LRC Publication List (since 2014)


  • Alcayne V, Cano-Ott D, Garcia J, González-Romero E, Martínez T, Rada AP, et al.
    A segmented total energy detector (sTED) optimized for (n, γ) cross-section measurements at n_TOF EAR2
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2024; 217: 111525 (11 pp.).
  • Alcayne V, Kimura A, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Martínez T, Aberle O, et al.
    Measurement and analysis of the 246Cm and 248Cm neutron capture cross-sections at the EAR2 of the n_TOF facility at CERN
    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2024; 60(12): 246 (20 pp.).
  • Amaducci S, Colonna N, Cosentino L, Cristallo S, Finocchiaro P, Krtička M, et al.
    Measurement of the Ce 140 (n,γ) cross section at n_TOF and its astrophysical implications for the chemical evolution of the universe
    Physical Review Letters. 2024; 132(12): 122701 (8 pp.).
  • Balibrea-Correa J, Lerendegui-Marco J, Babiano-Suarez V, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Tarifeño-Saldivia A, et al.
    Pushing the high count rate limits of scintillation detectors for challenging neutron-capture experiments
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2024; 1064: 169385 (13 pp.).
  • Busslinger SD, Mapanao AK, Kegler K, Bernhardt P, Flühmann F, Fricke J, et al.
    Comparison of the tolerability of 161Tb- and 177Lu-labeled somatostatin analogues in the preclinical setting
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2024; 51: 4049-4061.
  • Casanovas-Hoste A, Domingo-Pardo C, Lerendegui-Marco J, Guerrero C, Tarifeño-Saldivia A, Krtička M, et al.
    Shedding light on the origin of 204Pb, the heaviest s-process-only isotope in the solar system
    Physical Review Letters. 2024; 133(5): 052702 (8 pp.).
  • Cerboni N, de Bodin-de Galembert G, De Gerone M, Gallucci G, Müller E, Nucciotti A, et al.
    Development and implementation of holmium sources produced by molecular plating for the HOLMES experiment
    Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2024; 314: 128837 (9 pp.).
  • Chiera NM, Sprung P, Amelin Y, Dressler R, Schumann D, Talip Z
    The 146Sm half-life re-measured: consolidating the chronometer for events in the early Solar System
    Scientific Reports. 2024; 14(1): 17436 (11 pp.).
  • Chirindel A, Nicolas GP, Westerbergh F, McDougall L, Schmid DE, Geistlich S, et al.
    First-in-human administration of [161Tb]Tb-SibuDAB and comparative dosimetry with standard [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-I&T as part of the PROGNOSTICS phase Ia study
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2024.
  • Cvjetinović Đ, Pan X, Petrović J, Schumann D
    Optimizing a radiochemical separation of 26Al from an acidic V-rich matrix
    Microchemical Journal. 2024; 200: 110477 (8 pp.).
  • Favaretto C, Grundler PV, Talip Z, Köster U, Johnston K, Busslinger SD, et al.
    Terbium-149 production: a focus on yield and quality improvement towards preclinical application
    Scientific Reports. 2024; 14(1): 3284 (12 pp.).
  • Fricke J, Westerbergh F, McDougall L, Favaretto C, Christ E, Nicolas GP, et al.
    First-in-human administration of terbium-161-labelled somatostatin receptor subtype 2 antagonist ([161Tb]Tb-DOTA-LM3) in a patient with a metastatic neuroendocrine tumour of the ileum
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2024; 51: 2517-2519.
  • García-Infantes F, Praena J, Casanovas-Hoste A, Henkelmann R, Köster U, Aberle O, et al.
    Measurement of the 176Yb(n, γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2024; 110(6): 064619 (16 pp.).
  • Gates JM, Orford R, Rudolph D, Appleton C, Barrios BM, Benitez JY, et al.
    Toward the discovery of new elements: production of livermorium (Z=116) with 50Ti
    Physical Review Letters. 2024; 133(17): 172502 (8 pp.).
  • Gomes CV, Mendes BM, Paixão L, Gnesin S, Müller C, van der Meulen NP, et al.
    Comparison of the dosimetry of scandium-43 and scandium-44 patient organ doses in relation to commonly used gallium-68 for imaging neuroendocrine tumours
    EJNMMI Physics. 2024; 11(1): 61 (14 pp.).
  • Holzleitner N, Cwojdzinski T, Beck R, Urtz-Urban N, Hillhouse CC, Grundler PV, et al.
    Preclinical evaluation of gastrin-releasing peptide receptor antagonists labeled with 161Tb and 177Lu: a comparative study
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2024; 65(3): 481-484.
  • Moiseeva AN, Favaretto C, Talip Z, Grundler PV, van der Meulen NP
    Terbium sisters: current development status and upscaling opportunities
    Frontiers in Nuclear Medicine. 2024; 4: 1472500 (14 pp.).
  • Müller C, van der Meulen NP
    Terbium "Sisters": more than just a "Swiss Army Knife"
    In: Prasad V, ed. Beyond becquerel and biology to precision radiomolecular oncology: festschrift in honor of Richard P. Baum. Cham: Springer; 2024:225-236.
  • Pan X-H, Petrović J, Zu J-H, Cvjetinović Đ
    Removal of ionic and colloidal 110 mAg from radioactive wastewater using radiografted chelating adsorbents
    Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2024; 12(5): 113395 (11 pp.).
  • Pautz A, Eichler R, van der Meulen NP
    Development of radionuclides for theragnostic applications at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
    In: Shams A, Al-Athel K, Tiselj I, Pautz A, Kwiatkowski T, eds. Challenges and recent advancements in nuclear energy systems. Proceedings of Saudi international conference on nuclear power engineering (SCOPE). Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME). Cham: Springer Nature; 2024:39-44.
  • Perkowski J, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Cano-Ott D, Gawlik-Ramięga A, Mendoza E, et al.
    Multi-section fission ionization chamber for measurement of 239 Pu(n,γ) reaction in fission tagging method
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2024; 1067: 169649 (2 pp.).
  • Pérez-Maroto P, Guerrero C, Casanovas A, Fernández B, Aberle O, Alcayne V, et al.
    Description and outlook of the 50,53Cr(n,γ) cross section measurement at n_TOF and HiSPANoS
    In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. WONDER-2023 - 6th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 294. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2024:01004 (7 pp.).
  • Radzina M, Saule L, Mamis E, Pajuste E, Koester U, Cocolios TE, et al.
    Novel radionuclides: demand, production and distribution for translational research in Europe
    EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. 2024; 9: 85 (16 pp.).
  • Riffaud J, Kossert K, Takács MP, Chiera NM, Schumann D, Studer D, et al.
    Determination of the activity and nuclear decay data of 157Tb
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2024; 211: 111407 (12 pp.).
  • Sanchez-Caballero A, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Cano-Ott D, Cardinaels T, Dries P, et al.
    Experimental setup of the 239Pu neutron capture and fission cross-section measurements at n_TOF, CERN
    In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. International workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 294. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences; 2024:01003 (9 pp.).
  • Schumann D, Maugeri E, Dai Y, Dressler R, Köster U
    Towards a re-determination of the 42Ar half-life
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2024; 333: 3615-3620.
  • Sosnin NV, Lederer-Woods C, Garg R, Battino U, Cristallo S, Dietz M, et al.
    Measurement of the Se 78Se(n,γ) 79Se cross section up to 600 keV at the n_TOF facility at CERN
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2024; 110(6): 065805 (12 pp.).
  • Studer D, Schumann D, Chiera NM, Maugeri EA, Kieck T, Kossert K, et al.
    Towards a precise measurement of 157Tb nuclear decay data: sample purification using resonance ionization mass spectrometry
    Journal of Instrumentation. 2024; 19(8): P08009 (12 pp.).
  • Tagliente G, Milazzo PM, Paradela C, Kopecky S, Vescovi D, Alaerts G, et al.
    High-resolution cross section measurements for neutron interactions on 89Y with incident neutron energies up to 95 keV
    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2024; 60(1): 21 (18 pp.).
  • Tagliente G, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Babiano-Suarez V, et al.
    The n_TOF facility at CERN
    In: Cerutti F, Kawano T, Marin S, Pujol F, Talou P, eds. 16th Varenna conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms (NRM2023). Vol. 292. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2024:12002 (8 pp.).
  • Tagliente G, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Babiano-Suarez V, et al.
    The n_TOF facility at CERN
    In: Pizzone RG, Guardo GL, La Cognata M, Prajapati PM, Suryanarayana SV, Sivarani T, eds. International symposium on nuclear astrophysics (ISNA23). Vol. 297. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2024:01013 (8 pp.).
  • Toyohara J, Vugts D, Kiss OC, Todde S, Li XG, Liu Z, et al.
    Highlight selection of radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments by editorial board
    EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. 2024; 9: 42 (20 pp.).
  • Wright T, Smith AG, Sosnin NV, Bennett SA, Davies PJ, Popescu AV, et al.
    Measurement of the prompt fission γ-rays from slow neutron-induced fission of 235U with STEFF
    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2024; 60(3): 70 (11 pp.).
  • Zonta G, Astolfi M, Cerboni N, Gherardi S, Kasprzak M, Malagù C, et al.
    Gas-sensing performance of SnO2-based chemoresistive sensors after irradiation with alpha particles and gamma-rays
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2024; 333: 995-1004.


  • Alcayne V, Cano-Ott D, Garcia J, González-Romero E, Martínez T, Mendoza E, et al.
    A segmented total energy detector (sTED) for (n, γ) cross section measurements at n_TOF EAR2
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01043 (5 pp.).
  • Alcayne V, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Kimura A, Aberle O, Amaducci S, et al.
    Results of the 244Cm, 246Cm and 248Cm neutron-induced capture cross sections measurements at EAR1 and EAR2 of the n_TOF facility
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01009 (6 pp.).
  • Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero-Ontanaya L, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
    High resolution 80Se(n,γ) cross section measurement at CERN n_TOF
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01001 (6 pp.).
  • Balibrea-Correa J, Babiano-Suárez V, Lerendegui-Marco J, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Tarifeño-Saldivia A, et al.
    First measurement of the 94Nb(n,γ) cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility
    In: Freeman S, Lederer-Woods C, Manna A, Mengoni A, eds. Nuclear physics in astrophysics – X (NPA-X 2022). Vol. 279. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:06004 (8 pp.).
  • Beyer D, Vaccarin C, Deupi X, Mapanao AK, Cohrs S, Sozzi-Guo F, et al.
    A tool for nuclear imaging of the SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor: molecular model and preclinical development of ACE2-selective radiopeptides
    EJNMMI Research. 2023; 13(1): 32 (14 pp.).
  • Borghesi M, Alpert B, Balata M, Becker D, Bennet D, Celasco E, et al.
    An updated overview of the HOLMES status
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023; 1051: 168205 (3 pp.).
  • Chiera NM, Dressler R, Sprung P, Talip Z, Schumann D
    Determination of the half-life of gadolinium-148
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2023; 194: 110708 (5 pp.).
  • Chiera NM, Aksenov NV, Albin YV, Bodrov AY, Bozhikov GA, Chuprakov I, et al.
    Observation of a volatile astatine hydroxide species in online gas-adsorption thermochromatography experiments
    Molecular Physics. 2023: e2272685 (10 pp.).
  • De Gerone M, Bevilacqua A, Borghesi M, Cerboni N, Ceruti G, De Bodin De Galembert G, et al.
    Development and commissioning of the ion implanter for the HOLMES experiment
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023; 1051: 168168 (3 pp.).
  • Dellepiane G, Casolaro P, Favaretto C, Gottstein A, Grundler PV, Mateu I, et al.
    Cross-section measurement of thulium radioisotopes with an 18 MeV medical PET cyclotron for an optimized 165Er production
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2023; 200: 110954 (11 pp.).
  • Dietz M, Lederer-Woods E, Tattersall D, Battino A, Gunsing O, Heinitz S, et al.
    The stellar 72Ge(n, γ) cross section for weak s-process: a first measurement at n_TOF
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01017 (4 pp.).
  • Domingo-Pardo C, Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero L, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
    Advances and new ideas for neutron-capture astrophysics experiments at CERN n_TOF
    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2023; 59(1): 8 (11 pp.).
  • Domingo-Pardo C, Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero L, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
    Compton imaging for enhanced sensitivity (n,γ) cross section TOF experiments: status and prospects
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, Žugec P, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01018 (5 pp.).
  • Domingo-Pardo C, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Altieri S, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, et al.
    The neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN: recent facility upgrades and detector developments
    In: 28th international nuclear physics conference (INPC 2022). Vol. 2586. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012150 (11 pp.).
  • Dupont E, Otuka N, Rochman D, Nogèure G, Aberle O, Alcayne V, et al.
    Overview of the dissemination of n_TOF experimental data and resonance parameters
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:18001 (4 pp.).
  • Durďáková T-M, Hrdlička Z, Král M, Hovorka Š, Vögele A, Eichler R, et al.
    Radiation softening and hardening of PDMS in combined neutron and γ rays
    Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2023; 208: 110241 (7 pp.).
  • Favaretto C, Grundler PV, Talip Z, Landolt S, Sepini L, Köster U, et al.
    161Tb-DOTATOC production using a fully automated disposable cassette system: a first step toward the introduction of 161Tb into the clinic
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2023; 64(7): 1138-1144.
  • Ferri E, Alpert B, Balata M, Becker D, Bennet D, Borghesi M, et al.
    Status of HOLMES, an experiment for measuring the ν mass
    In: Neutrino oscillation workshop. Vol. 421. Proceedings of science. Trieste: Sissa Medialab srl; 2023:076 (3 pp.).
  • García-Infantes ME, Praena P, Casanovas P, Mastromarco M, Aberle M, Alcayne M, et al.
    First high resolution measurement of neutron capture resonances in 176Yb at the n_TOF CERN facility
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:09001 (5 pp.).
  • Garg R, Dellmann S, Lederer-Woods C, Bruno CG, Eberhardt K, Geppert C, et al.
    179Ta(n, γ) cross-section measurement and the astrophysical origin of the 180Ta isotope
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2023; 107(4): 045805 (7 pp.).
  • Happl B, Brandt M, Balber T, Benčurová K, Talip Z, Voegele A, et al.
    Synthesis and preclinical evaluation of radiolabeled [103Ru]BOLD-100
    Pharmaceutics. 2023; 15(11): 2626 (11 pp.).
  • Juget F, Durán T, Nedjadi Y, Talip Z, Grundler PV, Favaretto C, et al.
    Activity measurement of 44Sc and calibration of activity measurement instruments on production sites and clinics
    Molecules. 2023; 28(3): 1345 (10 pp.).
  • Juget F, van Dijk M, Maugeri EA, Schumann MD, Heinitz S, Boyarsky A, et al.
    Measurement of the 171Tm beta spectrum
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2023; 202: 111058 (6 pp.).
  • Kiselev D, Baumann P, Duperrex P-A, Haj Tahar M, Jollet S, Knecht A, et al.
    The PSI meson target facility and its upgrade IMPACT-HIMB
    In: Schumann D, Stodel C, Gott M, eds. 30th conference of the international nuclear target development society (INTDS2022). Vol. 285. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:07002 (4 pp.).
  • Kossert K, Veicht M, Mihalcea I, Nedjadi Y, Schumann D, Symochko D
    Activity standardization of 32Si at PTB
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2023; 202: 111042 (18 pp.).
  • Lerendegui-Marco J, Babiano-Suárez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Tarifeño-Saldivia A, et al.
    New detection systems for an enhanced sensitivity in key stellar (n,γ) measurements
    In: Freeman S, Lederer-Woods C, Manna A, Mengoni A, eds. Nuclear physics in astrophysics – X (NPA-X 2022). Vol. 279. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:13001 (7 pp.).
  • Lerendegui-Marco J, Casanovas A, Alcayne V, Aberle O, Altieri S, Amaducci S, et al.
    New perspectives for neutron capture measurements in the upgraded CERN-n_TOF Facility
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01028 (6 pp.).
  • Manna A, Pirovano E, Colonna N, Castelluccio D, Console Camprini P, Cosentino L, et al.
    Characterization of a detector setup for the measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to n-p scattering up to 500 MeV at the n_TOF facility at CERN
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:04016 (5 pp.).
  • Massimi C, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Altieri S, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, et al.
    Neutron-induced cross section measurements
    In: Freeman S, Lederer-Woods C, Manna A, Mengoni A, eds. Nuclear physics in astrophysics – X (NPA-X 2022). Vol. 279. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:11009 (6 pp.).
  • Mastromarco M, Manna A, García-Infantes F, Amaducci S, Mengoni A, Massimi C, et al.
    Measurement of the 160Gd(n, γ) cross section at n_TOF and its medical implications
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:09002 (5 pp.).
  • Michalopoulou V, Diakaki M, Vlastou R, Kokkoris M, Stamatopoulos A, Tsinganis A, et al.
    Measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to the 10B(n,α) reaction with micromegas detectors at the CERN n_TOF facility: first results
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01030 (4 pp.).
  • Michalopoulou V, Stamatopoulos A, Diakaki M, Tsinganis A, Vlastou R, Kokkoris M, et al.
    Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 230Th at the CERN n_TOF facility
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2023; 108(1): 014616 (15 pp.).
  • Mitrano DM, Milić JV, Steinegger P, Merz L
    Reflections on the SCNAT young faculty meeting 2023: effective communication within academia and beyond
    Chimia. 2023; 77(9): 628-631.
  • Mucciola R, Paradela C, Manna A, Alaerts G, Massimi C, Kopecky S, et al.
    Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements on 94,95,96 Mo at n_TOF and GELINA
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01031 (4 pp.).
  • Müller C, van der Meulen NP, Schibli R
    Opportunities and potential challenges of using terbium-161 for targeted radionuclide therapy in clinics
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2023; 50: 3181-3184.
  • Nedjadi Y, Durán MT, Juget F, Bochud F, Veicht M, Schumann D, et al.
    Activity standardisation of 32Si at IRA-METAS
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2023; 202: 111041 (15 pp.).
  • Nurkić D, Milin M, Jelavić Malenica D, Vukman N, Vidović N, Soić N, et al.
    Cluster states in carbon isotopes 13−15C studied with the 10Be+9Be reactions
    Acta Physica Polonica B. Proceedings Supplement. 2023; 16(4): A32 (5 pp.).
  • Oprea A, Gunsing F, Schillebeeckx P, Aberle O, Bacak M, Berthoumieux E, et al.
    Measurement of the 241Am(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01036 (4 pp.).
  • Patronis N, Mengoni A, Goula S, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Altieri S, et al.
    Status report of the n_TOF facility after the 2nd CERN long shutdown period
    EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation. 2023; 10(1): 13 (10 pp.).
  • Pavón-Rodríguez JA, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Bacak M, Casanovas A, Cortés-Giraldo MA, et al.
    Characterisation of the n_TOF 20 m beam line at CERN with the new spallation target
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:06006 (6 pp.).
  • Pirovano V, Manna D, Colonna J, Console Camprini E, Cosentino T, Dietz E, et al.
    Detector set up for the measurements of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 235U relative to n-p scattering up to 150 MeV at CERN-n_TOF
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01043 (5 pp.).
  • Renaldin E, Dellepiane G, Braccini S, Sommerhalder A, Zhang H, van der Meulen NP, et al.
    Study of thulium-167 cyclotron production: a potential medically-relevant radionuclide
    Frontiers in Chemistry. 2023; 11: 1288588 (14 pp.).
  • Schumann D
    The 30th conference of the International Nuclear Target Development Society, INTDS 2022
    Nuclear Physics News. 2023; 33(2): 28-29.
  • Snuverink J, Bucher P, Eichler R, Hartmann M, Kiselev D, Reggiani D, et al.
    Machine protection system for the proposed TATTOOS beamline at HIPA
    In: Chrin J, Giovannozzi M, Kim D-E, Koopmans H, Lechner A, Schoofs P, et al., eds. Proceedings of the 68th ICFA advanced beam dynamics workshop on high-intensity and high-brightness hadron beams (HB 2023). Geneva: JACoW Publishing; 2023:443-446.
  • Sosnin NV, Lederer-Woods C, Krtička M, Garg R, Dietz M, Bacak M, et al.
    Measurement of the 77Se (n, γ) cross section up to 200 keV at the n_TOF facility at CERN
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2023; 107(6): 065805 (9 pp.).
  • Stamati ME, Torres-Sánchez P, Pérez-Maroto P, Cecchetto M, Goula M, Mastromarco M, et al.
    The n_TOF NEAR Station Commissioning and first physics case
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:06009 (7 pp.).
  • Torres-Sánchez P, Praena J, Porras I, Sabaté-Gilarte M, Lederer-Woods C, Aberle O, et al.
    Measurement of the 14N(n, p) 14C cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility from subthermal energy to 800 keV
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2023; 107(6): 064617 (15 pp.).
  • Tschan VJ, Busslinger SD, Bernhardt P, Grundler PV, Zeevaart JR, Köster U, et al.
    Albumin-binding and conventional PSMA ligands in combination with 161Tb: biodistribution, dosimetry, and preclinical therapy
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2023; 64(10): 1625-1631.
  • Wallner A, Fifield LK, Froehlich MB, Koll D, Leckenby G, Martschini M, et al.
    Accelerator mass spectrometry with ANU's 14 million volt accelerator
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2023; 534: 48-53.
  • Wilson JM, Mihalcea I, Veicht M, Cvjetinović Đ, Schumann D
    Recovery of no-carrier-added 41Ca, 44Ti, and 26Al from high-energy proton-irradiated vanadium targets
    Radiochimica Acta. 2023; 111(4): 265-271.


  • Ayyad Y, Mittig W, Tang T, Olaizola B, Potel G, Rijal N, et al.
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  • Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero-Ontanaya L, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
    First 80Se(n,γ) cross section measurement with high resolution in the full stellar energy range 1 eV - 100 keV and its astrophysical implications for the s-process
    In: Liu W, Wang Y, Guo B, Tang X, Zeng S, eds. Symposium on nuclei in the cosmos. 16th symposium on nuclei in the cosmos, NIC-XVI 2021. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2022:11026 (8 pp.).
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    Characterization of a continuous muon source for the non-destructive and depth-selective elemental composition analysis by Muon Induced X- and gamma-rays
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  • Borgna F, Haller S, Monné Rodriguez JM, Ginj M, Grundler PV, Zeevaart JR, et al.
    Combination of terbium-161 with somatostatin receptor antagonists - a potential paradigm shift for the treatment of neuroendocrine neoplasms
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2022; 49: 1113-1126.
  • Braccini S, Carzaniga TS, Dellepiane G, Grundler PV, Scampoli P, van der Meulen NP, et al.
    Optimization of 68Ga production at an 18 MeV medical cyclotron with solid targets by means of cross-section measurement of 66Ga, 67Ga and 68Ga
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2022; 186: 110252 (9 pp.).
  • Chiera NM, Dressler R, Sprung P, Talip Z, Schumann D
    High precision half-life measurement of the extinct radio-lanthanide Dysprosium-154
    Scientific Reports. 2022; 12(1): 8988 (10 pp.).
  • Chiera NM, Maugeri EA, Danilov I, Balibrea-Correa J, Domingo-Pardo C, Köster U, et al.
    Preparation of PbSe targets for 79Se neutron capture cross section studies
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2022; 1029: 166443 (7 pp.).
  • De Gerone M, Bevilacqua A, Biasotti M, Borghesi M, Cerboni N, Ceruti G, et al.
    Commissioning of the ion implanter for the HOLMES experiment
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2022; 209: 1135-1142.
  • De Gerone M, Alpert B, Balata M, Becker DT, Bennett DA, Bevilacqua A, et al.
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    Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2022; 209: 980-987.
  • Dellepiane G, Casolaro P, Favaretto C, Grundler PV, Mateu I, Scampoli P, et al.
    Cross section measurement of terbium radioisotopes for an optimized 155Tb production with an 18 MeV medical PET cyclotron
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2022; 184: 110175 (14 pp.).
  • Durán MT, Juget F, Nedjadi Y, Bailat C, Grundler PV, Talip Z, et al.
    Half-life measurement of 44Sc and 44mSc
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2022; 190: 110507 (10 pp.).
  • Eichler R, Kiselev D, Koschik A, Knecht A, van der Meulen N, Scheibl R, et al.
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  • Ferri E, Alpert B, Balata M, Becker DT, Bennett DA, Borghesi M, et al.
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  • Gallucci G, Bevilacqua A, Biasotti M, Borghesi M, Cerboni N, Ceruti G, et al.
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    In: The 22nd international workshop on neutrinos from accelerators (NuFact2021). Vol. 402. Proceedings of science. Trieste: Sissa Medialab srl; 2022:161 (6 pp.).
  • Gäggeler H, Szidat S
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    In: Rösch F, ed. Modern applications. De Gruyter textbook. De Gruyter; 2022:137-173.
  • Gäggeler HW, Eichler B, Jost DT, Eichler R
    On the volatility of protactinium in chlorinating and brominating gas media
    Radiochimica Acta. 2022; 110(6-9): 495-504.
  • Heinitz S, Kajan I, Schumann D
    How accurate are half-life data of long-lived radionuclides?
    Radiochimica Acta. 2022; 110(6-9): 589-608.
  • Hemmingsson J, Svensson J, van der Meulen NP, Müller C, Bernhardt P
    Active bone marrow S-values for the low-energy electron emitter terbium-161 compared to S-values for lutetium-177 and yttrium-90
    EJNMMI Physics. 2022; 9(1): 65 (13 pp.).
  • Juget F, Talip Z, Nedjadi Y, Durán MT, Grundler PV, Zeevaart JR, et al.
    Precise activity measurements of medical radionuclides using an ionization chamber: a case study with Terbium-161
    EJNMMI Physics. 2022; 9(1): 19 (18 pp.).
  • Kajan I, Pommé S, Heinitz S
    Measurement of the 171Tm half-life
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2022; 331: 645-653.
  • Kneip N, Studer D, Kieck T, Ulrich J, Dressler R, Schumann D, et al.
    Separation of manganese isotopes by resonance ionization mass spectrometry for 53Mn half-life determination
    EPJ Applied Physics. 2022; 97: 19 (7 pp.).
  • Lederer-Woods C, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Bacak M, et al.
    74Ge(n, γ) cross section below 70 keV measured at n_TOF CERN
    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2022; 58(12): 239 (9 pp.).
  • Lerendegui-Marco J, Babiano-Suárez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero L, Calvo D, Domingo-Pardo C, et al.
    Compton imaging and machine-learning techniques for an enhanced sensitivity in key stellar (n,γ) measurements
    In: Liu W, Wang Y, Guo B, Tang X, Zeng S, eds. Symposium on nuclei in the cosmos. 16th Symposium on nuclei in the cosmos, NIC-XVI 2021. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2022:10002 (8 pp.).
  • Liu L, Maurice R, Galland N, Moisy P, Champion J, Montavon G
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  • Mastromarco M, Amaducci S, Colonna N, Finocchiaro P, Cosentino L, Barbagallo M, et al.
    High accuracy, high resolution 235U(n,f) cross section from n_TOF (CERN) from 18 meV to 10 keV
    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2022; 58(8): 147 (13 pp.).
  • Moreno-Soto J, Valenta S, Berthoumieux E, Chebboubi A, Diakaki M, Dridi W, et al.
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    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2022; 105(2): 024618 (14 pp.).
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  • Pommé S, Pelczar K, Kajan I
    Air humidity and annual oscillations in 90Sr/90Y and 60Co decay rate measurements
    Scientific Reports. 2022; 12(1): 9535 (7 pp.).
  • Schlomberg M, Vockenhuber C, Synal H-A, Veicht M, Mihalcea I, Schumann D
    Isobar separation of 32Si from 32S in AMS using a passive absorber
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2022; 533: 56-60.
  • Tagliente G, Kopecky S, Heyse J, Krtička M, Massimi C, Mengoni A, et al.
    92Zr(n, γ) and (n,tot) measurements at the GELINA and n_TOF facilities
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2022; 105(2): 025805 (14 pp.).
  • Tiebel G, Dutheil P, Dressler R, Eichler R, Herrmann D, Steinegger P
    The SINQ gas-jet facility as a source for radionuclides from neutron-induced fission of 235U
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2022; 1041: 167360 (9 pp.).
  • Tosato M, Verona M, Favaretto C, Pometti M, Zanoni G, Scopelliti F, et al.
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  • Veicht M, Mihalcea I, Gautschi P, Vockenhuber C, Maxeiner S, David J-C, et al.
    Radiochemical separation of 26Al and 41Ca from proton-irradiated vanadium targets for cross-section determination by means of AMS
    Radiochimica Acta. 2022; 110(10): 809-816.
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    Towards implementing new isotopes for environmental research: redetermination of the 32Si half-life
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    High-temperature performance of solid-state sensors up to 500 °C
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2022; 1040: 167182 (4 pp.).


  • Alves F, Antunes IF, Cazzola E, Cleeren F, Cornelissen B, Denkova A, et al.
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  • Amaducci S, Colonna N, Cosentino L, Cristallo S, Finocchiaro P, Krtička M, et al.
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  • Babiano-Suárez V, Lerendegui-Marco J, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero L, Calvo D, Ladarescu I, et al.
    Imaging neutron capture cross sections: i-TED proof-of-concept and future prospects based on Machine-Learning techniques
    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2021; 57(6): 197 (17 pp.).
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  • Borgna F, Barritt P, Grundler PV, Talip Z, Cohrs S, Zeevaart JR, et al.
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  • Bottoni S, Cieplicka-Oryńczak N, Leoni S, Fornal B, Colò G, Bortignon PF, et al.
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    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2021; 103(1): 014320 (17 pp.).
  • Chiera NM, Sato TK, Eichler R, Tomitsuka T, Asai M, Adachi S, et al.
    Chemical characterization of a volatile dubnium compound, DbOCl3
    Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2021; 60(33): 17871-17874.
  • Chiera NM, Bolisetty S, Eichler R, Mezzenga R, Steinegger P
    Removal of radioactive cesium from contaminated water by whey protein amyloids-carbon hybrid filters
    RSC Advances. 2021; 11(51): 32454-32458.
  • Dietz M, Lederer-Woods C, Tattersall A, Battino U, Gunsing F, Heinitz S, et al.
    Measurement of the 72Ge(n,γ) cross section over a wide neutron energy range at the CERN n_TOF facility
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2021; 103(4): 045809 (8 pp.).
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  • Durán MT, Juget F, Nedjadi Y, Bochud F, Talip Z, van der Meulen NP, et al.
    Ytterbium-175 half-life determination
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2021; 176: 109893 (8 pp.).
  • Favaretto C, Talip Z, Borgna F, Grundler PV, Dellepiane G, Sommerhalder A, et al.
    Cyclotron production and radiochemical purification of terbium-155 for SPECT imaging
    EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. 2021; 6: 37 (17 pp.).
  • Gawlik A, Lederer-Woods C, Andrzejewski J, Perkowski J, Battino U, Ferreira P, et al.
    Radiative neutron capture cross-section measurement of ge isotopes at n_TOF CERN facility and its importance for stellar nucleosynthesis
    Acta Physica Polonica A. 2021; 139(4): 383-388.
  • Gawlik-Ramięga A, Lederer-Woods C, Krtička M, Valenta S, Battino U, Andrzejewski J, et al.
    Measurement of the 76Ge(n, γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2021; 104(4): 044610 (7 pp.).
  • Heinke R, Chevallay E, Chrysalidis K, Cocolios TE, Duchemin C, Fedosseev VN, et al.
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    Frontiers in Medicine. 2021; 8: 712374 (17 pp.).
  • Juget F, Talip Z, Buchillier T, Durán MT, Nedjadi Y, Desorgher L, et al.
    Determination of the gamma and X-ray emission intensities of terbium-161
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2021; 174: 109770 (6 pp.).
  • Kajan I, Florianová M, Ekberg C, Matyskin AV
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    RSC Advances. 2021; 11(58): 36707-36718.
  • Kajan I, Heinitz S, Kossert K, Sprung P, Dressler R, Schumann D
    First direct determination of the 93Mo half-life
    Scientific Reports. 2021; 11: 19788 (9 pp.).
  • Kajan I, Pommé S, Pelczar K, Heinitz S
    Measurement of the 145Sm half-life
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2021; 178: 109978 (8 pp.).
  • Karlsson E, Neuhausen J, Aerts A, Danilov II, Eichler R, Türler A, et al.
    Polonium behavior following a vacuum window rupture in a lead-bismuth eutectic based accelerator driven system
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2021; 168: 109551 (7 pp.).
  • Karlsson E, Neuhausen J, Eichler R, Danilov II, Vögele A, Türler A
    Silver as a capturing material for iodine released from lead-bismuth eutectic in various conditions
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2021; 328(2): 707-715.
  • Karlsson E, Neuhausen J, Eichler R, Danilov II, Vögele A, Türler A
    Thermochromatographic behavior of iodine in 316L stainless steel columns when evaporated from lead-bismuth eutectic
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2021; 328(2): 691-699.
  • Kraus B, Steinegger P, Aksenov NV, Dressler R, Eichler R, Griesmayer E, et al.
    Charge carrier properties of single-crystal CVD diamond up to 473 K
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2021; 989: 164947 (6 pp.).
  • Lederer-Woods C, Woods PJ, Davinson T, Kahl D, Lonsdale SJ, Aberle O, et al.
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    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2021; 104(2): L022803 (7 pp.).
  • Lederer-Woods C, Woods PJ, Davinson T, Estrade A, Heyse J, Kahl D, et al.
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    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2021; 104(3): L032803 (6 pp.).
  • Lima TVM, Gnesin S, Strobel K, del Sol Pérez M, Roos JE, Müller C, et al.
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  • Müller C, Schibli R, Bernhardt P, Köster U, van der Meulen NP
    Terbium radionuclides for theranostics
    In: Caplan MJ, ed. Reference module in biomedical sciences. sine loco: Elsevier; 2021:(12 pp.).
  • Pommé S, Pelczar K, Kossert K, Kajan I
    On the interpretation of annual oscillations in 32Si and 36Cl decay rate measurements
    Scientific Reports. 2021; 11(1): 16002 (7 pp.).
  • Steinegger P
    Open questions on chemistry in the synthesis and characterization of superheavy elements
    Communications Chemistry. 2021; 4(1): 87 (4 pp.).
  • Steyn GF, van der Walt TN, Szelecsényi F, Perrang C, Brümmer JW, Vermeulen C, et al.
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    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2021; 168: 109469 (11 pp.).
  • Taddio MF, Castro Jaramillo CA, Runge P, Blanc A, Keller C, Talip Z, et al.
    In vivo imaging of local inflammation: monitoring LPS-induced CD80/CD86 upregulation by PET
    Molecular Imaging and Biology. 2021; 23: 196-207.
  • Talip Z, Juget F, Ulrich J, Nedjadi Y, Buchillier T, Durán MT, et al.
    Determination of the gamma and X-ray emission intensities of erbium-169
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2021; 176: 109823 (9 pp.).
  • Talip Z, Borgna F, Müller C, Ulrich J, Duchemin C, Ramos JP, et al.
    Production of mass-separated erbium-169 towards the first preclinical in vitro investigations
    Frontiers in Medicine. 2021; 8: 643175 (11 pp.).
  • Talip Z, Dressler R, Schacherl B, David J-C, Vockenhuber C, Schumann D
    Radiochemical determination of long-lived radionuclides in proton-irradiated heavy metal targets: part II tungsten
    Analytical Chemistry. 2021; 93(31): 10798-10806.
  • Veicht M, Kajan I, David J-C, Chen S, Strub E, Mihalcea I, et al.
    Experiment-based determination of the excitation function for the production of 44Ti in proton-irradiated vanadium samples
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2021; 104(1): 014615 (10 pp.).
  • Veicht M, Mihalcea I, Cvjetinovic Đ, Schumann D
    Radiochemical separation and purification of non-carrier-added silicon-32
    Radiochimica Acta. 2021; 109(10): 735-741.
  • Wallner A, Froehlich MB, Hotchkis MAC, Kinoshita N, Paul M, Martschini M, et al.
    60Fe and 244Pu deposited on earth constrain the r-process yields of recent nearby supernovae
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  • Wittwer Y, Eichler R, Herrmann D, Türler A
    The influence of chemical parameters on the in-situ metal carbonyl complex formation studied with the fast on-line reaction apparatus (FORA)
    Radiochimica Acta. 2021; 109(4): 243-260.
  • Wittwer Y, Eichler R, Zingg R, Herrmann D, Türler A
    The influence of gas purification and addition of macro amounts of metal-carbonyl complexes on the formation of single-atom metal-carbonyl-complexes
    Radiochimica Acta. 2021; 109(11): 799-821.
  • Wittwer Y, Eichler R, Herrmann D, Türler A
    The influence of physical parameters on the in-situ metal carbonyl complex formation studied with the Fast On-line Reaction Apparatus (FORA)
    Radiochimica Acta. 2021; 109(4): 261-281.
  • van der Meulen NP, Strobel K, Lima TVM
    New radionuclides and technological advances in SPECT and PET scanners
    Cancers. 2021; 13(24): 6183 (15 pp.).
  • van der Meulen NP, Talip Z
    Non-conventional radionuclides: the pursuit for perfection
    In: Caplan MJ, ed. Reference module in biomedical sciences. sine loco: Elsevier; 2021:(10 pp.).


  • Aerts A, Gonzalez Prieto B, Neuhausen J
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  • Alcayne V, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Kimura A, Aberle O, Amaducci S, et al.
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  • Amaducci S, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bacak M, Balibrea J, et al.
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  • Antognini A, Berger N, Cocolios TE, Dressler R, Eichler R, Eggenberger A, et al.
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  • Babiano-Suarez V, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, et al.
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  • Bacak M, Aïche M, Bélier G, Berthoumieux E, Diakaki M, Dupont E, et al.
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  • Bacak M, Aïche M, Bélier G, Berthoumieux E, Diakaki M, Dupont E, et al.
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  • Balibrea-Correa J, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, González E, Capote R, Krtička M, et al.
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  • Chiera NM, Talip Z, Fankhauser A, Schumann D
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  • Domingo-Pardo C, Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero L, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
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    First results of the 241Am(n,f) cross section measurement at the experimental area 2 of the n_TOF facility at CERN
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  • Grundler PV, Eichler R, Talip Z, Schubiger PA, Schibli R, van der Meulen NP
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  • Karlsson E, Neuhausen J, Eichler R, Vögele A, Türler A
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  • Karlsson E, Neuhausen J, Eichler R, Aerts A, Danilov II, Vögele A, et al.
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  • Manna A, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, et al.
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  • Mendoza E, Alcayne V, Cano-Ott D, Kimura A, Skarbeli AV, Aberle O, et al.
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  • Mengoni A, Damone LA, Barbagallo M, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, et al.
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  • Stamatopoulos A, Tsinganis A, Colonna N, Kokkoris M, Vlastou R, Diakaki M, et al.
    Investigation of the 240Pu(n, f) reaction at the n_TOF/EAR2 facility in the 9 meV-6 MeV range
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  • Stamatopoulos A, Tsinganis A, Diakaki M, Colonna N, Kokkoris M, Vlastou R, et al.
    Study of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 237Np at CERN's n_TOF facility over a wide energy range
    In: Ge Z, Shu N, Chen Y, Wang W, Zhang H, eds. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 239. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2020:05006 (6 pp.).
  • Steinegger P, Eichler R
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  • Studer D, Ulrich J, Braccini S, Carzaniga TS, Dressler R, Eberhardt K, et al.
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  • Talip Z, Favaretto C, Geistlich S, van der Meulen NP
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  • Terranova N, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, et al.
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  • Ulrich J, Ayranov M, Kaestner A, Schumann D, Sprung P, Türler A, et al.
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  • Volknandt M, Eberhardt K, Endres A, Erbacher P, Fix M, Göbel K, et al.
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    Extending the life of SnO268Ge/68Ga generators used in the radiolabelling of ion exchange resins
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  • van der Meulen NP, Hasler R, Talip Z, Grundler PV, Favaretto C, Umbricht CA, et al.
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  • van der Meulen NP, Eichler R, Grundler PV, Hasler R, Hirzel W, Joray S, et al.
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  • Alcayne V, Kimura A, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Aberle O, Amaducci S, et al.
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    Measurement of the 244Cm and 246Cm neutron-induced capture cross sections at the n_TOF facility
    In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. WONDER-2018 - 5th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 211. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2019:03008 (8 pp.).
  • Amaducci S, Cosentino L, Barbagallo M, Colonna N, Mengoni A, Massimi C, et al.
    Measurement of the 235U(n, f) cross section relative to the 6Li(n, t) and 10B(n, α) standards from thermal to 170 keV neutron energy range at n_TOF
    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2019; 55(7): 120 (19 pp.).
  • Babiano-Suarez V, Caballero L, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Aberle O, Alcayne V, et al.
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  • Bacak M, Aiche M, Bélier G, Berthoumieux E, Diakaki M, Dupont E, et al.
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  • Barbagallo M, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, et al.
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  • Carzaniga TS, van der Meulen NP, Hasler R, Kottler C, Peier P, Türler A, et al.
    Measurement of the 43Sc production cross-section with a deuteron beam
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2019; 145: 205-208.
  • Chiera NM, Sato TK, Tomitsuka T, Asai M, Ito Y, Shirai K, et al.
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  • Damone LA, Barbagallo M, Mastromarco M, Mengoni A, Colonna N, Cosentino L, et al.
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  • De Gerone M, Biasotti M, Ceriale V, Dressler R, Faverzani M, Ferri E, et al.
    163Ho distillation and implantation for the HOLMES experiment
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  • De Gerone M, Alpert B, Becker D, Bennett D, Biasotti M, Ceriale V, et al.
    Probing the absolute neutrino mass scale with 163Ho: the HOLMES project
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2019; 936: 252-253.
  • Eichler R
    The periodic table of elements: superheavy in chemistry
    Nuclear Physics News. 2019; 29(1): 11-15.
  • Eichler R
    The periodic table – an experimenter's guide to transactinide chemistry
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  • Gawlik A, Lederer-Woods C, Andrzejewski J, Battino U, Ferreira P, Gunsing F, et al.
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    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2019; 100(4): 045804 (10 pp.).
  • Gracheva N, Müller C, Talip Z, Heinitz S, Köster U, Zeevaart JR, et al.
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    EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. 2019; 4: 12 (16 pp.).
  • Guerrero C, Tessler M, Paul M, Lerendegui-Marco J, Heinitz S, Maugeri EA, et al.
    The s-process in the Nd-Pm-Sm region: neutron activation of 147Pm
    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2019; 797: 134809 (6 pp.).
  • Gäggeler HW, Usoltsev I, Eichler R
    Reactions of fission products from a 252Cf source with NO and mixtures of NO and CO in an inert gas
    Radiochimica Acta. 2019; 107(7): 555-560.
  • Heftrich T, Weigand M, Düllmann CE, Eberhardt K, Fiebiger S, Glorius J, et al.
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    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2019; 99(6): 065810 (6 pp.).
  • Herb S, Schiffer M, Spanier R, Heinze S, Stolz A, Bussmann L, et al.
    First AMS measurements of 60Fe/Fe isotopic ratios at the Cologne 10 MV tandem accelerator
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2019; 461: 166-170.
  • Ionescu P, Eichler R, Türler A
    Superheavy element Cn (Z = 112) & Fl (Z = 114) - selenium interaction using COLD setup
    Presented at: 6th international conference on the chemistry and physics of the transactinide elements (TAN 19); August 25-30, 2019; Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
  • Khuyagbaatar J, Yakushev A, Düllmann CE, Ackermann D, Andersson L-L, Asai M, et al.
    Fusion reaction 48Ca+249Bk leading to formation of the element Ts (Z=117)
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2019; 99(5): 054306 (16 pp.).
  • Kraus B, Eichler R, Sato TK, Steinegger P, Dressler R, Herrmann D, et al.
    Vacuum chromatography on the long hard road to the accelerator
    Presented at: 6th international conference on the chemistry and physics of the transactinide elements (TAN19)6th international conference on the chemistry and physics of the transactinide elements (TAN19); August 25-30, 2019; Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
  • Lederer-Woods C, Battino U, Ferreira P, Gawlik A, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, et al.
    Measurement of 73Ge(n,γ) cross sections and implications for stellar nucleosynthesis
    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2019; 790: 458-465.
  • Lin M, Kajan I, Schumann D, Türler A
    A concept for disposal of highly acidic spent nuclear fuel solutions at PSI
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2019; 322(3): 1857-1862.
  • Massimi C, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin l., Bécares V, et al.
    Data for the s process from n_TOF
    In: Formicola A, Junker M, Gialanella L, Imbriani G, eds. Nuclei in the cosmos XV. Vol. 219. Springer proceedings in physics. Cham: Springer; 2019:63-70.
  • Mastromarco M, Manna A, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bacak M, et al.
    Cross section measurements of 155,157Gd(n, γ) induced by thermal and epithermal neutrons
    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2019; 55(1): 9 (20 pp.).
  • Mertens MAJ, Aerts A, Infante I, Neuhausen J, Cottenier S
    Po-containing molecules in fusion and fission reactors
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2019; 10(11): 2879-2884.
  • Mikolajczak R, van der Meulen NP, Lapi SE
    Radiometals for imaging and theranostics, current production, and future perspectives
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  • Müller C, De Prado Leal M, Dominietto MD, Umbricht CA, Safai S, Perrin RL, et al.
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  • Müller C, Singh A, Umbricht CA, Kulkarni HR, Johnston K, Benešová M, et al.
    Preclinical investigations and first-in-human application of 152Tb-PSMA-617 for PET/CT imaging of prostate cancer
    EJNMMI Research. 2019; 9(1): 68 (10 pp.).
  • Müller C, Umbricht CA, Gracheva N, Tschan VJ, Pellegrini G, Bernhardt P, et al.
    Terbium-161 for PSMA-targeted radionuclide therapy of prostate cancer
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2019; 46(9): 1919-1930.
  • Pretze M, van der Meulen N P, Wängler C, Schibli R, Wängler B
    Targeted 64Cu-labeled gold nanoparticles for dual imaging with positron emission tomography and optical imaging
    Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 2019; 62(8): 471-482.
  • Schumann D, Kivel N, Dressler R
    Production and characterization of 60Fe standards for accelerator mass spectrometry
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  • Siwowska K, Guzik P, Domnanich KA, Monné Rodríguez JM, Bernhardt P, Ponsard B, et al.
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  • Skawran A, Adamczak A, Antognini A, Berger N, Cocolios TE, Dressler R, et al.
    Towards nuclear structure with radioactive muonic atoms. The nuclear charge radius of radioactive isotopes from measurements of muonic X-rays
    Nuovo Cimento C. 2019; 42(2-3): 125 (4 pp.).
  • Studer D, Heinitz S, Heinke R, Naubereit P, Dressler R, Guerrero C, et al.
    Atomic transitions and the first ionization potential of promethium determined by laser spectroscopy
    Physical Review A. 2019; 99(6): 062513 (8 pp.).
  • Tagliente G, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Babiano-Suarez V, et al.
    Nuclear astrophysics at n_TOF facility, CERN
    In: Cerutti F, Ferrari A, Kawano T, Salvat-Pujol F, Talou P, eds. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms. Geneva: CERN; 2019:251-258.
  • Tassan-Got L, Colonna N, Diakaki M, Eleme Z, Manna A, Sekhar A, et al.
    Fission program at n_TOF
    In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. WONDER-2018 - 5th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 211. EPJ Web of Conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2019:03006 (9 pp.).
  • Tomandl I, Vacík J, Köster U, Viererbl L, Maugeri EA, Heinitz S, et al.
    Measurement of the 7Be(n, p) cross section at thermal energy
    Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 2019; 99(1): 014612 (6 pp.).
  • Umbricht CA, Köster U, Bernhardt P, Gracheva N, Johnston K, Schibli R, et al.
    Alpha-PET for prostate cancer: preclinical investigation using 149Tb-PSMA-617
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  • Wright T, Bennett S, Heinitz S, Köster U, Mills R, Soldner T, et al.
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    European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei. 2019; 55(11): 200 (7 pp.).
  • Zhang J, Singh A, Kulkarni HR, Schuchardt C, Müller D, Wester H-J, et al.
    From bench to bedside—the Bad Berka experience with first-in-human studies
    Seminars in Nuclear Medicine. 2019; 49(5): 422-437.
  • van der Meulen NP, Hasler R, Blanc A, Farkas R, Benešová M, Talip Z, et al.
    Implementation of a new separation method to produce qualitatively improved 64Cu
    Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 2019; 62(8): 460-470.


  • ANITA (Advanced Network for Isotope and TArget Laboratories) - the Urgent Need for a European Target Preparation Network Schumann D, Sibbens G, Stolarz A, Eberhardt K, Lommel B, Stodel C
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  • High efficiency cyclotron trap assisted positron moderator Gerchow L, Braccini S, Carzaniga T S, Cooke D, Döbeli, M, Kirch K, Köster U, Müller A, Van Der Meulen N P, Vermeulen C, Rubbia A, Crivelli P
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  • Measurement and analysis of the Am-241 neutron capture cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Altstadt S, Andriamonje S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Balibrea J, Bécares V, Barbagallo M, Becvár F, Belloni F, Berthier B, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Carrapiço C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Diakaki M, Dillmann I, Domingo-Pardo C, Durán I, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Furman V, Gómez-Hornillos MB, Ganesan S, García AR, Giubrone G, Gonçalves IF, González E, Goverdovski A, Gramegna F, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Gurusamy P, Heftrich T, Heinitz S, Hernández-Prieto A, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Karadimos D, Katabuchi T, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Kroll J, Krticka M, Lampoudis C, Langer C, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Leong LS, Lerendegui-Marco J, Licata M, López D, Losito R, Manousos A, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mastromarco M, Mengoni A, Milazzo PM, et al
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  • Measurement and resonance analysis of the S-33(n,alpha)Si-30 cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility in the energy region from 10 to 300 keV Praena J, Sabaté-Gilarte M, Porras I, Quesada JM, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Barbagallo M, Becvár F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Carrapiço C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Diakaki M, Dietz M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Durán I, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Furman V, Göbel K, Gómez-Hornillos MB, Ganesan S, García AR, Giubrone G, Gonçalves IF, González-Romero E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Heftrich T, Hernández-Prieto A, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Karadimos D, Katabuchi T, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Kivel N, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Kroll J, Krticka M, Lampoudis C, Langer C, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer-Woods C, Leeb H, Leong LS, Lerendegui-Marco J, Losito R, Mallick A, Manousos A, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mastromarco M, Mendoza E, Mengoni A, Milazzo PM, et al
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  • Nuclear structure with radioactive muonic atoms Adamczak A, Antognini A, Berger N, Cocolios TE, Dressler R, Eggenberger A, Eichler R, Indelicato P, Jungmann K, Kirch K, Knecht A, Papa A, Pohl R, Pospelov M, Rapisarda E, Reiter P, Ritjoho N, Roccia S, Severijns N, Skawran A, Wauters F, Willmann L
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  • Preparation and characterization of three Be-7 targets for the measurement of the Be-7(n, p)Li-7 and  Be-7(n, alpha )He-4 reaction cross sections Maugeri EA, Heinitz S, Dressler R, Barbagallo M, Ulrich J, Schumann D, Colonna N, Köster U, Ayranov M, Vontobel P, Mastromarco M, Schell J, Correia Martins J, Stora T
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  • Preparation and characterization of S-33 samples for S-33(n,alpha)Si-30 cross-section measurements at the n_TOF facility at CERN Praena J, Ferrer FJ, Vollenberg W, Sabaté-Gilarte M, Fernández B, García-López J, Porras I, Quesada JM, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Barbagallo M, Becvár F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Carrapiço C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Diakaki M, Dietz M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Durán I, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Furman V, Göbel K, Gómez-Hornillos MB, Ganesan S, García AR, Giubrone G, Gonçalves IF, González-Romero E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Heftrich T, Hernández-Prieto A, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Karadimos D, Katabuchi T, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Kivel N, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Kroll J, Krticka M, Lampoudis C, Langer C, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Leong LS, Lerendegui-Marco J, Losito R, Mallick A, Manousos A, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, Mastinu P, et al
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  • Production and separation of Ho-163 for nuclear physics experiments Heinitz S, Kivel N, Schumann D, Köster U, Balata M, Biasotti M, Ceriale V, De Gerone M, Faverzani M, Ferri E, Gallucci G, Gatti F, Giachero A, Nisi S, Nucciotti A, Orlando A, Pessina G, Puiu A, Ragazzi S
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  • Radiative neutron capture on Pu-242 in the resonance region at the CERN n_TOF-EAR1 facility Lerendegui-Marco J, Guerrero C, Mendoza E, Quesada J M, Eberhardt K, Junghans A R, Krticka M, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Becares V, Bacak M, Balibrea J, Barbagallo M, Barros S, Becvar F, Beinrucker C, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Caamano M, Calvino F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Castelluccio D M, Cerutti F, Chen Y H, Chiaveri E, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Cosentino L, Damone L A, Diakaki M, Dietz M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Duran I, Fernandez-Dominguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Furman V, Goebel K, Garcia A R, Gawlik A, et al
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  • Scandium and terbium radionuclides for radiotheranostics: current state of development towards clinical application Müller C, Domnanich K, Umbricht C, van der Meulen N
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  • Solubility Thermodynamics of CyMe4-BTBP in Various Diluents Mixed with TBP Halleröd J, Ekberg C, Kajan I, Aneheim E
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  • The Feasibility of Studying Ti-44(alpha,p)V-47 Reaction at Astrophysical Energies Al-Abdullah T, Bemmerer D, Elekes Z, Schumann D
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  • A direct method for unfolding the resolution function from measurements of neutron induced reactions Zugec P, Colonna N, Sabate-Gilarte M, Vlachoudis V, Massimi C, Lerendegui-Marco J, Stamatopoulos A, Bacak M, Warren SG
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  • Activity measurement of Fe-60 through the decay of Co-60m and confirmation of its half-life Ostdiek Karen M, Anderson Tyler S, Bauder William K, Bowers Matthew R, Clark Adam M, Collon Philippe, Lu Wenting, Nelson Austin D, Robertson Daniel, Skulski Michael, Dressler Rugard, Schumann Dorothea, Greene John P, Kutschera Walter, Paul Michael
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  • Analysis of the Gd-148 and Dy-154 Content in Proton-Irradiated Lead Targets Talip Z, Pfister S, Dressler R, David J C, Vögele A, Vontobel P, Michel R, Schumann D
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  • Characterization of the n_TOF EAR-2 neutron beam Chen YH, Tassan-Got L, Audouin L, Le Naour C, Durán I, Casarejos E, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Bécares V, Bacak M, Balibrea J, Barbagallo M, Barros S, Becvár F, Beinrucker C, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Caamaño M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Castelluccio DM, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Cosentino L, Damone LA, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Furman V, Göbel K, Gómez-Hornillos MB, García AR, Gawlik A, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Harada H, Heftrich T, Heinitz S, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Katabuchi T, Kavrigin P, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Kimura A, Kivel N, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Lerendegui-Marco J, Meo SLo, Lonsdale SJ, Losito R, Macina D, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, et al
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  • Clinical evaluation of the radiolanthanide terbium-152: first-in-human PET/CT with Tb-152-DOTATOC Baum Richard P, Singh A, Benesová M, Vermeulen C, Gnesin S, Köster U, Johnston K, Müller D, Senftleben S, Kulkarni Harshad R, Türler A, Schibli R, Prior John O, van der Meulen Nicholas P, Müller C
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  • Diamond detectors for high-temperature transactinide chemistry experiments Steinegger P, Dressler R, Eichler R, Piguet D, Streuli S, Türler A
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  • Evaluation of the first Sc-44-labeled Affibody molecule for imaging of HER2-expressing tumors Honarvar H, Müller C, Cohrs S, Haller S, Westerlund K, Karlström A, van der Meulen NP, Schibli R, Tolmachev V
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  • High precision measurement of the radiative capture cross section of U-238 at the n_TOF CERN facility Mingrone F, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Barbagallo M, Becvár F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Carrapiço C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Durán I, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Furman V, Göbel K, Gómez-Hornillos MB, Ganesan S, García AR, Giubrone G, Gonçalves IF, González E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Heftrich T, Hernández-Prieto A, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Karadimos D, Katabuchi T, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Kivel N, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Kroll J, Krticka M, Lampoudis C, Langer C, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Leong LS, Lerendegui-Marco J, Losito R, Mallick A, Manousos A, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mastromarco M, Mendoza E, Mengoni A, Milazzo PM, Mirea M, Mondelaers W, Paradela C, Pavlik A, et al
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  • High-accuracy determination of the neutron flux in the new experimental area n_TOF-EAR2 at CERN Sabate-Gilarte M, Barbagallo M, Colonna N, Gunsing F, Zugec P, Vlachoudis V, Chen Y H, Stamatopoulos A, Lerendegui-Marco J, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Villacorta A, Guerrero C, Damone L, Audouin L, Berthoumieux E, Cosentino L, Diakaki M, Finocchiaro P, Musumarra A, Papaevangelou T, Piscopo M, Tassan-Got L, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Becares V, Bacak M, Baccomi R, Balibrea J, Barros S, Becvar F, Beinrucker C, Belloni F, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Caamano M, Calvino F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Castelluccio D M, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Cortes G, Deo K, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Duran I, et al
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  • In-flight annihilation correction for 511 keV photon spectrometry Steyn GF, Dolley SG, Szelecsényi F, Kovács Z, van der Meulen NP, Vermeulen C
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  • Measurement of Sc-43 and Sc-44 production cross-section with an 18 MeV medical PET cyclotron Carzaniga T, Auger M, Braccini S, Bunka M, Ereditato A, Nesteruk K, Scampoli P, Türler A, van der Meulen N
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  • Measurement of the Am-241 neutron capture cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Altstadt S, Andriamonje S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Balibrea J, Bécares V, Barbagallo M, Becvár F, Belloni F, Berthier B, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Carrapiço C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Diakaki M, Dillmann I, Domingo-Pardo C, Durán I, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Fernández-Ordóñez M, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Furman V, Gómez-Hornillos MB, Ganesan S, García AR, Giubrone G, Gonçalves IF, González E, Goverdovski A, Gramegna F, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Gurusamy P, Heftrich T, Heinitz S, Hernández-Prieto A, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Karadimos D, Katabuchi T, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Kroll J, Krticka M, Lampoudis C, Langer C, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Leong LS, Lerendegui-Marco J, Licata M, Losito R, Manousos A, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mastromarco M, Mengoni A, et al
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 11022 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714611022
  • Measurement of the Pu-240(n,f) cross-section at the CERN n_TOF facility: First results from experimental area II (EAR-2) Stamatopoulos A, Tsinganis A, Colonna N, Vlastou R, Kokkoris M, Schillebeeckx P, Plompen A, Heyse J, ?ugec P, Barbagallo M, Calviani M, Berthoumieux E, Chiaveri E, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Bacak M, Balibrea J, Barros S, Becvár F, Beinrucker C, Belloni F, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Caamaño M, Calviño F, Cano-Ott D, Cerutti F, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Cosentino L, Damone LA, Deo K, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Durán I, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Frost RJW, Furman V, Göbel K, Gómez-Hornillos MB, García AR, Gheorghe I, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Harada H, Heftrich T, Heinitz S, Hernández-Prieto A, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Katabuchi T, Kavrigin P, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Kimura A, Kivel N, Krticka M, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Lerendegui-Marco J, Licata M, Meo SLo, Losito R, et al
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 04030 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714604030
  • Measurement of the U-238(n,gamma) cross section up to 80 keV with the Total Absorption Calorimeter at the CERN n_TOF facility Wright T, Guerrero C, Billowes J, Cano-Ott D, Mendoza E, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Barbagallo M, Becvár F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Carrapiço C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Diakaki M, Dietz M, Domingo-Pardo C, Durán I, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Furman V, Gómez-Hornillos MB, Ganesan S, García AR, Giubrone G, Gonçalves IF, González-Romero E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Gunsing F, Gurusamy P, Heftrich T, Hernández-Prieto A, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Karadimos D, Katabuchi T, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Kroll J, Krticka M, Lampoudis C, Langer C, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Leong LS, Lerendegui-Marco J, Losito R, Manousos A, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mengoni A, Milazzo PM, Mingrone F, Mirea M, Paradela C, Pavlik A, Perkowski J, Praena J, Quesada JM, Rauscher T, Schumann D, et al
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C 96, 064601 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.064601
  • Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the fissile isotope U-235 with the CERN n_TOF total absorption calorimeter and a fission tagging based on micromegas detectors Balibrea-Correa J, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Krticka M, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Becares V, Barbagallo M, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calvino F, Calviani M, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Duran I, Eleftheriadis C, the n TOF Collaboration
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 11021 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714611021
  • Measuring the electron neutrino mass with improved sensitivity: the HOLMES experiment Giachero A, Alpert BK, Becker DT, Bennett DA, Biasotti M, Brofferio C, Ceriale V, Ceruti G, Corsini D, Day PK, Gerone MDe, Dressler R, Faverzani M, Ferri E, Fowler JW, Fumagalli E, Gallucci G, Gard JD, Gatti F, Hays-Wehle JP, Heinitz S, Hilton GC, Köster U, Lusignoli M, Mates JAB, Nisi S, Nucciotti A, Orlando A, Parodi L, Pessina G, Pizzigoni G, Puiu A, Ragazzi S, Reintsema CD, Gomes MRibeiro, Schmidt DR, Schumann D, Siccardi F, Sisti M, Swetz DS, Terranova F, Ullom JN, Vale LR
    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/02/C02046
  • Monte carlo simulations of the n_TOF lead spallation target with the Geant4 toolkit: A benchmark study Lerendegui-Marco J, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Guerrero C, Quesada JM, Lo Meo S, Massimi C, Barbagallo M, Colonna N, Mancussi D, Mingrone F, Sabaté-Gilarte M, Vannini G, Vlachoudis V, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bacak M, Balibrea J, Becvár F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brown A, Caamaño M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Cerutti F, Chen YH, Chiaveri E, Cortés G, Cosentino L, Damone LA, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Durán I, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Göbel K, Gómez-Hornillos MB, García AR, Gawlik A, Gilardoni S, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González E, Griesmayer E, Gunsing F, Harada H, Heinitz S, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Kalamara A, Kavrigin P, Kimura A, Kivel N, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, Kurtulgil D, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Lonsdale SJ, Macina D, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Masi A, Mastinu P, Mastromarco M, Maugeri EA, Mazzone A, et al
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 03030 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714603030
  • Neutron Capture Cross Sections of the s-Process Branching Points Pm-147, Tm-171, and Tl-204 Guerrero C, Domingo-Pardo C, Lerendegui-Marco J, Casanovas A, Cortes-Giraldo Miguel A, Dressler R, Halfon S, Heinitz S, Kivel N, Köster U, Paul M, Quesada-Molina J, Schumann D, Tarifeño-Saldivia A, Tessler M, Weissman L
    JPS Conference Proceedings 14, 010903 (2017).
    DOI: 10.7566/JPSCP.14.010903
  • Neutron capture cross section measurement of U-238 at the CERN n_TOF facility in the energy region from 1 eV to 700 keV Mingrone F, Massimi C, Vannini G, Colonna N, Gunsing F, Zugec P, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Hernandez-Prieto A, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kivel N, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, et al
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C 95, 034604 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.95.034604
  • Neutron spectroscopy of Mg-26 states: Constraining the stellar neutron source Ne-22(alpha, n)Mg-25 Massimi C, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bisterzok S, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Castelluccio D M, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Cosentino L, Chin M, Clai G, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Cristallo S, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Finocchiaro P, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Hernandez-Prieton A, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kivel N, et al
    PHYSICS LETTERS B 768, 1-6 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2017.02.025
  • New measurement of the Pu-242(n,gamma) cross section at n_TOF-EAR1 for MOX fuels: Preliminary results in the RRR Lerendegui-Marco J, Guerrero C, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Quesada JM, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Eberhardt K, Junghans A, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bacak M, Balibrea J, Barbagallo M, Becvár F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brown A, Caamaño M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Cerutti F, Chen YH, Chiaveri E, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cosentino L, Damone LA, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Durán I, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Göbel K, Gómez-Hornillos MB, García AR, Gawlik A, Gilardoni S, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González E, Griesmayer E, Gunsing F, Harada H, Heinitz S, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Kalamara A, Kavrigin P, Kimura A, Kivel N, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, Kurtulgil D, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Meo SLo, Lonsdale SJ, Macina D, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Masi A, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mastromarco M, Maugeri EA, Mazzone A, Mengoni A, Milazzo PM, et al
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 11045 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714611045
  • On the volatility of nihonium (Nh, Z = 113) Aksenov Nikolay V, Steinegger P, Abdullin Farid Sh, Albin Yury V, Bozhikov Gospodin A, Chepigin Viktor I, Eichler R, Lebedev Vyacheslav Ya, Madumarov Alexander Sh, Malyshev Oleg N, Petrushkin Oleg V, Polyakov Alexander N, Popov Yury A, Sabel?nikov Alexey V, Sagaidak Roman N, Shirokovsky Igor V, Shumeiko Maksim V, Starodub Gennadii Ya, Tsyganov Yury S, Utyonkov Vladimir K, Voinov Alexey A, Vostokin Grigory K, Yeremin Alexander V, Dmitriev Sergey N
    The European Physical Journal A 53, 158 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1140/epja/i2017-12348-8
  • Preparation of Be-7 targets for nuclear astrophysics research Maugeri E A, Heinitz S, Dressler R, Barbagallo M, Kivel N, Schumann D, Ayranov M, Musumarra A, Gai M, Colonna N, Paul M, Halfon S, Cosentino L, Finocchiaro P, Pappalardo A
    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/02/P02016
  • Production and separation of Sc-43 for radiopharmaceutical purposes Domnanich Katharina A, Eichler R, Müller C, Jordi S, Yakusheva V, Braccini S, Behe M, Schibli R, Türler A, van der Meulen Nicholas P
    EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry 2, 14 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1186/s41181-017-0033-9
  • Production, separation and target preparation of Tm-171 and Pm-147 for neutron cross section measurements Heinitz Stephan, Maugeri Emilio A, Schumann Dorothea, Dressler Rugard, Kivel Niko, Guerrero Carlos, Köster Ullrich, Tessler Moshe, Paul Michael, Halfon Shlomi
    RADIOCHIMICA ACTA 105, 801-811 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1515/ract-2016-2728
  • Sc-44-PSMA-617 for radiotheragnostics in tandem with Lu-177-PSMA-617: Preclinical investigations in comparison with Ga-68-PSMA-11 and Ga-68-PSMA-617 Umbricht Christoph A, Benesová M, Schmid Raffaella M, Türler A, Schibli R, van der Meulen Nicholas P, Müller C
    EJNMMI Research 7, 9 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1186/s13550-017-0257-4
  • Sc-47 as useful (beta-)-emitter for the radiotheragnostic paradigm: a comparative study of feasible production routes Domnanich Katharina A, Müller C, Benesová M, Dressler R, Haller S, Köster U, Ponsard B, Schibli R, Türler A, van der Meulen Nicholas P
    EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry 2, 5 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1186/s41181-017-0024-x
  • Separation of weighable amounts of Be-10 from proton irradiated graphite Heinitz S, Kiselev D, Kivel N, Schumann D
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.10.012
  • The S-33(n,alpha)Si-30 cross section measurement at n_TOF-EAR2 (CERN): From 0.01 eV to the resonance region Sabaté-Gilarte M, Praena J, Porras I, Quesada JM, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Bacak M, Balibrea-Correa J, Barbagallo M, Barros S, Becvár F, Beinrucker C, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Camaño M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Castelluccio DM, Cerutti F, Chen YH, Chiaveri E, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Cosentino L, Damone LA, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Durán I, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Furman V, Gödel K, García-Rios A, Gawlik A, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Harada H, Heftrich T, Heinitz S, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Katabuchi T, Kavrigin P, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Kimura A, Kivel N, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Lerendegui-Marco J, Meo SLo, Lonsdale SJ, Losito R, Macina D, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, et al
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 08004 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714608004
  • The U-236 neutron capture cross-section measured at the n_TOF CERN facility Mastromarco M, Barbagallo M, Vermeulen MJ, Colonna N, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Becvár F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Carrapiço C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Durán I, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Furman V, Gómez-Hornillos MB, Ganesan S, García AR, Giubrone G, Gonçalves IF, González E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Gurusamy P, Heftrich T, Heinitz S, Hernández-Prieto A, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Karadimos D, Katabuchi T, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Kroll J, Krticka M, Lampoudis C, Langer C, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Leong LS, Lerendegui-Marco J, Licata M, Losito R, Manousos A, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mendoza E, Mengoni A, Milazzo PM, Mingrone F, Mirea M, Mondelaers W, Paradela C, Pavlik A, et al
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 11054 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714611054
  • The measurement programme at the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN Gunsing F, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Bacak M, Balibrea-Correa J, Barbagallo M, Barros S, Becvár F, Beinrucker C, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brown A, Brugger M, Caamaño M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Castelluccio DM, Cerutti F, Chen YH, Chiaveri E, Colonna N, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Cortés G, Cosentino L, Damone LA, Deo K, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Durán I, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Frost RJW, Furman V, Ganesan S, García AR, Gawlik A, Gheorghe I, Gilardoni S, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Göbel K, Harada H, Heftrich T, Heinitz S, Hernández-Prieto A, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Kalamara A, Katabuchi T, Kavrigin P, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Kimura A, Kivel N, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, Kurtulgil D, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Lerendegui J, Licata M, et al
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 11002 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714611002
  • The n_TOF facility: Neutron beams for challenging future measurements at CERN Chiaveri E, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bacak M, Balibrea J, Barbagallo M, Becvár F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brown A, Caamaño M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Cerutti F, Chen YH, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Cosentino L, Damone LA, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Durán I, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Göbel K, García AR, Gawlik A, Gilardoni S, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González E, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Harada H, Heinitz S, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Kalamara A, Kavrigin P, Kimura A, Kivel N, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, Kurtulgil D, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Lerendegui-Marco J, Meo SLo, Lonsdale SJ, Macina D, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Masi A, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mastromarco M, Maugeri EA, Mazzone A, Mendoza E, Mengoni A, Milazzo PM, Mingrone F, Musumarra A, Negret A, Nolte R, et al
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 03001 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714603001
  • Therapeutic Radiometals Beyond Lu-177 and Y-90: Production and Application of Promising alpha-Particle, beta-Particle, and Auger Electron Emitters Müller C, van der Meulen Nicholas P, Benesová M, Schibli R
    DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.116.186825
  • Time-of-flight and activation experiments on Pm-147 and Tm-171 for astrophysics Guerrero C, Lerendegui-Marco J, Domingo-Pardo C, Casanovas A, Dressler R, Halfon S, Heinitz S, Kivel N, Köster U, Paul M, Quesada-Molina JM, Schumann D, Tarifeño-Saldivia A, Tessler M, Weissman L, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bacak M, Balibrea J, Barbagallo M, Becvar F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brown A, Caamaño M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Cerutti F, Chen YH, Chiaveri E, Colonna N, Cortés G, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Cosentino L, Damone LA, Diakaki M, Dupont E, Durán I, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Göbel K, García AR, Gawlik A, Gilardoni S, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González E, Griesmayer E, Gunsing F, Harada H, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Kalamara A, Kavrigin P, Kimura A, Kivel N, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, Kurtulgil D, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Meo SLo, Lonsdale SJ, Macina D, Marganiec J, Martínez T, Masi A, Massimi C, Mastinu P, Mastromarco M, et al
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 01007 (2017).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714601007


  • 44Sc for labeling of DOTA- and NODAGA-functionalized peptides: preclinical in vitro and in vivo investigations Domnanich Katharina A, Müller C, Farkas R, Schmid Raffaella M, Ponsard B, Schibli R, Türler A, van der Meulen Nicholas P
    EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry 1, (2016).
    DOI: 10.1186/s41181-016-0013-5
  • 64 Cu- and 68 Ga-Based PET Imaging of Folate Receptor-Positive Tumors: Development and Evaluation of an Albumin-Binding NODAGA?Folate Farkas R, Siwowska K, Ametamey SM, Schibli R, van der Meulen NP, Müller C
    MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS 13, 1979 (2016).
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.6b00143
  • Ab initio study of the trapping of polonium on noble metals Rijpstra Kim, Van Yperen-De Deyne Andy, Maugeri Emilio Andrea, Neuhausen Joerg, Waroquier Michel, Van Speybroeck Veronique, Cottenier Stefaan
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 472, 35-42 (2016).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.01.026
  • Adsorption of volatile polonium and bismuth species on metals in various gas atmospheres: Part I - Adsorption of volatile polonium and bismuth on gold Maugeri E, Neuhausen J, Eichler R, Dressler R, Rijpstra K, Cottenier S, Piguet D, Vögele A, Schumann D
    RADIOCHIMICA ACTA 104, 757-767 (2016).
    DOI: 10.1515/ract-2016-2573
  • Adsorption of volatile polonium species on metals in various gas atmospheres: Part II - Adsorption of volatile polonium on platinum, silver and palladium Maugeri E, Neuhausen J, Misiak R, Eichler R, Dressler R, Piguet D, Vögele A, Schumann D
    RADIOCHIMICA ACTA 104, 769-779 (2016).
    DOI: 10.1515/ract-2016-2575
  • Advances in chemical investigations of the heaviest elements Rudolph D, Türler A
    EPJ Web of Conferences 131, 07001 (2016).
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201613107001
  • Alpha-PET with terbium-149: evidence and perspectives for radiotheragnostics Müller C, Vermeulen C, Köster U, Johnston K, Türler A, Schibli R, van der Meulen Nicholas P
    EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry 1, (2016).
    DOI: 10.1186/s41181-016-0008-2
  • An improved method for estimating the neutron background in measurements of neutron capture reactions Zugec P, Bosnar D, Colonna N, Gunsing F, n_TOF collaboration
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  • Distribution and surface enrichment of radionuclides in lead-bismuth eutectic from spallation targets Hammer-Rotzler B, Neuhausen J, Boutellier V, Wohlmuther M, Zanini L, David JC, Türler A, Schumann D
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  • Fossil and non-fossil source contributions to atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols during extreme spring grassland fires in Eastern Europe Ulevicius V, Bycenkiene S, Bozzetti C, Vlachou A, Plau?kait? K, Mordas G, Dudoitis V, Abbaszade G, Remeikis V, Garbaras A, Masalaite A, Blees J, Fröhlich R, Dällenbach Kaspar R, Canonaco F, Slowik Jay G, Dommen J, Zimmermann R, Schnelle-Kreis J, Salazar Gary A, Agrios K, Szidat S, El Haddad I, Prévôt ASH
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  • How Radioactive Samples and Targets Can Help to Better Understand the Big Bang Theory Schumann D, Barbagallo M, Stora T, Köster U, Gai M
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  • Imaging quality of Sc-44 in comparison with five other PET radionuclides using Derenzo phantoms and preclinical PET Bunka Maruta, Mueller Cristina, Vermeulen Christiaan, Haller Stephanie, Tuerler Andreas, Schibli Roger, van der Meulen Nicholas P
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  • Interaction of elemental mercury with selenium surfaces: model experiments for investigations of superheavy elements copernicium and flerovium Chiera NM, Aksenov NV, Albin YV, Bozhikov GA, Chepigin VI, Dmitriev SN, Dressler R, Eichler R, Lebedev VYa, Madumarov A, Malyshev ON, Piguet D, Popov YA, Sabelnikov AV, Steinegger P, Svirikhin AI, Türler A, Vostokin GK, Vögele A, Yeremin AV
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  • Land Use Affects Carbon Sources to the Pelagic Food Web in a Small Boreal Lake Molinero J, Rinta P, van Hardenbroek M, Jones Roger I, Kankaala P, Rey F, Szidat S, Wooller Matthew J, Heiri O
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  • Microscopic interaction of single atomic elemental Hg with a sulfur surface Chiera N, Eichler R, Piguet D, Vögele A, Türler A
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  • Nuclear data activities at the n_TOF facility at CERN Gunsing F, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Bacak M, Balibrea-Correa J, Barbagallo M, Barros S, Becvár F, Beinrucker C, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Caamaño M, Calviño F, Calviani M, Cano-Ott D, Cardella R, Casanovas A, Castelluccio DM, Cerutti F, Chen YH, Chiaveri E, Colonna N, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Cortés G, Cosentino L, Damone LA, Deo K, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Dupont E, Durán I, Fernández-Domínguez B, Ferrari A, Ferreira P, Finocchiaro P, Frost RJW, Furman V, Ganesan S, García AR, Gawlik A, Gheorghe I, Glodariu T, Gonçalves IF, González E, Goverdovski A, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Göbel K, Harada H, Heftrich T, Heinitz S, Hernández-Prieto A, Heyse J, Jenkins DG, Jericha E, Käppeler F, Kadi Y, Katabuchi T, Kavrigin P, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Kimura A, Kivel N, Kokkoris M, Krti?ka M, Leal-Cidoncha E, Lederer C, Leeb H, Lerendegui J, Licata M, Lo Meo S, Lonsdale SJ, Losito R, Macina D, et al
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  • Secondary organic aerosol origin in an urban environment: influence of biogenic and fuel combustion precursors Minguillón MC, Pérez N, Marchand N, Bertrand A, Temime-Roussel B, Agrios K, Szidat S, van Drooge B, Sylvestre A, Alastuey A, Reche C, Ripoll A, Marco E, Grimalt JO, Querol X
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  • Source apportionment and dynamic changes of carbonaceous aerosols during the haze bloom-decay process in China based on radiocarbon and organic molecular tracers Liu J, Li J, Liu D, Ding P, Shen C, Mo Y, Wang X, Luo C, Cheng Z, Szidat S, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Zhang G
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  • Status of the HOLMES detector development Nucciotti A, Alpert B, Becker D, Bennett D, Biasotti M, Brofferio C, Ceriale V, Ceruti G, Corsini D, Day P, De Gerone M, Dressler R, Faverzani M, Ferri E, Fowler J, Fumagalli E, Gard J, Gatti F, Giachero A, Hays-Wehle J, Heinitz S, Hilton G, Koester U, Lusignoli M, Maino M, Mates J, Nisi S, Nizzolo R, Orlando A, Parodi L, Pessina G, Pizzigoni G, Puiu A, Ragazzi S, Reintsema C, Ribeiro-Gomes M, Schmidt D, Schumann D, Siccardi F, Sisti M, Swetz D, Terranova F, Ullom J, Vale L
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  • Superheavy Element Chemistry - New Experimental Results Challenge Theoretical Understanding Eichler R
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  • Vacuum Chromatography of TI on SiO2 at the Single-Atom Level Steinegger Patrick, Asai Masato, Dressler Rugard, Eichler Robert, Kaneya Yusuke, Mitsuka Akina, Nagame Yuichiro, Piguet Dave, Sato Tetsuya K, Schaedel Matthias, Takeda Shinsaku, Toyoshima Atsushi, Tsukada Kazuaki, Tuerler Andreas, Vascon Alessi
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  • Binding of Th, Pa, Pb, Po and Be radionuclides to marine colloidal macromolecular organic matter Chuang Chia-Ying, Santschi Peter H, Wen Liang-Saw, Guo Laodong, Xu Chen, Zhang Saijin, Jiang Yuelu, Ho Yi-Fang, Schwehr Kathleen A, Quigg Antonietta, Hung Chin-Chang, Ayranov Marin, Schumann Dorothea
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  • Influence of organic matter on the adsorption of Pb-210, Po-210, Be-7 and their fractionation on nanoparticles in seawater Yang Weifeng, Guo Laodong, Chuang Chia-Ying, Santschi Peter H, Schumann Dorothea, Ayranov Marin
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  • Molecular level characterization of diatom-associated biopolymers that bind Th-234, Pa-233, Pb-210, and Be-7 in seawater: A case study with Phaeodactylum tricornutum Chuang Chia-Ying, Santschi Peter H, Xu Chen, Jiang Yuelu, Ho Yi-Fang, Quigg Antonietta, Guo Laodong, Hatcher Patrick G, Ayranov Marin, Schumann Dorothea
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  • NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Lawrencium bridges a knowledge gap Tuerler Andreas
    NATURE 520, 166-167 (2015).
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  • Ni-63(n,gamma) cross sections measured with DANCE Weigand M, Bredeweg T A, Couture A, Goebel K, Heftrich T, Jandel M, Kaeppeler F, Lederer C, Kivel N, Korschinek G, Krticka M, O'Donnell J M, Ostermoeller J, Plag R, Reifarth R, Schumann D, Ullmann J L, Wallner A
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  • Nitrogen-Doping in ZnO via Combustion Synthesis? Soellradl Stefan, Greiwe Magnus, Bukas Vanessa J, Buchner Magnus R, Widenmeyer Marc, Kandemir Timur, Zweifel Tobias, Senyshyn Anatoliy, Guenther Sebastian, Nilges Tom, Tuerler Andreas, Niewa Rainer
    CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 27, 4188-4195 (2015).
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  • Preparatory studies for a high-precision Penning-trap measurement of the Ho-163 electron capture Q-value Schneider F, Beyer T, Blaum K, Block M, Chenmarev S, Dorrer H, Duellmann Ch E, Eberhardt K, Eibach M, Eliseev S, Grund J, Koester U, Nagy Sz, Novikov Yu N, Renisch D, Tuerler A, Wendt K
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  • Production and characterization of Th-228 calibration sources with low neutron emission for GERDA Baudis L, Benato G, Carconi P, Cattadori C, De Felice P, Eberhardt K, Eichler R, Petrucci A, Tarka M, Walter M
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  • Radiochemical Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Proton-Irradiated Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Hammer Bernadette, Neuhausen Joerg, Boutellier Viktor, Wohlmuther Michael, Tuerler Andreas, Schumann Dorothea
    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 87, 5656-5663 (2015).
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00955
  • Radiochemical determination of I-129 and Cl-36 in MEGAPIE, a proton irradiated lead-bismuth eutectic spallation target Hammer-Rotzler Bernadette, Neuhausen Joerg, Vockenhuber Christof, Boutellier Viktor, Wohlmuther Michael, Tuerler Andreas, Schumann Dorothea
    RADIOCHIMICA ACTA 103, 745-758 (2015).
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  • Scandium-44 DOTATOC PET/CT: First in-human molecular imaging of neuroendocrine tumors and possible perspectives for Theranostics Singh Aviral, Baum Richard, Klette Ingo, van der Meulen Nick, Mueller Cristina, Tuerler Andreas, Schibli Roger
  • Selected spectroscopic results on element 115 decay chains Rudolph D, Forsberg U, Golubev P, Sarmiento L G, Yakushev A, Andersson L-L, Di Nitto A, Dullmann Ch E, Gates J M, Gregorich K E, Gross C J, Herzberg R-D, Hessberger F P, Khuyagbaatar J, Kratz J V, Rykaczewski K, Schaedel M, Aberg S, Ackermann D, Block M, Brand H, Carlsson B G, Cox D, Derkx X, Eberhardt K, Even J, Fahlander C, Gerl J, Jaeger E, Kindler B, Krier J, Kojouharov I, Kurz N, Lommel B, Mistry A, Mokry C, Nitsche H, Omtvedt J P, Papadakis P, Ragnarsson I, Runke J, Schaffner H, Schausten B, Thoerle-Pospiech P, Torres T, Traut T, Trautmann N, Tuerler A, Ward A, Ward D E, et al
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  • Settling the Half-Life of Fe-60: Fundamental for a Versatile Astrophysical Chronometer Wallner A, Bichler M, Buczak K, Dressler R, Fifield L K, Schumann D, Sterba J H, Tims S G, Wallner G, Kutschera W
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 114, 041101 (2015).
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  • Thermal neutron capture cross section of the radioactive isotope Fe-60 Heftrich T, Bichler M, Dressler R, Eberhardt K, Endres A, Glorius J, Gobel K, Hampel G, Heftrich M, Kappeler F, Lederer C, Mikorski M, Plag R, Reifarth R, Stieghorst C, Schmidt S, Schumann D, Slavkovska Z, Sonnabend K, Wallner A, Weigand M, Wiehl N, Zauner S
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C 92, 015806 (2015).
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  • Towards a measurement of the half-life of Fe-60 for stellar and early Solar System models Ostdiek K, Anderson T, Bauder W, Bowers M, Collon P, Dressler R, Greene J, Kutschera W, Lu W, Paul M, Robertson D, Schumann D, Skulski M, Wallner A
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.05.033
  • Vapor deposition coating of fused silica tubes with amorphous selenium Chiera N M, Eichler R, Voegele A, Tuerler A
    THIN SOLID FILMS 592, 8-13 (2015).
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  • Viscosity controls humidity dependence of N2O5 uptake to citric acid aerosol Grzinic G, Bartels-Rausch T, Berkemeier T, Tuerler A, Ammann M
    ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 15, 13615-13625 (2015).
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  • ALPHA-PHOTON COINCIDENCE SPECTROSCOPY ALONG ELEMENT 115 DECAY CHAINS Rudolph D, Forsberg U, Golubev P, Sarmiento L G, Yakushev A, Andersson L-L, Di Nitto A, Duellmann Ch E, Gates J M, Gregorich K E, Gross C J, Herzberg R-D, Hessberger F P, Khuyagbaatar J, Kratz J V, Rykaczewski K, Schaedel M, Aberg S, Ackermann D, Block M, Brand H, Carlsson B G, Cox D, Derkx X, Eberhardt K, Even J, Fahlander C, Gerl J, Jaeger E, Kindler B, Krier J, Kojouharov I, Kurz N, Lommel B, Mistry A, Mokry C, Nitsche H, Omtvedt J P, Papadakis P, Ragnarsson I, Runke J, Schaffner H, Schausten B, Thoerle-Pospiech P, Torres T, Traut T, Trautmann N, Tuerler A, Ward A, Ward D E, et al
    ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 45, 263-272 (2014).
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  • Anti-L1CAM radioimmunotherapy is more effective with the radiolanthanide terbium-161 compared to lutetium-177 in an ovarian cancer model Gruenberg Juergen, Lindenblatt Dennis, Dorrer Holger, Cohrs Susan, Zhernosekov Konstantin, Koester Ulli, Tuerler Andreas, Fischer Eliane, Schibli Roger
    DOI: 10.1007/s00259-014-2798-3
  • C-14 ANALYSIS AND SAMPLE PREPARATION AT THE NEW BERN LABORATORY FOR THE ANALYSIS OF RADIOCARBON WITH AMS (LARA) Szidat Soenke, Salazar Gary A, Vogel Edith, Battaglia Michael, Wacker Lukas, Synal Hans-Arno, Tuerler Andreas
    RADIOCARBON 56, 561-566 (2014).
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  • Capture Cross Section of U-236: the n_TOF Results Barbagallo M, Colonna N, Vermeulen M J, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Hernandez-Prieto A, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kivel N, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, Kroll J, Lampoudis C, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 45-47 (2014).
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  • Cross Sections and Excitation Functions for the Production of Long-lived Radionuclides in Nuclear Reactions of Lead and Bismuth with Protons Schumann D, David J -Ch
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 288-291 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.079
  • Direct in vitro and in vivo comparison of Tb-161 and Lu-177 using a tumour-targeting folate conjugate Mueller Cristina, Reber Josefine, Haller Stephanie, Dorrer Holger, Bernhardt Peter, Zhernosekov Konstantin, Tuerler Andreas, Schibli Roger
    DOI: 10.1007/s00259-013-2563-z
  • Equilibrium evaporation of trace polonium from liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at high temperature Gonzalez Prieto B, Van den Bosch J, Martens J A, Neuhausen J, Aerts A
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 450, 299-303 (2014).
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  • Erratum to ?The production of 82Sr using larger format RbCl targets? [Appl. Radiat. Isotopes 72 (2013) 96?99] van der Meulen N P, van der Walt T N, Steyn G F, Raubenheimer H G
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  • Evaporation of mercury impurity from liquid lead-bismuth eutectic Aerts A, Danaci S, Prieto B Gonzalez, Van den Bosch J, Neuhausen J
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 448, 276-281 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.02.013
  • First principles based modeling of the adsorption of atoms of element 120 on a gold surface Demidov Yuriy, Zaitsevskii Andrei, Eichler Robert
    DOI: 10.1039/C3CP54485K
  • High-precision Measurement of the U-238(n,gamma) Cross Section with the Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC) at n_TOF, CERN Wright T, Guerrero C, Billowes J, Ware T, Cano-Ott D, Mendoza E, Massimi C, Mingrone F, Gunsing F, Berthoumieux E, Lampoudis C, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Gomez-Hornillos M B, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Giubrone G, Gurusamy P, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 26-30 (2014).
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  • Important role of biomolecules from diatoms in the scavenging of particle-reactive radionuclides of thorium, protactinium, lead, polonium, and beryllium in the ocean: A case study with Phaeodactylum tricornutum Chuang Chia-Ying, Santschi Peter H, Jiang Yuelu, Ho Yi-Fang, Quigg Antonietta, Guo Laodong, Ayranov Marin, Schumann Dorothea
    LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY 59, 1256-1266 (2014).
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  • In-situ formation, thermal decomposition, and adsorption studies of transition metal carbonyl complexes with short-lived radioisotopes Even Julia, Yakushev Alexander, Duellmann Christoph Emanuel, Dvorak Jan, Eichler Robert, Gothe Oliver, Hartmann Willy, Hild Daniel, Jaeger Egon, Khuyagbaatar Jadambaa, Kindler Birgit, Kratz Jens Volker, Krier Joerg, Lommel Bettina, Niewisch Lorenz, Nitsche Heino, Pysmenetska Inna, Schaedel Matthias, Schausten Brigitta, Tuerler Andreas, Wiehl Norbert, Wittwer David
    RADIOCHIMICA ACTA 102, 1093-1110 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1515/ract-2013-2198
  • Investigation of Neutron-induced Reactions at n_TOF: an Overview of the 2009-2012 Experimental Program Guerrero C, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Gomez-Hornillos M B, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Gunsing F, Gurusamy P, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kivel N, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Korschinek G, Krticka M, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 5-9 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.004
  • Measurement of the Am-241 and the Am-243 Neutron Capture Cross Sections at the n_TOF Facility at CERN Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Guerrero C, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Gomez-Hornillos M B, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Gunsing F, Gurusamy P, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kivel N, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Korschinek G, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 65-68 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.020
  • Measurement of the C-12(n, p)B-12 cross section at n_TOF at CERN by in-beam activation analysis Zugec P, Colonna N, Bosnar D, Mengoni A, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Cosentino L, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Dressler R, Duran I, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Finocchiaro P, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Gomez-Hornillos M B, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Gurusamy P, Heinitz S, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kivel N, Kokkoris M, et al
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C 90, 021601 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.021601
  • Measurement of the Fe-54,Fe-57(n,gamma) Cross Section in the Resolved Resonance Region at CERN n_TOF Giubrone G, Domingo-Pardo C, Tain J L, Lederer C, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Duran I, Dressler R, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Gomez-Hornillos M B, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Gurusamy P, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kivel N, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 117-120 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.033
  • Measurement of the Neutron Capture Cross Section of the Fissile Isotope 235U with the CERN n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter and a Fission Tagging Based on Micromegas Detectors Balibrea J, Mendoza E, Cano Ott D, Guerrero C, Kivel N, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 10 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.005
  • Measurement of the Neutron Capture Cross Section of the Fissile Isotope U-235 with the CERN n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter and a Fission Tagging Based on Micromegas Detectors Balibrea J, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Guerrero C, Berthoumieux E, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Gomez-Hornillos M B, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Gunsing F, Gurusamy P, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kawano T, Kivel N, Koehler P, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 10-13 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.005
  • Measurement of the Pu-242(n,f) Cross Section at the CERN n_TOF Facility Tsinganis A, Berthoumieux E, Guerrero C, Colonna N, Calviani M, Vlastou R, Andriamonje S, Vlachoudis V, Gunsing F, Massimi C, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chin M, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Dzysiuk N, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Gomez-Hornillos M B, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Gurusamy P, Hernandez-Prieto A, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 58-60 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.018
  • Measurement of the U-238 Radiative Capture Cross Section with C6D6 at the CERN n_TOF Facility Mingrone F, Massimi C, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Hernandez-Prieto A, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kivel N, Koehler P, Kokkoris M, Krticka M, Kroll J, Lampoudis C, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 18-21 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.007
  • New Measurement of the Mg-25(n,gamma) Reaction Cross Section Massimi C, Koehler P, Mingrone F, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Becvar F, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Garcia A R, Giubrone G, Goncalves I F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Hernandez-Prieto A, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Kivel N, Krticka M, Kroll J, Lampoudis C, Langer C, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 110-112 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.031
  • Non-uniform polonium distribution in lead-bismuth eutectic revealed by evaporation experiments Prieto B Gonzalez, Lim J, Marien A, Rosseel K, Martens J A, Van den Bosch J, Neuhausen J, Aerts A
    DOI: 10.1007/s10967-014-3264-1
  • Polonium evaporation from dilute liquid metal solutions Rizzi Matthias, Neuhausen Joerg, Eichler Robert, Tuerler Andreas, Mendonca Tania Melo, Stora Thierry, Prieto Borja Gonzalez, Aerts Alexander, Schumann Dorothea
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 450, 304-313 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.01.047
  • Preclinical application of Sc-47-folate - A pilot study in tumor-bearing mice Mueller Cristina, Bunka Maruta, Haller Stephanie, Koester Ulli, van der Meulen Nicholas, Tuerler Andreas, Schibli Roger
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 41, 638-638 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2014.05.026
  • Preparation and high intensity heavy ion irradiation tests of intermetallic Am-243/Pd targets Usoltsev I, Eichler R, Vostokin G K, Sabel'nikov A V, Aksenov N V, Albin Y V, Bozhikov G A, Chepigin V I, Dmitriev S N, Lebedev V Ya, Malyshev O N, Petrushkin O V, Piguet D, Starodub G Ya, Svirikhin A I, Tuerler A, Yeremin A V
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2013.10.019
  • Promising Prospects for Sc-44-/Sc-47-Based Theragnostics: Application of Sc-47 for Radionuclide Tumor Therapy in Mice Mueller Cristina, Bunka Maruta, Haller Stephanie, Koester Ulli, Groehn Viola, Bernhardt Peter, van der Meulen Nicholas, Tuerler Andreas, Schibli Roger
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 55, 1658-1664 (2014).
    DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.114.141614
  • Radiochemical Determination of Polonium in Liquid Metal Spallation Targets Hammer B, Schumann D, Neuhausen J, Wohlmuther M, Tuerler A
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 280-283 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.077
  • Sc-44 production development from Ca-44 for radiopharmaceutical application Bunka M, Mueller C, Domnanich K A, Schibli R, Tuerler A, van der Meulen N P
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 41, 646-646 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2014.05.051
  • Solution enthalpy of Po and Te in solid lead-bismuth eutectic Rijpstra Kim, Van Yperen-De Deyne Andy, Neuhausen Joerg, Van Speybroeck Veronique, Cottenier Stefaan
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 450, 287-291 (2014).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.07.004
  • Spin Measurements of n+Sr-87 for Level Density Studies Gunsing F, Fraval K, Mathelie M, Valenta S, Becvar F, Rusev G, Tonchev A P, Mitchell G, Baramsai B, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becares V, Belloni F, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Boccone V, Bosnar D, Brugger M, Calviani M, Calvino F, Cano-Ott D, Carrapico C, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Colonna N, Cortes G, Cortes-Giraldo M A, Diakaki M, Domingo-Pardo C, Duran I, Dressler R, Eleftheriadis C, Ferrari A, Ganesan S, Garcia R, Giubrone G, Goncalves F, Gonzalez-Romero E, Griesmayer E, Guerrero C, Hernandez-Prieto A, Jenkins D G, Jericha E, Kadi Y, Kaeppeler F, Karadimos D, Koehler P, et al
    NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 119, 132-136 (2014).
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  • Study of heavy-ion induced fission for heavy-element synthesis Nishio K, Ikezoe H, Hofmann S, Hessberger F P, Ackermann D, Antalic S, Aritomo Y, Comas V F, Duellman Ch E, Gorshkov A, Graeger R, Heinz S, Heredia J A, Hirose K, Khuyagbaatar J, Kindler B, Kojouharov I, Lommel B, Makii H, Mann R, Mitsuoka S, Nagame Y, Nishinaka I, Ohtsuki T, Popeko A G, Saro S, Schaedel M, Tuerler A, Wakabayashi Y, Watanabe Y, Yakushev A, Yeremin A V
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  • Study of the Ti-44(alpha, p)V-47 reaction and implications for core collapse supernovae Margerin V, Murphy A St J, Davinson T, Dressler R, Fallis J, Kankainen A, Laird A M, Lotay G, Mountford D J, Murphy C D, Seiffert C, Schumann D, Stowasser T, Stora T, Wang C H -T, Woods P J
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