Scientific Highlights
Anomalous Hall Effect due to Magnetic Fluctuations in a Ferromagnetic Weyl Semimetal
The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) has emerged as a key indicator of time-reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) and topological features in electronic band structures. Absent of a magnetic field, the AHE requires spontaneous TRSB but has proven hard to probe due to averaging over domains. The anomalous component of the Hall effect is thus frequently derived from extrapolating the magnetic field dependence of the Hall response. We show ....
Two Characteristic Contributions to the Superconducting State of 2H-NbSe2
Multiband superconductivity arises when multiple electronic bands contribute to the formation of the superconducting state, allowing distinct pairing interactions and gap structures. Here, we present field- and temperature-dependent data ...
Observation of the spiral spin liquid in a triangular-lattice material
The spiral spin liquid (SSL) is a highly degenerate state characterized by a continuous contour or surface in reciprocal space spanned by a spiral propagation vector. Although the SSL state has been predicted in a number of various theoretical models, very few materials are so far experimentally identified to host such a state. Via combined single-crystal wide-angle and small-angle neutron scattering, we report observation ...
Lab News
40 years of LNS
On 1st October 2024, the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering & Imaging turned 40 years old, which was celebrated during the traditional end-of-year party on 17th December.
Brigitte Decrausaz receives DECTRIS Award of Best Master's Thesis in Experimental Physics at UZH
Brigitte Decrausaz, PhD student at LNS, received the DECTRIS Award 2023/2024 for the Best Master's Thesis in Experimental Physics at the University of Zürich.
Towards first experiments on SANS-LLB
SANS-LLB instrument at SINQ close to performing first internal experiments