Practical Courses at SINQ

For questions about our training program and access to the practical courses please contact Dr. Thomas Geue

Real-time study of capillary rise in soil (NEUTRA)

Practical course on the study of water transport mechanisms in soil by neutron imaging. Performed on the thermal neutron radiography station NEUTRA under the advice of Dr. Anders Kaestner (Tel.: +41 56 310 42 86, E-mail:

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Phonon-dispersion and Lattice Dynamics in a Lead (Pb) Crystal (TASP, EIGER)


This practicum is performed using the 3-axis neutron spectrometers TASP or EIGER. Contact person: Dr. Uwe Stuhr (Tel.: +41 56 310 4513, E-mail:

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Investigation of long-range antiferromagnetic order by neutron powder diffraction (HRPT, DMC)

This practicum is performed using the powder diffractometer HRPT under advice of Dr. Vladimir Pomjakushin (Tel: +41 56 310 2094, E-mail: or DMC under the advice of Dr. Lukas Keller (Tel: +41 56 310 4007, E-mail:

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Chemical structure of Sodiumnitroprusside (ZEBRA)


This practicum is performed at the single-crystal neutron diffractometer ZEBRA under advice of Dr. Oksana Zaharko (Tel: +41 56 310 4633, E-mail:

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Small angle neutron scattering with polarized neutrons to study nanocrystalline magnetic structures (SANS)

This practicum is performed at the small angle neutron scattering instrument SANS-I under advice of Dr. Joachim Kohlbrecher (Tel.: +41 56 310 3165, E-mail:

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Investigation of water dynamics by means of quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) (FOCUS)


This practicum is performed at the time-of-flight spectrometer FOCUS under advice of Dr. Jan Peter Embs (tel: +41 56 310 5392, E-mail: 

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Micellization studied by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS)

This practicum is performed at the small angle neutron scattering instrument SANS-II under advice of Dr. Urs Gasser (Tel.: +41 56 310 3229, E-mail: 

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Depth profile of the density in a layered Ni/Ti film studied by neutron reflectometry (AMOR, Morpheus)


This practicum is performed at the neutron reflectometers AMOR or Morpheus under advice of Dr. Thomas Geue (Tel.: +41 56 310 5988, E-mail:

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The vortex lattice of the type-II superconductor Nb studied by small angle neutron scattering (SANS)

This practicum is performed at the small angle neutron scattering instrument SANS-I under advice of Dr. Jonathan White (Tel.: +41 56 310 4284, E-mail:

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