Project Trier par ordre décroissant | Description | Duration Trier par ordre croissant | Contact |
PROBOUND | Modelling Framework of Probound project |
2021-2022 | Kannan Ramachandran |
ReMaP | Interaction of local renewable energy platforms with electricity markets |
2020-2021 | Dr. Martin Densing |
ELEGANCY | Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy via Hydrogen and CCS |
2017-2021 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
SCCER - SoE Phase II | Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research -- Supply of Electricity -- Phase II |
2017-2021 | Dr. Martin Densing |
DEEDS | DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies |
2017-2020 | |
SCCER-Mobility Phase-II | Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research -- Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility |
2017-2020 | Kannan Ramachandran |
SWIDEM | Swiss Industry: Price Elasticities and Demand Developments for Electricity and Gas (SWIDEM) |
2017-2019 | |
SCCER Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling | JASM is a joint activity of several modelling teams within the eight Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCER). The aim of JASM is to define and analyse scenarios for reaching net-zero… |
2017 - 2020 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
ESI-Platform | Energy Systems Integration Platform - Long term energy scenario analysis with chemical storage option |
2015-2020 | |
SwissHydro | Potential of Swiss hydropower by synergies with the energy system |
2015-2018 | Dr. Martin Densing |
Powerdesign | Electricity market designs and impact on existing Swiss capacity |
2015-2018 | Dr. Martin Densing |
EUSTEM | EUSTEM identifies least-cost combination of power plants and electricity generation mixes to meet EU electricity demands. It has a high temporal resolution, which combined capacity expansion and… |
2015- 2019 | Kannan Ramachandran |
OCESM | Bilevel-electricity markets: Oligopolistic capacity expansion with subsequent market-bidding under transmission constraints |
2014-2017 | Dr. Martin Densing |
INSIGHT-E | Interdisciplinary energy think-tank to support decision making at the European level |
2014-2017 | Kannan Ramachandran |
ISCHESS | Integration of stochastic renewables in the Swiss electricity supply system |
2014-2017 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
SCCER - SoE Phase I | Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research -- Supply of Electricity -- Phase I |
2014-2016 | |
GMM-MCDA | Integration of the GMM model and MCDA |
2013-2017 | |
IDEAS4Cities | Integration of Decentralized Energy Adaptive Systems for cities |
2013-2016 | |
CHP Plant Swarm | System modelling for assessing the potential of decentralised biomass-CHP plants to stabilise the Swiss electricity network with increased fluctuating renewable generation |
2012-2015 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
AMPERE | Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways and Evaluation of the Robustness of Mitigation Cost Estimates |
2011-2014 |