M., Densing, M. (2017). The Role of Decentralized Generation and Storage Technologies in the Future Energy Systems of Swiss Communities, INSMART - Integrative Smart City Planning (Final Conference), Brussels, Belgium, Presentation
Yazdanie, M., Densing, M. (2016). Decision-making for energy system planning using TIMES: the uptake of decentralized generation and storage technologies on a community-scale, EURO 2016, Poznan, Poland
Densing, M. (2016). Stopped AVaR: A multiperiod extension of the risk measure AVaR, with application in power optimization, 14th Triannual International Conference on Stochastic Programming (ICSP 2016), Buzios, Brazil, 25 June - 1 July 2016
Volkart K., Densing M., Panos E., Mutel C., Sabio N., Strachan N. (2016). Implementation of multi-objective optimization in the MARKAL framework for simultaneously analysing the economic, societal and environmental performance of the global energy system, wholeSEM Annual Conference 2016, Cambridge, UK, Presentation
Densing, M., Panos, E., Schmedders, K. (2015). Decision making in electricity markets: Bi-level games and stochastic programming, Energy Science Center Workshop, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Presentation
Densing, M., Panos, E., Schmedders, K. (2015). Bilevel oligopolistic electricity market models: The case of Switzerland and surrounding countries, OR2015, Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Vienna, Austria
Densing M. (2015). Stochastic programming formulations of coherent multi-period risk measurement, 13th Swiss Operations Research Days, IBM Research, Zurich
Densing, M., Hirschberg, S., Panos, E. (2015). Future Energy Scenarios (keynote), ICOSSE 2015 (4th International Congress on Sustainability and Engineering, Balatonfured, Hungary
Volkart K., Panos E., Densing M. (2015). Review of Global Energy Scenarios, SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2015, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Poster
Panos E., Densing M., Volkart K. (2015). Achieving universal electricity access by 2030 in a sustainable way, IEW 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Presentation
Densing, M. (2014). Price-Duration Curves: Decomposition and integration into hydropower optimization models, 3rd Asset Optimization Day (AOD 2014), Bern, Switzerland
Densing, M. (2014). Hydropower optimization against the market: Generalizations of the newsvendor problem, 4th Energy Finance Christmas Workshop (EFC14), St. Gallen, Switzerland
Panos E., Densing M., Turton H., Volkart K. (2014). Choosing a tempo to power Sub-Saharan Africa in 2050: Jazz and Symphony scenarios of the World Energy Council, IEW 2014, Beijing, China, Presentation
Densing, M. (2014). Pumped-storage hydropower optimization: Effects of several reservoirs and of ancillary services, IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, Presentation
Densing, M. (2013). Price-driven hydropower dispatch under uncertainty, Workshop on Risk Management in Energy Production and Trading, Vienna, Austria, External Link
Densing, M., Turton H., Panos E., Volkart K. (2013). Global Energy Scenarios 2050, International Energy Workshop, Paris, France, Presentation
Densing, M., H. Turton and G. Bäuml (2012). Conditions for the deployment of alternative drivetrains: An energy system perspective, 12th IAEE European Energy Conference, Venice, Italy, Presentation
Densing, M., H. Turton and G. Bäuml (2012). Conditions for the successful deployment of electric vehicles, 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland, Conference paper
Densing, M. and J. Mayer (2012). Multistage stochastic optimization of power dispatch and multiperiod duality of CVaR, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2012), Berlin, Germany, Presentation
Densing, M. and J. Mayer (2012). Multiperiod Stochastic Optimization Problems with Time-Consistent Risk Constraints, Operations Research Proceedings 2011, Klatte D., Lüthi H.-J., Schmedders K. (ed.), Springer, 2012, p. 521-526. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29210-1_83
Densing, M. (2012). Stochastic programming formulations of coherent multiperiod risk measurement, 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2012), Vilnius, Lithuania, Presentation
Technical Reports and Working Papers (until 2020)
Biollaz, S., Densing, M., Kim, A., Schenler, W., Treyer, K., Zhang, X., Kahl, A., Lehning, M. (2021). Sources of primary electricity supply: Synthesis report.
SCCER – Supply of Electricity, ETH Zurich.
Zimmermann, F., Densing, M., Keles, D., Dehler, J., Hack, F., Fichtner, W. (2019). Impact of different market designs in the CWE market area on electricity prices and on the competitiveness of Swiss hydropower (PowerDesign). KIT/PSI. Report for the SFOE (Swiss Federal Office of Energy). Link: ARAMIS Research database
Wilkinson, A., Belostotskaya, A., Flowers, B.-S., Kober, T., Panos, E., Densing, M., et al. (2019). World Energy Scenarios 2019 - Exploring Disruptive Innovations in Global Energy Pathways to 2040. World Energy Council, London, UK.
Densing, M., Kannan, R., Panos, E., & Kober, T. (2018). Long term role of Swiss hydropower from an energy systems and market perspective. Zukunftspotenzial der Schweizer Wasserkraft durch Synergien im Energiesystem und Markt Perspektiven. Report of the VSE/AES (Association of Electricity Producers of Switzerland) Research Fund. Villigen, Switzerland.
Panos, E., Densing, M., Schmedders, K. (2017). Oligopolistic capacity expansion with subsequent market-bidding under transmission constraints (OCESM), Report of SFOE-EWG Research Programme Alternative download (ZORA Archive of University of Zurich): DOI: 10.5167/uzh-151127
Shivakumar, A., Anjo J., Miller, M., Pye, S., Rouelle, P.B., Densing, M., Kober, T. (2017). Smart energy solutions in the EU: State of play and measuring progress, INSIGHT_E Policy Report, Abstract and Download
Volkart K., Densing M. et al. (2016). Assessments of the Merit of Different Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Pathways for Energy Applications, INSIGHT_E Policy Report 6, Abstract and Download
Campbell D., Densing M., Panos E., et al. (2015). New Zealand Energy Scenarios – Navigating energy futures to 2050, World Energy Council, BusinessNZ Energy Council. Project Partners: Paul Scherrer Institute, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Sapere Research Group. full reportproject webpage
Densing M., Panos E., Hirschberg S. (2015). Meta-Analysis of Energy Scenario Studies: Example of Electricity Scenarios for Switzerland, Social Science Research Network (SSRN) link
Densing, M., Hirschberg, S., Turton, H. (2014). Review of Swiss Electricity Scenarios 2050, PSI-Report 14-05, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), ISSN 1019-0643, Download (3MB), Presentation (English), Praesentation (Deutsch), Data Charts, updated (Microsoft Excel)
Frei C., Turton H., Densing M., Panos E., Volkart K. et al. (2013). World Energy Scenarios – Composing energy futures to 2050, Project Partner Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland. World Energy Council, London, ISBN 978-0-946121-33-5
Turton H., Panos E., Densing M., Volkart K. (2013). Global Multi-regional MARKAL (GMM) model update: Disaggregation to 15 regions and 2010 recalibration, PSI Bericht 13-03, Download (4MB)
Manual Peer-Reviewed Publication List (until 2020)
Wan, Y., Kober, T., Densing, M. (2022). Nonlinear inverse demand curves in electricity market modeling. Energy Economics, 107:105809.
Densing, M., Wan, Y. (2021) Low-dimensional scenario generation method of solar and wind availability for representative days in energy modeling. Applied Energy, 306:118075.
Kober, T., Schiffer, H.-W., Densing, M., Panos, E. (2020) Global energy perspectives to 2060 - WEC's world energy scenarios 2019. Energy Strategy Reviews, 31:100523.
Keles, D., Dehler-Holland, J., Densing, M., Panos, E., Hack, F. (2020). Cross-border effects in interconnected electricity markets - an analysis of the Swiss electricity prices. Energy Economics, 90:104802.
Densing, M. (2020). The value of flexible selling: Power production with storage for spinning reserve provision. European Journal of Operational Research, 281(1), pp. 141-151.
Panos, E., Densing, M. (2019). The future developments of the electricity prices in view of the implementation of the Paris Agreements: Will the current trends prevail, or a reversal is ahead? Energy Economics, 84, pp. 104476.
Yazdanie, M., Densing, M., Wokaun, A. (2018). The nationwide characterization and modeling of cal energy systems: quantifying the role of decentralized generation and energy resources in future communities, Energy Policy, Vol. 118, pp. 516-533. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.02.045
Shivakumar, A., Pye, S., Anjo, J., Miller, M., Rouelle, P. B., Densing, M., Kober, T. (2018). Smart energy solutions in the EU: State of play and measuring progress. Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol. 20, pp. 133-149. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2018.02.005
Yazdanie, M., Densing, M., Wokaun, A. (2017). Cost optimal urban energy systems planning in the context of national energy policies: A case study for the city of Basel, Energy Policy, Vol. 110, pp. 176–190. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.08.009
Welsch, M., Volkart, K., Densing, M., et al. (2017). The Role of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in Stationary Applications, Europe's Energy Transition - Insights for Policy Making (Ch. 23), pp. 189-205, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-128098-06-6 link
Yazdanie, M., Densing, M., Wokaun, A. (2016). The Role of Decentralized Generation and Storage Technologies in Future Energy Systems Planning for a Rural Agglomeration in Switzerland, Energy Policy, Vol. 96, pp. 432-445, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.06.010
Densing, M., Panos, E., Hirschberg, S. (2016). Meta-Analysis of Energy Scenario Studies: Example of Electricity Scenarios for Switzerland, Energy, Vol. 109, pp. 998-1015, doi: 10.1016/
Panos E., Densing M., Volkart K. (2016). Access to electricity in the World Energy Council's global energy scenarios: An outlook for developing regions until 2030, Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol. 9, pp. 28-49, Elsevier doi:10.1016/j.esr.2015.11.003
Panos E., Turton H., Densing M., Volkart K. (2015). Powering the growth of Sub-Saharan Africa: The Jazz and Symphony scenarios of World Energy Council, Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 26, pp. 14-33, Elsevier doi:10.1016/j.esd.2015.01.004 ISSN 0973-0826
Densing, M. (2014). Stochastic programming of time-consistent extensions of AVaR, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 24(3), pp. 993-1010, DOI:10.1137/130905046, pdf-Version
Densing, M. (2013). Price-Driven Hydropower Dispatch Under Uncertainty In Kovacevic, R.; Pflug, G. & Vespucci, M. T. (ed.), Chapter 4, Risk Management in Energy Production and Trading, pp. 73-98, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-9035-7_4
Densing, M. (2013). Dispatch Planning using Newsvendor Dual Problems and Occupation Times: Application to Hydropower, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 228, pp. 321-330, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.01.033
Densing, M., H. Turton and G. Bäuml (2012). Conditions for the successful deployment of electric vehicles - a global energy system perspective, Energy, Vol. 47, pp. 137-149, DOI: 10.1016/
Densing, M. (2012). Occupation times of the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process: Functional PCA and evidence from electricity prices, Physica A, Vol. 391 (23), pp. 5818-5826, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2012.07.040
Densing, M. and H. Turton (2011). Contribution to the World Energy Council, Global Transport Scenarios 2050, Project Partners: IBM Corporation and Paul Scherrer Institute, ISBN 978-0-946121-14-4/978-0-946121-13-7
PhD thesis
Densing, M. (2007). Hydro-Electric Power Plant Dispatch-Planning - Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming with Time-Consistent Constraints on Risk, ETH, 2007, No.17244, DOI: 10.3929/ethz-a-005464814