LRC Seminar Program 2024

19 February, ODRA-11

13:00–14:00 Guest Speaker – Prof. Dr. Xiaolin Hou (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, CN) 
 "Analysis of ultra-low level anthropogenic radionuclides for tracing environmental processes" 

14:00-14:15 Break 

14:15–15:15 Guest Speaker – Dr. Maya Jäggi (PSI, Villigen PSI, CH) 
"Decommissioning at PSI – Radioanalytics Laboratory"

15:15–16:15 Paul Dutheil 
"Flow-electrolytic approach for separation and analysis of radionuclides"

5 April, ODRA-11

14:00–15:00 Guest Speaker – Dr. Andreas Knecht (PSI, Villigen PSI, CH) 
"Muon research at PSI today and in the future"

15:00-15:15 Break 

15:15–16:15 Dr. Ðorde Cvjetinovic 
"Green radiochemistry for sustainable development"

16:15–17:15 Noemi Cerboni 
"Different source preparation techniques for Auger electron spectroscopy"


3 May, ODRA-11

14:00–15:00 Guest Speaker – Prof. Dr. Jonathan W. Engle (University of Wisconsin, Madison, US) 
"Small cyclotron theranostics" 

15:00-15:15 Break 

15:15–16:15 Xiaohan Pan 
"Removal of radionuclides from nuclear wastewater by radiation-induced graft polymeric adsorbents" 

16:15–17:15 Edoardo Renaldin 
"Holmium Radioisotopes for Nuclear Medicine: Recent Progress and Future Steps"


14 June, OSGA/EG06

13:00–14:00 Guest Speaker – Prof. Dr. Anna L. Smith (TU Delft, Delft, NL) 
"Nuclear Materials Research at TU Delf" 

14:00-14:15 Break 

14:15–15:15 Ivan Zivadinovic 
"Release behavior of Po and Te from LBE-cooled reactors"

15:15–16:15 Georg Tiebel 
"Development and commissioning of a buffer gas cell for in vacuo chemistry experiments"